
Joseph Newlin

*Warning: This chapter may include concepts that are upsetting to some readers. Please, read with caution. *

{Previously: "I am taking your case from Dr. Allen. Please, call me when you come back. I am eager to meet you. I look forward to working with you." The message ended there. Joseph sat for a minute, stewing over the news and sipping his coffee. Finally, he stood and got himself another cup of coffee. 'Well, I guess I'm someone else's lab rat now.' He thought as he pushed the return call button.}

Joseph took a deep breath as he pulled his car into the clinic's parking lot. A week had passed since he called the clinic back. He was nervous, but he didn't know why. Perhaps he was worried about what the new doctor would think? After all, he saw himself as some kind of freak. As he got out of his car and walked to the doors, he wondered if the others knew about this yet. He knew that Dominic never went, and that Lily only went once when she was out. He mostly thought about Finn, he knew how close he was to the Dr. Allen. Joseph pushed open the door and waved to the elderly lady at the desk. She smiled and waved him to the elevator. He walked in and pressed floor number seven. He was not alone in the elevator. To his left stood a young woman. Joseph wondered what she was here for, she looked so normal. A few moments of cheesy elevator music passed before he reached his floor. He nodded at the woman as he got out. He rounded the corner and got to Dr. Allen's old office area. A familiar face greeted him at the assistant's desk.

"Joseph! It's so nice to see you! How are you doing, sweetheart?" Mrs. Vinny said with delight in her voice. Mrs. Vinny was like a mother to Joseph. He had known her since he started coming here. That had been almost 17 years ago now. He always loved seeing her dark, wrinkly face. It was always such a happy face. It was different this time though. There was less hair. Her curly salt and pepper hair had been cut down to her scalp. He liked it though.

"Hi Mrs. Vinny. I'm doing okay, you?" Joseph asked.

"Busy as ever. Dr. Stein will be ready in a minute." She replied with a smile.

"Mrs. Vinny. Why, exactly, did Dr. Allen retire?" He asked cautiously. There was a slight pause before she answered.

"The poor man was diagnosed with cancer, baby. Stage 3 when they caught it. Said they only gave him a few months before it would take him." She said with sorrow in her voice. "He took great care in cataloging all his work with you for his replacement. He really did care for you and the others." She added.

"Oh…well what is this Dr. Stein like?" Joseph asked, trying to take his mind off Dr. Allen.

"I think you'll like him. He's very smart. A lot younger, but very capable in his career. He's been very excited to start working with you. Not everyday you get to meet someone like you four." She said. Just then a small light on her desk turned green. "He's ready for you now. Go ahead and go on in." She smiled. Joseph turned and walked through the door. The room looked the same save for some different pictures and diplomas hung the wall. The man sitting at the desk smiled as he walked in. His looks matched the voice from the phone quite well. He was a young man, probably only a few years older than Joseph was. His face was lean but looked welcoming. He smiled from beneath a well-groomed, short brown beard which contrasted well with his dirty blonde hair. There was a glint of excitement in his deep-set hazel eyes. He stood to shake Joseph's hand; he was a few inches taller than Joseph was.

"You must be Mr. Joseph Newlin. It is a pleasure to finally get to meet you. You've kept me waiting in suspense for a little over a month you know. My name is Dr. Mathias J. Stein." He said excitedly. "Please, take a seat." He gestured towards a chair as he sat down. Joseph nodded and sat down.

"Sorry that I kept you waiting so long, I wasn't exactly…around…when you called." Joseph said.

"Yes, don't worry about it. It gave me time to read over all of Dr. Allen's work. I understand you were diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder at the age of 19; your 24 now, yes?" He asked. Joseph nodded. "You've been seeing Dr. Allen for about 17 year now, correct? But not always for this, right?" he asked. Joseph nodded again. "And it is my understanding that there are 4 of you now? All of which developed at separate times?" He asked. Joseph nodded once more. Dr. Stein gestured for him to expand on this.

"My parents passed away when I was 2. I was raised by my mother's parents and then eventually my step-grandfather came into the picture." Joseph started. "Those were not good times." He added. "I was 5 when my grandpa died of lung cancer. That was when my grandmother had started drinking. Who could blame her; she lost her entire family. She took a lot of it out on me by hurting me both physically and mentally." Joseph said. He was starting to get emotional. "Then she married Stan and he introduced me to his line of work. I stayed in the child trafficking ring until I was 18. That was when I finally told Dr. Allen. I left it after that." Joseph trailed off. Dr. Stein nodded, listening closely.

"We can discuss that further another time. For now, why don't you tell me about the other 3?" Dr. Stein asked. "I'd like to know a bit about them before I meet them." He added. Joseph nodded.

"The one that's been with me the longest is Dominic Jax. He came around, I think, just before my grandparents realized something was wrong and started sending me to therapy. I guess they were worried no one would want a depressed boy. I think they thought if they sent me to therapy then they could keep making money off me. That and I believe it was ordered by the courts after DHS was called by the school and realized something was wrong. I was about 7 then." Joseph blurted out. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. "Dominic is that rebellious one. The bad guy. I suspect he has starting using drugs a while ago. In fact, he left me a little surprise." Joseph stood and pulled up his shirt to show Dr. Stein the tattoo. "I have no idea who this is or why he got it." Joseph said.

"Well, that definitely is not coming off." Dr. Stein added. Just then his phone rang. "Excuse me, it's my wife. I'd let it go but she's pregnant and is due very soon." He said. He answered his phone. Within a few seconds, his face paled. He stood and hung up the phone. "She is on her way to the hospital. I have to go." He said. "I do apologize. We will pick this up at your next appointment. Mrs. Vinny will set you up." He said as he shook Josephs hand and ran out the door. Joseph smiled. 'Congrats' he thought. Mrs. Vinny came in and smiled at him.

"I guess he's going to have a pretty good day." Mrs. Vinny chuckled. "Come out here, sweetie. We can schedule your next visit." She said as she turned around to walk back to her desk. Joseph laughed and went to set up his appointment. He was scheduled for exactly one week out. He thought about the new doctor on his way home. 'He's alright, I guess.' He thought. 'I'm going to have to start at the beginning with him though.' He realized. Joseph thought about these things on his way home and during his grocery run. When he got to his house he walked inside, put the food away, and slumped onto the couch. He cried for a few minutes and then fell asleep there. He did not dream that night.

Hey! Little bit of a longer chapter this time. Enjoy!

Zulfiqarcreators' thoughts