
Returning Back

After some moments, she exclaimed in surprise, "Woah! I didn't know that Iza-tan is so cute. I should have come and met you sooner."

Izashi didn't retort and just gave a kind smile to her, it was the only thing he could do right now as he continued to observe the Rias being crowned by the Elders.

Soon, it was his own turn as he heard his name being called out, "Izashi Gremory, step forwards." Izashi ignored Serafall, who was about to say, "So, do you know about me?"

She suddenly spinned around and spoke, "I am the one and only magical girl in the show of Miracle Leviatan~"

Of course, Izashi knew about this fact but he had never seen it so he didn't know what to say, he deduced that it would be better to ignore her for now and just stepped forwards.

He faced the experienced elders from the Bael Clan who were the ones crowning them with the Evil Pieces.

He heard them mutter silently, "Let's hope that the devil population gets replenished and we can take over the heavens soon enough. Long live Satan!"

Izashi didn't interrupt them in between, simply not his business. His eyes remained fixed on the Elder standing right in front of him, who started speaking, "We crown you with your set of Evil Pieces. But remember, the day you use it against us devils is the day you are going to be stripped of using it."

'It sounds more like a monologue rather than what you are going to do.' Was what Izashi was thinking as he heard the Elder.

Soon, another person stepped forwards with a crown in his hand and put it above Izashi's head. The crown mysteriously glowed, giving off a Shining Red Light before it entered his body and disappeared.

Izashi's eyes remained closed as he was once again in a very familiar place, his own consciousness. He saw the Crown coming in contact with the Red Energy as it completely enveloped it.

Izashi was curious as to what it would be like if it entered that Golden Energy, he controlled the Golden Energy, the size of a strand of hair and connected it with the Crown.

It was simply an experiment, he wanted to see how the Dragon Bloodline would react to this if it was exposed to the King Piece.

However, the next thing was something he didn't expect, the Crowns' size and power increased rapidly. It started to shine once again but before he could observe, the crown was tinted with the Golden Energy!

He was curious for it's abilities but there was one thing he was completely sure of, it was definitely more powerful than the original one. It's majestic presence was enough of a proof for that.

Izashi's consciousness returned back to the real world and he stepped forwards and touched the monument standing erect right in front of him and thought 'So, this thing is made from the same material as the Crown piece. Or should I say King piece.'

His heart went slightly faster but it slowly calmed down as he saw an Elder approaching with a Box in his hands.

He knew that the Evil Pieces were inside this box and couldn't wait to try them, but the problem was, he didn't want to use it on someone with low potential or on a man. Izashi had planned to make a harem with his peerage, he wasn't going to go around and recruit a man.

Izashi bent his body till mid-way as he informed them, "Then I shall take my leave elders."

The elders nodded back before the transportation symbols with different crest appeared above their head and they disappeared from the place.

Izashi turned around with a wide smile on his face as he saw Akeno and Serafall chatting with each other. He was a little curious to what they were talking about but he had an inkling of an idea that it was about him.

He turned towards Rias who also seemed very happy after receiving her own pieces, she jumped at him while speaking in an excited tone, "We have finally received our Evil Pieces Iza-tan."

She went forward and started hugging him tightly while grinding her developing chest against his own chest. Of course, Izashi didn't mind this situation, he hand slowly moved around her back as if caressing her.

His soft and kind voice entered her ears, "Yes Ria-tan. I am very happy for you as well. Do you know Ria-tan, I want to try out something later? Will you help me out please? Only you can help me out with this problem."

He tried convincing her with his kind voice and gave a pleading look from his eyes, as for Rias, she was more than happy to help him and exclaimed, "Of course Iza-tan. I will help you in whatever you want."

Izashi hugged her back as he smiled while replying, "Good then. Very good." He saw Serafall leaving the place while Akeno turned towards him and jumped at him.

It seems as if she was holding back herself due to the presence of the maou, but now that she was gone, she didn't hold back herself and crashed right into Izashi.

Izashi fell down on the ground but both Rias and Akeno on top of him, his hands were somewhere around their ass as he tried to grab it to understand what he was holding.

He found that it was somewhat soft and opened his eyes, he saw the position in which they were laying on the ground, he released their ass from his hands as he tried to say in a suffocated voice, "Get up now."

Akeno and Rias nodded their heads, it seemed like they didn't mind the fact that he had just fondled their asses. They remained quiet about that as Akeno started speaking in an excited voice, "So, doesn't that mean that you can turn be into devil? Please do so Iza-tan, I want to be a member of your peerage."

To this, Izashi replied back to her with a smile of his own, "Let's talk about this tomorrow. I want to try out something, alright?"

Akeno nodded her head and didn't ask any further, however Izashi continued, "If the thing i am trying today doesn't go well then I will make you one of my piece, alright?"

Hearing this, Akeno wasn't sure whether she should pray that the thing he is trying today goes well or shouldn't. In the end, she decided to stop thinking about it as they returned back to the Gremory Household.

At this time, the Gremory House was organizing a party since both of their children received the Evil Pieces at the same time. Venelana, Sirzechs and Zeoticus were busy managing with the guests while they had instructed for Grayfia to take care of Izashi and Rias when they returned.

Soon, the teleportation symbol with the seal of gremory lit up and she saw 3 children in the house. Grayfia had a neutral expression as she blessed them, "Congratulations on becoming kings, Rias-sama, Izashi-sama."

Rias had a wide grin as she replied back, "Thank you sister." Meanwhile, Izashi just nodded back while revealing a small smile.

He requested Grayfia and Akeno, "Can you both please go out for now? I want to talk to Ria-tan about something." They didn't mind at all, they couldn't really say anything if he didn't want to talk to them about this.

Grayfia had an indifferent expression while Akeno was a little discontent as she also wanted to know what they were going to talk about.

However, she didn't voice out her questions, she could always ask him laters anyways. Both of them left the room leaving them alone.

Rias turned towards Izashi as her heart started pumping slightly faster as she asked him, "So, Iza-tan, what did you want to talk about?"
