
CHAPTER 52 He’s back

  I checked my phone. If there's anything I should be sad about it's that, it's been days without any conversation. Is he too busy now? I just fell asleep thinking. The next day the house became busy due to the arrival of my brother, Jax.

  HE just came back from his out of the country.


  I came to him and embraced him. He did the same and kissed the side of my head. He has this casual expression.

  "Did you enjoyed? You’ve been gone for so long." I jokingly punched his arm.

  He just smirked at me and handed me a paper bag. My grin grew immediately. ‘Pasalubongs’ are the best.

  "Thank you!" I jumped to him.

  "Son," daddy greeted him.

  He took it seriously.I awkwardly stepped back so I could give them space. Are their pitfalls still not settled? Seems like it’s been so long huh? At the table, he and daddy continued their greetings.

  "Yeah, it's great. I had to extend some days because of this one client."