
Chapter 2: All about summer.

Suddenly she's being called by someone. Two girls where running towards her. "Harmony!,Harmony!!". A girl light in complexion said. The other girl was dark tho.

They finally reached her. "Harmony come on, are you that pumped up for summer that your ears have gone into silence mode, cause....". As the dark skinned girl interrupts her by putting her finger on her lips. "Shh, give her a break let her speak even for a sec". She said as she removes her finger. Harmony comes in the middle of the two of them and puts one hand on the dark girl and the other on the light girl. "Ashley,no need to lecture her". Harmony referred to the dark girl. "And you Tiffany, you'll never change would you,huh!". As Harmony pinches her cheeks. "Come on now lets get a bus and head to the mall for camp shopping, so team now". As Harmony puts one hand in the middle,as Ashley and Tiffany puts theirs on top of Harmony's hand.

"Team forever!". They all said as they lifted their hands up. They all got into a yellow bus holding hands.

Later on, the all went home after their shopping. As the bus stops at a white painted fence and a blue and white painted Bungalow, Harmony gets down from the bus with her shopping bags.

She goes pass the gate as a cute golden retriever puppy circles happily around her, wagging it's tail. "Hey there Rex". She pets it and opens the white door to enter the house. "Mom,Dad, Katelyn, Kyle, i'm home....". No reply. she settles her things on the yellow couch.

A tall boy comes down from the stairs. His black hair in and average cut, blue eyes and wore a tan top and shorts. "Oh! hey little pumpkin,your home". He said as he twirls his eyes displeased. Harmony just glared at him.

"Enough of this act Kyle i know your faking, anyways when am of to camp tomorrow, you won't have anyone to fake love and caring of a brother to". Harmony said blushing.

She goes to the well composed kitchen next to the living room, and takes a glass of water.

Her house was painted blue and white inside. All just neat and well kept. "Wow!, it seems our sixteen year old Harmony is all grownup. I bet mom and dad should buy you a car now". He said mockingly. "Ha-ha, very funny air head. And speaking of dad and mom where are they, they should be back by now". As she drops the cup in the kitchen sink.

"Hmm...don't have your time, anyways mom and dad went to buy things for your camping at camp Sunnyside, blah!, sounds teenage girly stuffs". He said with disgust.

"Your just nineteen,not an adult yet, but i guess that Katelyn, the more responsible one is at the animal shelter. Why can't you be more like your twin". As she has been talking Kyle just made all attempt to careless.

She then heads to the medium sized staircase. She walks up it and heads to her room just at the last door of the passage.

Her room was just like a teenage girls own, just full of colours. Her pink and white

painted bedroom,a medium sized bed with pink and white bed linen, heart shaped pillows, a nice reading table.

Her floor was just covered with a yellow rug,soft and fur like. 'This summer is going to be amazing'. She thought to herself.

She starts to arrange her things. She selected some clothes for the hot weather;lots of shorts and crop tops. She arranges her undies in a cute small bag, her shoes in the bottom of her luggage, creams and some jewelries. She then puts her family picture on top her clothes, then she locks the bag.


Her parents got back so as her sister Katelyn. They all sat happily at the dinning table,eating. "Darling do pass the salad bowl". Her mom referred to Harmony. She quietly passes it.

"So...mom,dad,i need to go as early as 6:30am, since you will take me or...". She just stop in words. Her father who was sitting in the front side of the table just quietly listened, her mom who was sat at the other end of the table just smiled. She sat together with her sister at the right side of the table and Kyle at the left side.

"I think you'll have more fun if you go by the bus, you'll meet more people". Her mother said joyfully, which made her beauty shine more. Her mom was dark skinned and beautiful, her brown skin like that of freshly roasted groundnuts,brown hair,her spring green eyes, which is one feature Harmony possesses from her mom.

Her dad at the other hand was dark skinned,blue eyes and a strict physic.

"Hmm, mom that may be a wrong idea, she might get missing, and if we happen to find her maybe one leg maybe gone". Kyle said as he chuckles hardly. "Hey!, your just a big gorilla,that's why your brain is full of air, you just boss everyone around like a big ape". Harmony insulted.

"Kids!,no fighting during dinner, or else i will seize your meals". Her father finally broke his silence. Katelyn who was quiet through out finally spoke to. "You know,you guys remind me of the two cats we have at the shelter, there always fighting, and the most stubborn was the little one". Her beautiful voice spoke as she smiles and eat. Her features just like that of their mom.

"Harmony must be the little cat then". Kyle joked. Harmony just gave him a hard glare.

They finished eating and Harmony went to bed straight, i guess because of tomorrow.
