
Fury Road Across Dimensions

Chaos... Well that's one way to describe the possibility of the outcome to this story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A young asian boy, brought on by a ridiculous encounter. What encounter you ask? Who knows. Maybe the first chapter would tell you.... hehe. __________________________ Well this is a Self-Insert 1-3 Chapters per week. 3 if i feel so, Enjoy. I don't own anything related to CrossOut. Credits go to the owners of CrossOut

Ryuu_Gei · ゲーム
2 Chs

Mc Info

[User Information]

Name: Sergei.... (Surname Unknown)

Age: 17

Race: Mutated Human (Unknown Species)


[Guitar proficiency]: Novice

⟨Language Proficiency⟩

[English]: Moderate

[Tagalog]: Moderate

⟨Knowledge Proficiency⟩

[Science]: Moderate

[Math]: Moderate

[History]: Moderate


[Enhanced Durability]

- Due to the CrossOut Virus mutated strain, Host has exponentially increased durability. Capable of withstanding explosions with fatal injuries leading to second degree burns.

[Enhanced Learning]

- Ability to learn at a quicker pace.

[Illuminating Eyes]

- Mutated strain of virus grants the host mutated eyesight. Can allow you to see at night clearly.

- Eyesight has the ability to produce light.

- Intensity of light varies according to users control

- Can be deactivated with enough control

[Dimensional Rift]

- Mutated ability.

- Can travel across dimensions/universes

Charge: 0/2,000

ETA: 2,000 Days.