

I don't want to sounds like those MC, but i only want to have normal life. Have a decent job, one wife and two kids, boy and girl, and retired when my kids grown up and married, die because of old age. That's the only thing i want.

But contrary with my wish, because i'm ugly, no girls want to talk to me. When i graduated from high school and apply for a job, my workplace turns out to be a black company. My whole day is full with work and work. I barely have enough rest.

Maybe you ask 'why not just quit?', well, i can't. When i said to my boss that i want to resign, he pull out a contract paper with my sign on it, and it's written on there that i can't resign from the company for 10 years!

Why i not read all of the content when i sign it? Well duh, there's a lot of words there, how am i sopposed to read it? Let's be honest, when you download an app for your phone and there's that rule or stuff like that with many words written, how many of you guys read it and not just skip it and scroll to the bottom and just press 'accept'?

Well, that's not really same matters, but, well, yes it's my fault. My ignorance and stupidity make all of this happen to me.

Fast forward, i manage to hold it for 5 years and it seems like my body can't handle it anymore and i just collapse. I don't know what happen to my body after i fainted, but what i know is that i died.

Well, i don't know if i'm died or not, but one thing that i know is, right now i'm not in my world. I'm not even in my body.

When i woke up, i saw unfamiliar room that's not my room or hospital room. The room looks old. The bed, the furnace, the design, everything looks old. There's no modern device or anything.

When i look at the mirror, what i saw also an unfamiliar face. It's not my face. Black hair, black eyes, serious expression, and Aboge everything, handsome. It's not as handsome as some manga/manhwa MC, but it still handsome. Average handsome. Wait, what even "average handsome"? Well whatever.

The Sharp eyes make the face more manly and menancing. Plus with it's serious expression, it increase the charm.

But the weird thing is, my expression is stay still like that. I try to make different expression but in vain. The serious expression in my face is just never change.

Well, let's just stay positive, atleast with this i have natural poker face.

Now, about this body's name. This body's name, or rather, my name now is Elias Voss, 25y.o. I'm a boss of a Voss gang that i created few years ago. The gang is still small compare to other gang but we doing just fine.

We mainly do protection and smuggling. But smuggling are more often. Either it's stolen goods or just simply ilegal goods that they want to sell, we'll do it as long as we get paid. And also, human trafficking.

"What?" I said outloud.

Eventhough the previous Elias don't have anything in mind about the human trafficking, but i'm different. I'm just a normal guy from modern era. There's no way i can accept the fact that the body that I'm possesed right now doing this kind of thing.

To traffic human lives was to forfeit one's humanity, to become a monsters. How a normal guy like me can accept that?

In the first place, why i'm in this body? Why i become him? Why it have to be him of all people? Why not put me in the normal guy's body? I just want to live a normal life. So why....

But from previous Elias's memory, the human trafficking job are extremely rare for this gang. Because people gonna do this kind of thing with the bigger group to do this job. Small group like mine is should be on the last list in their book.

Btw, human trafficking and slavery are prohibited in this country, Ebonheart country. It start 10 years ago when Louis Ebonheart, the current king of this country, become the king.

At first, a lot of citizen against it. Especially those who have a lot of slave as a worker os simply just sex slave. But what can they do against the king? Nothing. So they just swallow their anger and release the slave.

But since there's a lot kind of slave, like debt slave, those who become a slave because of a debt, or criminal slave. They're different case.

The criminal slave go to jail and keep doing job that they given, like mining and stuff.

For the debt slave, they need to repay the money that they owe. So either they work for the person that they owned but not get paid until the debt is clear, or go to the bank, owe money from them to paid their debt, and do a job for the bank for free. They still have to work for free for their job either way, but the bank provide food for them to eat, twice a day.

But of course there's a lot of debt slave, and the bank can't accept all of them. So the unfortunate debt slave have to work for their owner until they paid their debt.

The system seems sloppy, but well, there's a lot of problem right now in this country. So the higher up probably just do the minimum amount of effort to answer the king's request.

And the king is the king, he request something while not provide the solution. I don't know what he thinking.

*Knock knock knock*

While i was thinking, i hear knock from the door.


"Boss, this is Antoni. We have a job."

"Come in." I said while i sat on my chair and wait for Antoni to enter the room. "So, what's the job?"

"Human trafficking."
