
Restorative Plants

Princess Qamari trembled uncontrollably, her limbs flailing and mouth hanging open like a drying fish as she thrashed on the damp ground. Sweat ran down her veiled face, sticking the fabric to her skin.

Through the pain and her intermittent screams and pounds, she sensed the presence of another being circling around her in anxiety. But she was neither in the condition nor in the state to reassure the anxious individual.

Every part of her body screamed in pain, the dull throbs scattering her thoughts and hurling her conscious into a hurricane of relentless torment and numb sensations.

Swirls of white radiance entered and exited her body like shimmers of sunlight, leaving in their wake a dreamlike silvery glow. 

Amidst the pain and agony, Princess Qamari felt an unbearable tearing and crushing as the radiance shattered and mended her skeletal muscles and tissues over and over again.

