

After helping the poor girl from the slum and pressuring her parents to adopt her as her sister, the only reward Mo Moyan got in return was to be framed by her and get kicked out of her own parents home... Eight years later, after she was done serving her jail term, she came back to claim what rightfully belongs to her...

Paulicia · ファンタジー
38 Chs


As Mo Moyan walked along the streets of her old neighbourhood she kept looking around in confusion, staring at the people and shops in a weird manner. It had been eight good years since she got sent to jail for attempted murder and now that she was back everything seemed quite different to her.

Youyou...she had taken Youyou as her very own sister. She took her as her blood sister and made sure she was there for her whenever she needed her but she in turn stabbed her from behind.

Why? What at all had she done to her to have made her hate her that much to the point she even wanted her gone? Why did she frame her?

No! She has to explain everything to her parents now. She has to find a way to the Mo Mansion and tell them what actually happened that very day. They need to know she wasn't the evil daughter they believe she is.

She has to prove to them that she was the victim and that the evil one is Mo Youyou.

As she continued walking, Mo Moyan kept looking at the houses and buildings in an effort to locate her parents mansion.

Since she hadn't been around for quite that long, the community in which they reside had undergone several changes and developments so everywhere looked completely different to her, making it difficult for her to locate her bearings.

Still wondering how she was going to find her way back home, Mo Moyan suddenly noticed a lady walking by and quickly approached her to ask her of the direction. "Excuse me, dear- please where can I locate the Mo Mansion?" she asked.

"It's right behind this building," the lady said, pointing towards one of the huge mansions in front of them. "Just take a right turn on this road and you'll find it," she directed and Mo Moyan nodded in appreciation.

"Thank you!" she said and walked away, quickening her steps.

In less than two minutes, she finally arrived at the gate of their mansion which she immediately recognised since it hadn't changed much. With a feeling of nervousness and agitation, she pressed the doorbell and waited in anticipation, a rush of emotions surging through her as she wondered how her parents where going to react when they see her.

A few minutes later, the gate finally opened and out came a young girl dressed in maid's attire. The moment her eyes landed on Mo Moyan, she frowned and began to size her up. "How may I help you?" she asked, her tone full of displeasure.

"Uh sorry but I'm actually looking for my pa..." Mo Moyan wanted to say she was there to see her parents but then she quickly advised herself. She couldn't recall ever seeing that face as one of the people who were working for them before she got arrested and sent to jail and with how she was reacting towards her too she figured she might be new and not know who she actually was so she felt like she might not believe her if she says she is the daughter of the Mo couple. "I'm looking for Mr and Mrs Mo," she finally replied.

"I'm sorry, but they are both not in at the

moment. They've gone for an award show with young miss and I'm not sure they'll be back until late in the evening," the maid explained, this time in a more apologetic manner. Mo Moyan furrowed her brow. She couldn't believe her ears.

Her parents took Youyou to an award show? How lucky she was!

All throughout her childhood, she had craved the love and companionship of her parents but never got it yet the one who framed her was being given all the care, love and affection she deserved.

Was she even their biological child to begin with? Is she related to them at all?

As Mo Moyan stood contemplating on her ill fate, a car horn sounded from behind her, startling her and disrupting her thoughts.

"Oh! It's them... They're already back," the maid stated and Mo Moyan finally building up the courage, turned around to watch them. Tears started dripping down her face as she heard the sound of laughter coming out from the inside of the car. She grabbed her chest, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her heart. It was like she had been stabbed with a sword.

They seem to be having a good time without her.

Still stood glued to the spot in tears, Mo Moyan watched as the back doors of the car opened and Mo Youyou walked out with her mother, both of them looking all excited and happy.

"Mom!" she weakly called out to her mother, the tears starting to pour out heavily. "Mom, you guys need to hear me out," she pleaded tearfully.

"What are you doing here, Moyan? What do you want?" her mother asked with rage. "Are you here to finish off what you started eight years ago?" she said, pointing at her accusingly. Mo Moyan's heart sank.

She couldn't believe they still thought she actually tried to kill Youyou. For Christ's sake she made them adopt her. She took her as her sister and she loved her why would she want to hurt her?

She's never even hurt a fly in her life before so why would they think she could her someone?

"Mom, please just listen to me. What happened that day was all just a huge misunderstanding." Mo Moyan looked towards her adopted sister with pleading eyes. "Youyou tell them the truth. Please tell mom and dad what really happened. Please...!" she cried out, while begging her adopted who just stood watching her in shock.

All these years she had thought she had fully gotten rid of Mo Moyan for good so her suddenly showing up out of nowhere left her worried and surprised.

Knowing that if her parents were to know the truth she'll be in a big trouble she decided to act fast. "I don't want to die, Moyan. Please don't kill me."

Trying to gain sympathy from the Mo couple, Mo Youyou began to cry, shaking in fright and like always, her act worked.

Mo Moyan's mother glared at her own daughter before she run to Youyou's side and hugged her protectively, leaving Mo Moyan stunned.

"Leave here before I call the police to come get you," she ordered in a threatening tone, causing Mo Moyan to burst into more tears.

So they've chosen their sides, huh?


With a heavy heart, Mo Moyan quietly turned and walked away, never looking back once.

She had lost everything and she knew it. Even her own parents don't want her around them anymore...

After Mo Moyan left, the driver side door opened and Mo Moyan's father who seemed to be in his early fifties walked out and also hugged Youyou.

Seeing that she had won once again, she felt very happy in her heart..

Earlier, she had been afraid thinking that they may feel pity for Mo Moyan and take her back but it seems they had completely wiped her out of their hearts.


Meanwhile, at this same time, a young man in a black Porsche kept clenching his fists in and gritting in anger as he drove towards home at full speed.

He's had enough of all the family problems.

Why couldn't they allow him to rest in peace for just a day? Why are they burdening him with the issue of marriage? They even dared threaten him with the company?

Who do they think they are?

Without him, the company wouldn't have reached where it was today so he knew that he can't just let it go. Also, he made a promise to his grandfather that he'd keep the company safe and not let it fall into the hands of others if not, he would've relinquished his position as the CEO and hand over the company to his ungrateful father, his mistress and their useless moron of a son a long time ago.

Deeply in thought and distracted, the driver failed notice a figure crossing the road.

It was the shouts from the onlookers that jolted him back into reality but by then it was already too late and he had knocked into the person.

As she felt herself dripping deep into unconsciousness, Mo Moyan finally accepted her fate.

She had lost everything and now when she thought she had gained freedom back, death also decided to take it away from her...


In the Mo family home, Mo Youyou sat on a bed and seemingly lost in thought.

How did she make it out of jail?

Hadn't she paid the prison officer to poison her to death? She even allowed him to sleep with her just to ensure that Mo Moyan doesn't come out so what happened?

Picking up her phone, Mo Youyou dailed the warden's number into her cell and placed a call to him. She put the phone to her ears.

"Hello!" A grumpy voice called out from the other line causing Mo Youyou to wrinkle her face in annoyance.

"Officer, I thought we had an agreement? I thought I asked you to kill my sister so why then is she still alive and walking around freely?"

"I did poison her just like you had asked but unfortunately she did not eat the food. Her superior in the cell had seized the food from her and ate it then died and since then I couldn't get the chance to try again because they kept a keen eye on the food served to the inmates."

"Hmmm, alright , so why did you allow her to come back? I thought we had a deal?" Youyou gritted through her teeth.

"We did but I couldn't prevent her from gaining her freedom. It will only arouse suspicion."

Mo Youyou huffed. "So you mean you just slept with me for nothing?" she fumed in anger and the person on the other line laughed heartily.

"Well, if you're ready to give me that your sweet body once again, I could find her and bring her back and this time around, I'll make sure she doesn't experience the feeling of freedom."

Mo Youyou screamed and threw her phone away in anger and clenched her fist.

She can't believe she slept with that stupid officer just for nothing.

What was more, the person she even sold her body to destroy had now come back and had even dared appeared before her.

No! She can't allow Mo Moyan to win back her parents love... Never!


"Ouch!" Mo Moyan winced in pain and held her head as she woke up and tried to sit up.

"Hey, be careful!" A man's voice suddenly cautioned, startling her in the process. Looking towards the direction of the voice, Mo Moyan saw a man sitting in the room and frowned.

"Y-you...who are you?" she immediately stammered in fright, panicking. "Where am I? What have you done to me?" Mo Moyan demanded causing the man to let out a grunt.

Such a silly woman!

"You're in a hospital."

Hospital? She was in the hospital?

How did she end up in the hospital?

"Hospital? But why? What happened to me?" Mo Moyan asked in a confused manner. "Why are you here? Who are you?" she queried staring at the man as the door suddenly opened. A young man with a well built body walked in with a brown envelope and handed it to the man sitting in the room.

"Boss Lu, here is the contract you demanded for," he said, addressing the man with respect.

"Alright, Harry, you can go back to the company now," Lu Jin dismissed Harry and he walked out of the room. He then stood up and handed the papers to Mo Moyan after scanning through it.

"Why are you giving me this?" Mo Moyan demanded. She looked up at the man with a questioning look as he handed the papers.

"Sign it," Lu Jin ordered coldly and Mo Moyan pouted her lips in anger.

"And who are you to order me around? Why should I sign a contract with you?"

"Because you're going to be my wife," Lu Jin stated and Mo Moyan widened her eyes in shock.

"What!?" she yelled in fright as she stared at the man in horror.

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Pauliciacreators' thoughts