
Sent with a bow[1]

Si XiaYi was dragged out of school by his friends Yan XanFeng and Mi LiZhen. He wasn't keen on partying but there was a buzz going on about Club Z that night. So his friends made him go with them to check it out. But as soon as he arrived he noticed there was a huge circle formed around 2 girls. They were pretty impressive at dancing, everyone was watching them. XanFeng and LiZhen were excited seeing the girls. "Damn, that girl with the green eyes is really pretty". Came LiZhen's voice. "That's an understatement, she drop dead gorgeous", corrected XanFeng in aww. XiaYi subconsciously stared at the girl with green eyes. She was dressed very modestly with a long sleeve black dress. XiaYi couldn't breathe the second he recognized her. A cold and desperate anger filled his body. Xi MingLi. She's right there. He ran over to the circle pushing through the people. When he finally got through he saw her smiling happily. How could she be happy? She left him so long ago but in all that time he had never once stopped looking for her. He grabbed her arm. " What the f-?" Her eyes enlarged and she took on a sharp breath of air. Everyone was looking at him. "JiaXi", she yelped, she pulled her arm away from him and stumbled toward JiaXi. "What's wrong MingMing?" he asked worriedly. He hadn't noticed SiaXi standing there. His face as black as a pot. 'MingMing? So intimate' he thought to himself. "I wanna go home now", she said. Her expression was anxious and her voice was wavering. "Okay", JiaXi replied. He called ShenGu who didn't wanna go home, but reluctantly walked to MingLi's Porsche. MingLi sat in front well ShenGu lay sprawled in the back seat, too drunk to even sit up. JiaXi got in the driver seat and was about to pull away when SiaXi ran up to the car. "MingLi", his voice was so cold it dropped the temperature outside the club, he was surprised to here a bit of begging in his voice, " Why are you running from me?" his question struck MingLi hard, but she hardened her face and looked at JiaXi. "I'm sorry babe, this is my ex-boyfriend". JiaXi held back the surprise and replied. "Oh, is that so". He then rolled up his window and drove away.

[At MingLi's villa]

"What was that about?" after putting ShenGu in MingLi's bed, JiaXi asked MingLi about XiaYi . "I'm sorry", MingLi replied, "I put you on the spot to get away from him". JiaXi looked at MingLi. His eyes were full of doubts. "MingLi, why are you avoiding that guy?"

MingLi took a deep breathe. "You see. When I was 16 and I met a guy named XiaYi. He was very cold and aloof and very indifferent. But one day I was walking home from school saw him sitting alone under a tree. It was pretty dark but I noticed his expression was pained. I won't tell you what he told me, but that day I fell for him. A couple of days later I asked him out. We were dating for 8 months when my grandpa told me I was to get engaged with someone. I was really heartbroken. But in less than a week Grandpa told me I was going to study in America. I thought I could stop the engagement but before I knew XiaYi had killed the guy his entire family. I was so scared that I ran away to America. XiaYi was so cold and indifferent even with all that blood on his hands. I left and disappeared from his world".

JiaXi sighed. "Really MingLi your so stupid". MingLi's mouth dropped. "Excuse me. How am I the idiot?" JiaXi shook his head in disappointment. "Poor XiaYi. He killed for you but in the end you left him anyway, I have good mind to send him to you with a bow".
