
The Pyramid

As we approached the pyramid, we began to realize just how large it was. It was about 300ish feet tall. (which is about 2/3rds of the Great Pyramid Of Giza's height.)

"Jesus Christ, that thing is massive!"

"Still don't know who that is or why you use his name as a statement."

"Think of it like how you say 'Gods'."

"Oh, so he was a figure of worship whose name slowly became a statement of wonder or surprise through some form of misuse."

"Not entirely correct, but you have the general idea of what it means."

We decided to end the short conversation there, and focused on heading towards the giant pyramid.

-10 minutes later-

We had reached the pyramid, but we had forgotten one small fact: we have no idea where the entrance is.

And so, we began to search the entire pyramid for an entrance.

It took us about five minutes to look up and see the entrance at the top of the pyramid.

"Why would they put the entrance so far up the pyramid?!"

Jacob responded instantly with a different question.

"Maybe they could fly? it would make more sense that way."

Isaac decided to add his opinion to our conversation.

"That would make sense if they could fly, but I can't. Can I just blow a hole in this pyramid so we can enter instead of walking that far up?"

Jacob almost yelled out his disagreement with Isaac's idea.

"No! What if there is a mural depicting the time when this pyramid was built! I will not have you defile this piece of historic gold!"

I decided that I should never damage anything that might have a history around Jacob unless I wanted to die.

"Ok then, no explosives inside the very fragile pyramid."

And so we began our short trek up the pyramid.

-2 minutes later-

We finally reached the entrance to the pyramid, which was pitch black inside. We decided that Isaac was our designated torch-bearer due to his choice of weapons.

I turned to Jacob with a look that said 'what do we do now?'.

"We have reached the pyramid, and now we move onto the next step: Exploration!"

'Exploring an ancient pyramid left behind by an unknown race of beings with an unknown culture, how could this go wrong?'

"I am not looking forward to this in the slightest."

Isaac decided to voice his agreement.

"Kid, you have the right mindset for this kind of thing. The problem with unexplored ruins is that they might hide things that should never be unearthed. I just hope that we didn't enter a ruin that has something like that."

"Me too. I do NOT want to end up running from some evil mummy trying to murder us."

"Good thing that living mummies aren't real then, right?"

"It is a good thing, and I will never think otherwise."

Jacob decided to cut our conversation short.

Can we begin the unearthing of these ruins? I want to see some unseen history."

I looked at him and he was smiling a bit too wide. I guess he was a bit excited to see some unseen history.

We decided that it would be a good idea to begin our exploration before dark, and so we began.

We entered and immediately realized just how old these ruins were since the place had a literal wall of webs blocking our path.

I looked at the webs with a bit of apprehension, but Jacob and Isaac were looking at the webs with joy.

"Why do you guys look so excited to see some webs?"

They responded in unison.

"Because we can craft silk out of these webs, and that means that we can make beds and blankets!"

I could only join in on their excitement since the nights in Terraria were surprisingly cold, and as I said yesterday, I do NOT like the cold.

"This expedition is one of the best choices we have ever made."

They both nodded in agreement.

"It is!"

I realized something at that moment, and my face immediately went pale.

"Wait. If there are webs... does that mean that there are spiders?"

They both realized what I meant, and they agreed with my reobtained apprehension of the webs. But then I had a great idea:

throw a glowstick into the webs. It will light up part of the webs and let us see if there are any spiders.

I immediately tested my plan out and sighed in relief as I saw there weren't any spiders hiding in the webs.

With that assuring sight, we began harvesting the webs like they were going to disappear.

We were smiling happily after our short 'looting session', but we had to move deeper sooner or later. And we did about 5 minutes later.

We walked forward, deeper into the giant pyramid filled with mysteries.

As we walked deeper, we noticed a 'small' detail: There were eyes in the darkness ahead of us. A lot of them. I threw a glowstick at the eyes and watched as the glowstick rolled up an stopped short of one of the legs of the giant monsters.

I could only say one thing:

"Um... guys? I think we found the spiders."

They both nodded in agreement.

Isaac decided to say something.

"I think I have an idea."

"Oh? What is it?"

Isaac only responded with one word:


And then proceeded to throw his torch at the spiders, in hopes that they were surrounded in webs.

They were.

I never knew a spider could scream, but I guess I got to find out today.

I was both scared and happy after the spiders were killed. Scared at how easy it was to kill them, but happy that they were erased from the face of the planet.

Isaac decided to speak up first

"Well, you win some and you lose some."

I responded with a tone that made it seem that my words were the undeniable truth.

"We lost nothing in this exchange, and you know it."

Jacob only said one line and returned to being silent.

"I still wish I didn't have to see those."

We decided to banish the memory of the spiders to the deepest recesses of our minds.

We decided to head even deeper, and we went through the rest of the pyramid without any incidents. Besides the collapsing staircase, that is.

We all had the same response to falling through the floor: Surprise.


We fell dozens of feet only to land in a room with images carved into the walls. It was filled with bags of coins and a single chest.

Isaac decided to collect the bags of coins since he was a person who dealt with money.

Jacob immediately ran towards the walls, since they were the one thing he was looking for when we entered these ruins.

And finally, I went towards the ordinary-looking chest. I opened it expecting something like the magic mirror or the Hermes' Boots.

I looked at the contents, noticing two unique-looking items sitting in it.

It was a small bottle filled with what seemed to be swirling sand, and a brown medallion that seemed to depict a horned worm. I decided to look at the medallion last since it seemed to be something that has more importance than a 'bottle of sand'.

[Sandstorm in a Bottle

allows the holder to do an improved double jump]

I was not disappointed by what the bottle was, so I decided to see what the medallion was.

When I looked at the description, I could not help but frown.

[Desert Medallion

The desert sand stirs...]

"That doesn't sound ominous in the slightest..."

Isaac decided to announce his presence next to me.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because all its description says is 'The desert sand stirs...'."

It was Isaac's turn to frown after I told him the description.

"Yeah, that is a pretty ominous-sounding description. I wouldn't worry about it, it probably has something to do with causing sandstorms or something."

"Yeah, that would make sense."

We decided to head over to Jacob to see what he was looking at.

"Hey, Jacob? What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at these ancient murals. They are depicting the past of the people who had inhabited this place. I even learned that I was correct in guessing that they could fly."

"That's both surprising and unsurprising since they made the entrance so far up. What else did you learn?"

"That they worshipped some deity that looked like a giant sandworm. They believed that it caused sandstorms. I never knew about a god that could do that."

"That would explain the medallion that I found..."

"What medallion?"

I held out the desert medallion.

"This one."

"Huh, it looks exactly like the head of the sandworm. Interesting."

"Isaac and I think it causes sandstorms."

"That would explain the depiction of the sandworm."

"I think we have been here long enough, I want to get back home and relax after this adventure."

"I agree, let's leave this place for now."

We all headed towards the exit door, ready to head home after the rather uneventful journey to the pyramid.

Too bad we never knew that the medallion DID summon something. It just wasn't a sandstorm.

I try to make this story have a few chapters with less fighting and more character interaction.

I hope you enjoyed!

Also, what would you guys think of an auxiliary chapter where I list the bosses that Talon will fight? it might be slightly useless, though, since you guys could just look up what the bosses are.

Cold_Housefirecreators' thoughts