
Chapter 25

Christina King.

It was past ten and I was back in the comfort of my room.

Hours in the house of the Susan's felt like a year. Every single thing in that house was out to get me. The children were pranksters and they were very good at it. If all went the way they planed, I could've had my meal explode in front of me, the chair beneath me break and not just that, I could've also been escorted by Jenifer to her room where the worst would've happened. At the end of the day, I missed every single one of them and that was enough to put a smile on my face.

I didn't see Harley after she angrily left the table earlier. I got back downstairs with my face and dress cleaned, met everyone else having ice cream which was weird cause I literally left a few minutes ago but whatever and finally, I didn't get to have my steak or ice cream cause things just happened to go my way.