
Futanari Ghouls in Tokyo

In an alternate Tokyo Ghoul universe, female ghouls differ from humans in one extra way: they have long, throbbing hard cocks. As a human who was only turned into a ghoul through medical experimentation, Ken Kaneki could have no idea of his new peers additional appendages. But as he will soon find out, these ghoul gals are eager to get their hands, and cocks, all over Kaneki.

DaoistjQtMkq · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Kaneki's new job at Anteiku

"What are you doing, you idiot!"

Kaneki raised a hand to sheepishly rub his hair as Touka scolded him. He hadn't meant to spill the coffee, of course. But he was new to this. He'd never had a job before, much less one that required specific knowledge like working at a coffee shop did. The manager had shown him how to brew coffee correctly about 10 times now, but he had yet to get it down properly.

"Sorry Touka." Kaneki gave her a small smile with his apology, and received a glare in response. Kaneki thought she was rather scary to work with, and was glad when Kaya, one of the gentler employees at Anteiku came to help him. She took the cup from his hands and reminded him of how to properly prepare a new one.

Kaneki may have been scared of Touka, but he didn't hate her.

The rant she'd given him when he first came seeking help may have been traumatizing, but Kaneki couldn't deny that he had come to sympathize with her after listening to what she said.

So no, he didn't despise her for her unpleasant behavior. The fact that she was so cute helped him forgive her too.

Later that night, Touka walked back from her the library to Anteiku. As a high school student, she normally spent a decent amount of time there, but she had been spending more there than usual.

It wasn't because of she had been assigned more work at school or because she was particularly fascinated with any subject, it was because she couldn't bear to spend any more time at Anteiku than she had to.

It was all Kaneki's fault really. That idiot just infuriated her so much. Who did he think he was, to come into their society as a human, and act like he had it bad? He had lived a lovely little life for 19 years, and just because he suffered for 2 weeks as a ghoul he expected the world to pity him? Well he wouldn't receive any pity from her.

Even more annoying than his attitude was how damn cute he was. His gentle face, so often adorned by that damn smile. Every time Touka saw it her heart pounded just a little bit faster. And the way he was so kind and earnest in everything he did. His naivety was just as endearing as it was annoying. And his hair looked so soft she just wanted to thread her fingers through and play with it for hours.

The worst part about him was what he did to her cock though. The way it throbbed every time she caught a glimpse of his face. The way she couldn't help but get hard at the sight of what looked like the tightest, cutest butt she'd ever seen in her life. Touka hated how attractive she found Kaneki.

She had been raised as a bit of a romantic — her parents had a long lasting, loving relationship, and she expected the same in life. And so for her cock to seemingly be so infatuated with that idiot, it really didn't make any sense to her. Yet she couldn't count the number of times she had spent her breaks at work jerking off to fantasies of Kaneki.

She was just lucky Kaya was the one closing Anteiku tonight. Yoshimura didn't trust Kaneki with the closing shift yet, so he hadn't figured out that she lived in Anteiku's second floor. And she planned to keep it that way.