
Why do words hurt more than your fist?

Feng Zhu lightly closed his eyes as a memory foreign to him surfaced from deep within his mind.

It was the story of the original Feng Zhu.

His short-lived life of a little more than 13 years was full of twists and turns.

At the age of 5, Feng Zhu noticed that his family was different from others, there was no such being called a 'father' in his house.

But that didn't bother Feng Zhu after all he had a wonderful mother who used to take care of him every day, the time he spends with her was wonderful yes it was wonderful for as long as the sun was up.

Because when the sun goes down, so does the wonderful mother he knows.

4 times a week, 16 times a month, 192 times a year. For years Feng Zhu went through the same thing again and again and again.

The beating wasn't the problem, if anything he got used to it after a few years but the one thing he could never get used to was her words...

"You are indeed his spawn!"

"You are just like him! that detestable man!"

"Same! both of you are the same! my life is like this all because of him!"


Every day he would be compared to the so-called being known as 'Father' he has never even met before.

The pain he felt whenever his own mother called him with such hate was truly unbearable, not something he was capable of getting used to.

The worse feeling was when she would wake up the next day and pretend like everything that happened last night was just a fleeting dream and nothing else.

Year after year of suffering from the same thing, hearing the same words, Feng Zhu only had one thing to say to his mother.

Please don't compare me to someone I have never even met.

This was what the majority of Feng Zhu's memory consisted of.

He hated his mother yet loved her the same.

He didn't want to hurt her and wished for her to one day look at him the same way she did when the sun was up.


'I am not Feng Zhu.'

Taking a step forward he stood right in front of Mo Chou.

"If hitting me makes you happy..."

The previous memories of Feng Zhu shouted in my mind telling me to stop, take a step back, but O Feng Zhu....do you know?

That you and I are but the same?

That is why I know....I know that more than anyone in the world it is you who wants me to take this step.

Staring straight into those hazy blue eyes of hers, I--No Feng Zhu continued.

"Then hit me as much as you like."

"You-----", Mo Chou's eyes shook as she looked at Feng Zhu as if seeing someone she didn't know.

"W-who taught you to talk like this?!?", Mo Chou tried to stand up but failed, even as she fell multiple times the bottle of alcohol in her hand wouldn't, she kept holding onto it like some sort of treasure.

Finally, after several tries, she somehow stood up using the wall as a support.

"Hit me as much as you like? Do you mean to say I am someone who hits you Feng Zhu?", She waved her hand in front of her as a wave of anger appeared on her face.

"I-Is that something you are supposed to say to your mother!"

"I brought you up! it is because of me that you are alive! these clothes you wear, the food you eat! nothing here was given by your father!"

"Do you even know what I have to go through every single day? Just so that you won't have to suffer from any problem?"

Feng Zhu stayed silent like a statue, even as Mo Chou's voice became high pitched as she shouted at him throwing curses, he kept listening not saying a word.

"I see it's because you have grown up isn't it?"

"Now that you are all grown up why would you care about your mother? Huh? Feng Zhu?"

"Just like your father! You're just like him! the same! Both the father and the son are the very same!"

Waving her hands around she suddenly stopped, her gaze moved away from the silent Feng Zhu and fixed upon the bottle of alcohol in her hand.

Feeling her throat dry up she raised her hand wanting to take a sip, but just before the opening of the bottle could touch her lips, a small and soft hand appeared between them.

In an instant, Mo Chou's expression underwent a complete change.

"Feng Zhu....."

If her previous voice sounded drunk then this time he was able to hear dead seriousness in it.

It was like her previous state was but a mirage as Mo Chou's entire vibe change, with a slow and forceful voice she said.

"Take away your hand."

Feng Zhu stared straight into her blue eyes and said.

"Not today.....mother."

Before she could react, Feng Zhu took away the alcohol bottle in her hand.

"Feng Zhu!", Like an injured beast she shouted at him before raising her hand in the air.


"Give it back!"


Under the watchful eyes of Mo Chou, Feng Zhu broke down the bottle in his hand.

"Feng Zhu!"




"Feng Zhu! why?!"














Feng Zhu kept his promise.

He didn't utter a single sound.

"Feng Zhu...."

Turning his head down, Feng Zhu looked at Mo Chou whose forehead was placed against his chest.

With her hands holding onto his shoulders she said in an almost inaudible voice.

".....I am a terrible mother....."


"...I'm sorry."


The silence continued as Feng Zhu just calmly stared down at her, slowly he felt the grip holding onto his shoulder loose strength as Mo Chou's body started falling backward.

Using his hand he caught her mid-way before slowly putting her down on the floor and covering her with a nearby blanket.

After putting her down, Feng Zhu walked out of the house and looked at the full moon hanging in the night sky.

His entire body was hurting, but for some reason, he felt that his mind was at peace.

Unknowingly the illusory silhouette of an ordinary boy appeared beside him, their faces were identical but their aura completely different.

If one was like a young child suffering from pain then the other was like an adult who has already gotten used to the pain.

The illusory figure silently moved his mouth before disappearing.

Left alone standing on the silent street, Feng Zhu felt the moonlight seem unusually kind today.

Feng Zhu returned back inside the house after spending some time outside.

But just as he was about to close the wooden door.


Something attracted his attention.

Turning his gaze, Feng Zhu's eyes landed on the broken pieces of the bottle of alcohol.

Seeing the glass spread across the floor, he decided to clean it up before going to sleep.

While he was cleaning the glass, a red color caught his attention, almost instinctively Feng Zhu extended his hand and took out a half dissolved red color pill from within the broken pieces.

Inside the silence of the small two-room house, a shimmer passed through Feng Zhu's eyes as he stared at the pill with an unmoving gaze.


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