

Cultivation: the art of forging one's body to become stronger and can lead to the path of immortality, or godhood but reality it is just the way to become stronger with the help of natural energies, not much different then mage's meditation which in process increases their mana and control of it by doing the same thing only minus a few steps.

Body Cultivation: Is the art of removing 70% of total purities in all of the following Muscle Strength, Bone Strength, Reaction Speed(nerves), Brain Cell Strength, Eye Strength, Organ Strength, and Blood Cell Strength. Though leaving 30% impurities in the body, this stage is only the basic starting stage which is impossible to remove the remaining 30% without Qi but is impossible with just the body alone.

Stage one: Reaching the point of 10% purity in all body parts which strengthens them.

Stage Two: Reaching the point of 20% Purity, which strengthens the body farther.

Stage Three: Reaching 30% purity.

Stage Four: Reaching 40% purity

Stage Five: Reaching 50% purity

Stage Six: Reaching 60% purity

Stage Seven: Reaching 70% purity

Qi Refinement: is the part where you will refine your body similar to the body cultivation stage, only with Qi, once your body has taken in 100% Qi in each part it should remove another 10% of your impurities total, do note that even with 20% impurities left it wouldn't be much and will be removed in the later stages. This stage in cultivating is stricter and has to be done in a set order.

Stage One: Refining the heart, which allows the host to make Qi from the heart which then pumps through your blood and veins making it easier to cannel Qi. This stage will focus mostly on the Blood and organ impurities and should be only considered complete when the body's parts both have raised in a 5% purity rating.

Stage Two: This stage is where you Refine your muscles and tendons, it also makes it easier to channel your Qi through or on your skin, in which also allows one to strengthen their muscles in return strengthens their body longer depending on the amount of Qi used for a duration of time. Some cultivating arts will make this stage stronger than others, but it also has its pros and cons of going too far. This stage can only be considered done when the muscle strength and reaction speed both reach 10% more purity.

Stage Three: Which is where you refine your blood veins, or path ways which makes the Qi travel faster and easier throughout your body, the first stage would already half way done it through your blood, this stage is just the finalization of it. And can only be considered done when your body's Blood cell strength has reached another 5% purity.

Stage Four: Is one of the hardest stages since it is where you start refining your organs aside from your Brain. In order to do so you must start from your lungs too no more impurities come from it and do the same in order from which is closest to it, going to the Eyes, Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Colon, Large and Small intestines. This stage is quite the hard one because each will Hold 1% impurities aside from the Stomach which will hold 2% impurities in it that needs to be cleared, but the pain you will get is high, and you must stay in control of the process or you may cause lasting damage or death. Clearing out 10% of organ's impurities.

Stage Five: Is another body refinement, but it is done in parts, there is a hidden part here, which you have to refine your bones with Qi before your pathways can be completed, or your body would not be able to hold all the Qi inside it when you decide to refine it into a vacuum inside your body, also needs to refine your brain, the first stage should be the bones to you get rid of another 10% of impurities, which will make refining your brain easier and with less risk getting rid of 10% more impurities from your brain cells. This stage makes it easier to hold Qi within your body.

Stage six: this is the last stage of Qi Refinement, you will make your core(s) in your body. Since you are doing the nine tailed cultivation art you must make nine core(s) in your body. This stage doesn't add more Qi, it takes the Qi you made from your body refinement and crystalizes it to make it so it is easier to hold within your body. This is painful and you most stay in control or you will miss your chance of making the core(s) and will have to wait to your body is fully healed. Some cases it will destroy your whole cultivation. Do to your cultivation art you must place the core(s) in order the first one in the Brain which will make thinking easier and staying in control and conscious easier. The second one goes into the heart it will catch access Qi so it doesn't damage your heart or body for the access amount in nature and helps purify the Qi going into one's body. Then the stomach which then will help purify the food you take in so it's better for your body. The liver which helps the body of poisonous substances. The left and right arm, it is like a cap that makes the Qi in the body have its own Qi pool so each arm can have access to a small amount of crystalized Qi on its own. The left and right leg is the same as the arms. Then the final core is located at the base of your first tail, it is a set of control for all of the other cores and also channels Qi into all your tails. At the end of this stage you should have cleared 10% of the total 30% left in your body.

I know I messed up in the chapter and will edit it later when I get the chance. I don't know if you would want me to do this for all the stages of the cultivation. But if you do leave a comment. And I will do so.

KuroSonacreators' thoughts