

Efua’s POV

I parked my SUV in the garage and got out of the car tired as hell. I needed some rest from the day’s work and the traffic I got into was not funny at all.

"Welcome Ma," Akpan greeted with a huge grin as he bowed slightly.

"Thank you Akpan how are you?"

"Fine ma,"

"Good," I said making my way to the front door. At least he had a good day unlike me.

I opened the front door and my day couldn't get any better as I was greeted with the sight of my mother’s husband in some boxer shorts and a tank top greets me. He was actually a built man but his pot belly contradicted this feature and at the same time disgusted me. It wasn’t the kind of pot belly you’d get from too much junk food but the kind gotten from excessive drinking.

"God no," I groaned loud enough for him to hear.

"And good evening to you also," he greeted taking a sip of whatever he was drinking and changing the channel.

"Whatever," I retorted heading upstairs to my room.