

Punishment bestowed by the god has left the world in shambles... Demons lurk the word killing most of the population and while almost all of us were wiped out, those who sought retribution gave us a chance at survival. Blessing us with powers that helped us rival those monsters who drank our blood and cooked our meat. Even though we humans went through all of this, 1000 years later we still discriminate, steal and lie. Orchid's born into the healer class, he seeks a change. He who once tried to find it in a peaceful way later turns to gain strength to destroy the very people who discriminated against him and caused him pain.

DimSum · ファンタジー
39 Chs


Seeing as the fist was coming towards him, he dodges it swaying his body to the right. Alek retracts his arm getting ready to launch another punch. Just as things start to escalate the sleeping body awakes from its slumber rubbing the back of its hand against one of its partially opened eyes. He looks at Alek shifting to a more upright position.

"Wah?" Orchid looks at Alek confused before meeting Jake's blue eyes, he quickly averts them as it seems to mortify him to stare at them any longer. A tinge of fear is suddenly felt but he puts it to rest realizing he had no reason to be scared, he wouldn't do anything in their current circumstance.

"What is he doing here?" he ejects from his seat, walking towards Alek making sure their distance widens. He took a sobbing breath before he looked back at the blonde standing there high and mighty.

Jake didn't know what to do as he himself didn't know the reason for his arrival, his instincts brought him here, what was he supposed to say? His feet moved on their own, it's like he didn't have the ability to control himself anymore.

Orchid couldn't fathom a reason for his arrival but was certainly not delighted by it, he pulled on Alek's wrist indicating his intent to leave. He didn't want there to be any trouble anymore plus Racquel's brother was out and without him things could escalate into a shit storm, leaving Alek and Orchid at the bottom of it.

As Alek got the memo he gave the eejit a loathing look before following Orchid's lead, they walked away but just as Jake hadn't the slightest clue as to why he had come, his next move was entirely obscure to him too,

He moves to grab onto Orchid's wrist.

"The fuck!" Orchid slipped his wrist through the blonde's hand the reaction so fast it was as if his hand was a snake. He got on the defensive but as it dawned on him that he was still in a public setting he quickly let it go in an instant and pulled on Alek's arm as he was stunned with a frozen gaze not computing what had happened, knowing his friend all too well the moment he registered Jake advancements he would go out of control. It would be too much for even him to handle.

Jake was stunned at the novelty of feelings he felt not understanding them in the slightest, there was no reason or sign as to why were thoughts ruining his sanity. Worried about these sudden rash decisions, he turned back walking past staring faces curious about the tussle that had happened. He rushed through the glass door walking back to his training grounds, on his way there it loomed over him that maybe the white hair had done something to him during their fight. Maybe that is why he was drawn to him as a magnet, a sudden burst of anger erupts, how could he make him look like such a fool.

'I'll kill him' he dug his nails into his palm making them bleed.

He understood that he wouldn't be able to confront the healer with so many people present and if his friends were there it would just lead to another uproar getting him further from the truth. He decided to get to him after everything seemed to have settled down.


Reaching the training ground he called upon 12 of his peers to spare with him at once, angered by the bravado the 12 brought their A-game, each claiming their own weapon, from swords to spears, one even had a bow companied with arrows collectively stored in a quiver.

All of them charged towards the shirtless blonde, but alas to their dismay it was futile as the skilled warrior outdid the lot kicking and disarming the 12. Even the arrows shot towards him were countered, he broke each one at their shafts using his sword cutting the arrows in half.

"Weaklings..." he worded before dropping the practice sword he borrowed from the barracks. Realizing the wasted effort, he made his way to the showers, he sat on the bench pinching the skin of his forehead. The disappointment displayed on his face, he knew this place didn't have what he was looking for, he knew this for a long time, he needed military training, he wanted to spare with the best, finding new skills to be attained from these higher tiered battles.

"Why can't I just get into the military already." he murmurs not realizing Orchid's presence.

Orchid came looking for him due to an unsettled feeling he had felt during the encounter they had in the hallway of the hospital. There was this inkling feeling he had, he couldn't wrap his head around the reason Jake would have come all the way there for, he didn't think Jake would start a fight in the middle of a crowded space, no, he's not that stupid...

So he came to settle his unrestrained thoughts by getting to the root cause of them...


Hey, hope you guys be doing well, the genre is kinda changing, I hope you guys have noticed...

It's something that I kinda want to include but don't worry this ain't gonna be a full-fledge romance novel but the spark's kinda ignited so do follow to see how it ends...

Btw I might have been a bit slow on uploading but I kinda wanna write this novel the way I like to and not write for the sake of it, so the uploads might not be as frequent but don't worry I haven't given up on writing at all...

DimSumcreators' thoughts