
FRAGMENTS: Stormbound

Nero Calvin's life was abruptly extinguished by a man named Gray. But death was not the end for Nero. With the aid of the Genesis System, he was granted a second chance, a chance to rebuild his body and wield unimaginable power. Now revived, Nero possesses not only the Genesis System but also the Storm Dragon fragment, a cherished heirloom passed down by his father. Driven by revenge and a burning desire to uncover the truth about the fragment, Nero sets out to confront Gray. With the combined might of the Genesis System and the Storm Dragon fragment coursing through his veins, Nero embarks on a dangerous journey, HIs determination is unwavering as he seeks justice and unravels the mysteries that lie in his path. Revenge fuels his every step, and the storm of retribution looms on the horizon. Nero Calvin is no longer the man he once was. He is now a force to be reckoned with, ready to face the darkness that stands in his way and rewrite his destiny. All images are AI generated. This is an original work and is my first official book.

Oldsoldier · ファンタジー
8 Chs

C 7: Arrival

Nero's unconscious form descended through a swirling vortex, landing with a soft thud on the dew-kissed grass. A mystical forest enveloped him, a realm of enchantment painted in hues of emerald and azure. Towering ancient trees with silver-lined leaves stood as guardians, their branches intertwining like a cathedral ceiling overhead.

The air hummed with magic, and the scent of blooming blossoms danced on a gentle breeze. Ethereal wisps of light flickered around, illuminating the path ahead. A crystalline lake shimmered nearby, mirroring the celestial canopy above. Its waters held a serene stillness, disturbed only by the occasional ripple that teased the reflection of the moon.

In this enchanted haven, where time seemed to waltz at its own pace, a girl appeared with a basket that had some fruits and herbs in them. She had a blue rustic dress on . Beside her was a sturdy young man that looked very similar to her looking around carefully.

"Elara this isn't a good idea. We shouldn't have entered the forest, let alone get this far inside." The boy said, tensing up at any sound that he hears in the forest.

"Ugh, for the last time Aiden, if you're scared you're free to go back." the girl, Elara said while rolling her eyes.

"I'm not scared Elara, and I already told you as your elder brother it's my job to protect you. So I am not leaving you alone, especially not in this place and what are you looking for anyway that you have to come this far into the forest to get?" Aiden retorted back.

"I want to get the redmoon flower. It only grows this deep into the forest. It is what we need to make grandfather's medicine. It's up ahead near that lake over there." Elara said running towards the lake unaware of Nero's presence.

"Elara wait!" Shouted Aiden as he ran towards her pointing towards something. "There's someone there." He shouted.

Elara slowing down turned to look towards where her brother was pointing noticed the body of the person lying next to the lake. Startled, she jumped backward droping the basket in her hands.

Aiden catching up to her stood in front of her defensively, both staring at the person warily.

"I think he's unconscious." Elara said. "Or dead." Aiden added.

"No he's not, he's still breathing." Elara said slowly approaching the Nero.

"Elara don't get closer." Shouted Aiden as he tried to pull her back. "It could be a trap."

"There's no one else here Aiden" Elara said getting closer to Nero.

"You can't be so sure, they could be hiding in the lake." He replied following after her.

Upon getting closer, they where able to get a closer look at Nero. Laying on the ground shirtless and in torn trousers was a boy light brown in complexion at a slightly above average height and a lean, athletic frame. His shirtless torso revealed toned muscles and a chiseled body. His tousled ebony hair with streaks of silver rested on his handsome face. He had strange snake-like lines running down his arms leading to a dragon shaped tattoo on his chest that glowed on and off with a silver light with sparks jutting out at times adding more to his mysterious charm.

Elara froze in place staring at his handsome visage, a visible blush on her face as her eyes roamed up and down his toned body.

"We have to help him brother." Elara said turning to face her brother. "He could be hurt."

"He could also be dangerous Elara. Very dangerous" Aiden said, not at all impressed with Nero's looks or his sister's obvious like of them. "Besides have you stopped to consider how he got here and why he's lying unconscious inside of the Evergreen forest. We both know how dangerous this place is." Aiden said trying to speak logic into his sister.

"There's something about him. The forest brought him here for a reason. We can't just leave him." Elara said.

"I don't know what exactly but I have a feeling that we're supposed to help him." Elara said staring at Nero.

However, Aiden, ever the vigilant guardian, was reluctant to involve themselves with the unconscious boy. His suspicious gaze lingered on Nero, scrutinizing every inch of Nero especially the dragon tattoo on him.

Aiden, crossing his arms stared at his sister. "We've seen strange things happen in this forest and heard of even stranger Elara. I don't trust this."

An argument ensued between the siblings, the echoes of their disagreement mingling with the whispers of the enchanted forest.

"Aiden, we can't turn our backs on someone in need. What if he's connected to the forest?" Elara asked pleading with her brother.

"Or what if he brings trouble? We don't even know how he got here. For all we know this could be an elaborate trap to capture ignorant people like us."

Despite Elara's persuasive words, Aiden, driven by his protective instincts, was hesitant to help the unknown enigmatic stranger. " The forest has a way of guiding us. I feel it. You know I have always had a special knack for this kind of things." Elara said determined to get her way.

Aiden, knowing he couldn't change his sister's mind whenever she gets like this sighed reluctantly.

"Fine, but if anything feels off, we leave him immediately. Understood?"

"Yes, brother." Elara said beaming while rushing to pick up her basket and the flowers she came for.

Aiden on the other hand with another reluctant sigh walked up to Nero and lifted him placing him on his back.

"Let's go then. I'll lead the way." Elara said walking with a happy skip in her step.

"I really hope this isn't a mistake." Aiden muttered walking behind her.

As they ventured back on their journey home through mythical forest, the reluctant guardian, Aiden, kept a watchful eye on the mysterious boy, suspicious of the storm that seemed to linger in his very essence. The forest, with its secrets and uncertainties, embraced them as they embarked on their journey.


Peering out the window, Nero caught sight of the quaint village below—a cluster of thatched-roof cottages nestled amidst verdant fields and winding cobblestone streets. Smoke curled lazily from chimneys, and the distant sound of laughter and chatter carried on the breeze.

Beside the bed stood a small, polished mirror, its surface gleaming in the soft light. Curiosity piqued, Nero reached out to touch it, his fingers tracing the smooth surface. As he gazed into the mirror, he was met with his own reflection—a face he barely recognized, with tousled ebony hair streaked with silver, and piercing gray eyes that held a hint of uncertainty.

Before he could dwell on his reflection further, the sound of raised voices caught his attention. Peering out the door, Nero strained to listen, overhearing snippets of conversation.

The urgent tone of a man's voice filled the room, cutting through the stillness. "He's dangerous, Elara. We can't keep him here," he argued, concern lacing his words like a thread.

But Elara stood her ground. "He needs our help, Father. I can feel it. The forest brought him here for a reason," she countered with a firmness that belied her petite frame.

Nero struggled to process the voices around him as he lay in an unfamiliar bed. Memories flashed through his mind like fragments of a broken mirror, each one just out of reach. With determination, he pushed back the covers and tried to sit up, only to discover that his left leg was bound tightly to the side of the bed. Attempting to break free, Nero's movements caused a loud clatter that reverberated through the room.

The noise drew the attention of his possible rescuers, who approached the door with caution. First emerged Elara, followed closely by her father and a younger boy whose features mirrored those of the man.

"Who are you?" Nero asked guardedly, eyeing them warily.

A hint of suspicion flickered across the boy's face as he gazed at Nero. Before he could respond, Elara intervened with a gentle reprimand. "Aiden, be nice," she scolded before turning to face Nero with a soft expression.

She introduced herself in a soothing voice. "Welcome, stranger. I'm Elara. How are you feeling?" Nero hesitated for a moment, still struggling to make sense of his fragmented memories and unsure if these strangers were truly here to help him.

After a beat, he answered cautiously but truthfully. "Confused." He looked directly into Elara's warm gaze and added, "My name is Nero. Thank you for helping me."

Another delay

Had to deal with school and some personal stuff but I'm back now hopefully

Picture of Nero in comments.

Oldsoldiercreators' thoughts