

After helping the poor girl from the slum and pressuring her parents to adopt her as her sister, the only reward Mo Moyan got in return was to be framed by her and get kicked out of her own parents home... Eight years later, after she was done serving her jail term, she came back to claim what rightfully belongs to her...

Paulicia · ファンタジー
38 Chs


" So,miss Mo,since you were recommended by someone,your task will be much more difficult than the others,are you still sure you want to do this?"

" I'll do it...."She replied determinedly and with confidence.

" Alright,Xia Yourou,"The male audition master called out and a woman who looked pretty and beautiful walked to the desk." This is our famous actress,Xia Yourou,you'll be acting with her."

Upon hearing this,everyone in the room stilled,even Song Suyan who had hope in Mo Moyan knew she'll not make it.This was because it was known that whenever a first timer is acting with an experienced actress or actor,he or she gets to make many mistakes and also,it was also Xia Yourou,the best actress whose acting skills even intimidates her other colleagues.To crown it all,Rao Ning gave her a script to hand to Mo Moyan.

" That's a script for you,and you have only five minutes to memorize that first speech.Xia Yourou knew the script so now it's all up to you.You're going to act as the protagonist."

By this time,everyone felt she was doomed.

As she stared at the script,she frowned and Song Suyan who thought she couldn't do it signalled to her to give up if she thinks she can't do it,because at this time,even she had lost faith in her.

After going through the script for just two minutes,she handed it back to Xia Yourou,shocking everyone in the process.Some of them sneered in their hearts as they patiently wait for her to embarrass herself because they thought she was being too full of herself.

Even Lu Jin who kept his eyes glued to his ipad all those whiles felt she was over confident.

But they never knew that the script was easy for her to memorize because it was somehow familiar to her;before she went to jail,that was the kind of script she was practising and also it was familiar to that of her life story,even though the script she memorized now was entirely different,it had some similar features to that.

The script she just memorized was about two stepsisters,while she and Youyou were only related by adoption.

" Can we start?"Mo Moyan who was feeling very emotional yet confident asked Xia Yourou and she nodded.She walked and stood at the entrance and after taking in a long breath and relaxing her mood,she allowed the script to take over her.

When she began walking,everyone felt she was a joke but as she gradually got nearer to Xia Yourou,her calm expression disappeared and in it's place appeared that of rage,fury and anger and her eyes which were an amber moonlike,suddenly changed to black emitting a murderous intent.

" Gun Yao,you dare to steal what rightfully belongs to me?Everything you're trying to take away from me belongs to my father.Why not go back to that slum of yours with your evil schemeful attitude?"As she acted,she was like a raging fire that needed to escape.To everyone's surprise,she jumped at Xia Yourou and held her fiercely."Give me back my rights,"She shook Xia Yourou and started shedding tears,"Haven't I treated you well enough?Haven't I been a good sister to you?"

" I....I....I...won't....."

" I am your elder sister,so I deserve to inherit everything."Mo Moyan quoted Xia Youruo's line for her as she seemed to have forgotten what she had to say and was stammering.

Everyone stared at her like a goddess who just walked down from heaven and started clapping thunderously.Even Xia Yourou also joined in the clapping because that was the first time she felt intimidated by an actress and not just any actress,an underground one at that.

Though it seemed embarrassing to have felt threatened by the acting of someone who hadn't acted before,she didn't hate Mo Moyan but rather felt drawn to her.

Song Suyan,who had seen Mo Moyan act for the second time suddenly had deep faith in her.

In just a few minutes,Mo Moyan was able to catch the interest of everyone in the room,even the interviewers were tongue tied and didn't know what to say,because it's been a long time since they've seen such talent in the industry.

" What acting school are you from?"Xia Yourou who suddenly developed an interest in Mo Moyan asked with a smile.

" Ahhh,I haven't been to acting school before.It's okay if you think you can't accept me because I don't have any experience."

" You're joking right?So far your acting is the best we've seen in the industry."

" And the only thing I can say now is welcome to CJ,we'll notify you tomorrow."Rao Ning spoke and Song Suyan stood and walked to Moyan.

" So you can act like that?"

" I guess acting is not that hard,I know I have a lot to learn."

Because Mo Moyan wasn't an attention seeker,she did not act proud and arrogant instead she was just humble to everyone.Even before they left,she had asked Xia Yourou to help her learn more about acting.

At the same time,in the highest office of the Legendary Star Entertainment group,Lu Jin had ordered arrangements to be made for him to visit CJ.His secretary who had never seen her boss with an excited look suddenly felt that something was amiss immediately she walked into his office.

" Is Harry back?"Lu Jin queried still not taking his eyes off his ipad screen.

He never thought she was a goddess at acting.

" No sir,he's still in the meeting."

" Call him to come back,we're going to pay a visit to CJ."

" Alright sir."

As he waited for Lu Jin,he only had one thought in his mind;to sign Mo Moyan as an artist under L Star.


Meanwhile,at a private restaurant,Harry Long was having a meeting with some of the top shareholders of L Star.And they were the ones siding with Lu Shao,Lu Jin's father.

" Why did you bring us here?"

" Yes!Who do you think you're to call us here?"

" You small kids have no knowledge on how to rule a business empire,just hand over the company or face us on the battlefield.

As they spoke,Harry Long noticed that they had suddenly become brave and couldn't help but scoffed.

These pigheaded fools!

" How much did Lu Shao pay you to go against us?"Harry was never interested in whatever they took from Lu Shao,he just wanted to enrage them.

" We are not going to talk about that unless you tell us why we're here."

" After hearing about your conspiracy,we've decided to take your shares from you or let...."His phone rang stopping him midsentence.As he saw the caller ID,he frowned his brow.

Why would Ning Jie be calling him by this time whilst she was very much aware he was at a meeting?

" Hello!"

" Boss wants you to cancel the meeting and come to the company immediately."Ning Jie's voice sounded in his ears with a hint of urgency and Harry frowned.

He wants him to cancel the meeting again?But why?

" What is going on?"

" I think he wants you to accompany him to CJ."

" CJ?"Harry Long frowned.

It seems his boss had now been bewitched.

Harry had known that Mo Moyan went for an audition today at CJ so he also knew that the call right now was because Lu Jin wanted to go meet her.

" Tell him I'll be there shortly."He assured and hang up the phone.As he stared at the shareholders,he sneered."I have something important to attend to now,and I think this is another chance for you to decide your fate."After saying that,he left the old men and walked out of the restaurant into his car.

20 minutes later,he arrived at L Star headquarters.As he watched Lu Jin walk to the car,he felt the urge to kill him.

" You dare look at me that way once more and I'll fire you."Lu Jin threatened as he got into the car.

" You know I'm not afraid of you."

" Whatever!"

" Are you not afraid things might go out of hand?Since Mo Moyan appeared you've been so lazy to deal with the problems of the company and you've become so addicted to her."

" I am your boss Harry!"Lu Jin spoke through gritted teeth and Harry sneered.

" Don't forget I'm also your friend,and I think you are going too far."

" Stop blabbering and drive me straight to CJ."

After staring into Lu Jin's eyes through the mirror,he started the car.


As Song Suyan still had to go back to work,after leaving the audition premises,Mo Moyan gave her a lift to ShopNyc.

After the car pulled to a stop,Mo Moyan turned to Song Suyan,"I'm very grateful to you for everything you've done for me,I don't even know how to repay you."

" You really want to repay me?Then I want you to strive and be one of the best in the industry."After hearing Song Suyan say this,Mo Moyan felt that she had really found a good friend.

" I'll not disappoint you."Mo Moyan assured and hugged Song Suyan warmly," Remember to send my regards to Song Yan."

" You're not coming with me?"

" No,I have to go home and do some things."

" OK,then later."

After saying goodbye,Song Suyan got off the car and waved at Mo Moyan as the car sped away.As she walked into the shop,she met Ya Bai and Mo Youyou.

" Where have you been?"

" I had to go visit a friend."

" Was it your friend who dropped you off?"

" Yeah!Why?"

" You never told me you had rich friends."Mo Youyou had actually seen the car that Song Suyan stepped out from so she was trying to curry favour with her by pretending to be nice.

As they stood talking,the girl who was at the front desk when Lu Jin and Harry came in saw Mo Youyou and ran to her.

" Miss Mo,I have some news from for you."

" What is it?"

" CEO Lu and his assistant came to look for you yesterday."The girl revealed with a smile and everyone opened their eyes wide in astonishment.

" Lu Jin.....you mean Lu Jin came to look for me?"

Recently,news had been going about that the CEO was undergoing pressure from his family to get married,so hearing this,Mo Youyou thought he had chosen her to be his wife.

Wouldn't that mean that she'll be on top of the world?

Because Song Suyan knew that Lu Jin and Mo Moyan were married,she felt confused and turned to question the shop attendant,"Are you sure he came to ask of her?"