after reading a story about a man waking up on pandora I got an idea. what if instead of technology, a man was gifted with the force and sent into the world of avatar? he will eventually become like the ones in SW. it’ll just take time.
Chapter 1: Awakening in a crazy world
After a mediocre life in the 21st century that ended with covid-19, a young 20 year old man closed his eyes for the last time.
(3rd pov)
Never did he expect to wake up on a beach with pure crystal clear blue water coming to and fro in waves, while staring at a primordial looking Forrest. Turning his gaze towards the sky he saw something that, for all his love of sci-fi and adventure movies, did not help him keep calm.
He saw a huge Jupiter-like planet far closer than he thought two celestial bodies should be. In the distance he could also see what looked to be a body similar to the moon he recognized.
Aside from the insane picture playing out in front of his eyes being his first clue he was in a new world, he also FELT different. It was difficult to explain. But he knew it to be true.
Making his way to the sea that stretched out to the horizon, he sought out the only thing he believed would be familiar to him, his face.
Only to be shocked beyond belief when the face staring back at him wasn't his own.
Although it was not the face he thought of when he pictured himself, he did know it.
It looked like Henry cavil from the witcher. Only where the witcher had yellow eyes, the ones that stared back at me looked like a pool of purple. Where the whites of my eyes were supposed to be, was grey. And my iris was a burning purple.
All truth be told it was hard to reconcile what was happening all around me. My entire view just changed completely. From a guy born in the 21st century in a first world country to waking up with only a loincloth on and a face that isn't my own with the most weird looking eyes I've ever seen.
Just as I was spiraling out of control, something, that same thing I felt earlier, told me to move.
To my surprise, when my knees straightened out from the jump I expected to go a couple feet in the air. What I didn't expect was to be face to face with the branch of a tree close to 25 ft off the ground.
Tightly gripping it like a cat stuck in a tree, I look down to once again in my 10 minutes of being here and see An animal that shouldn't be real.
It can't be real.
It was a viper wolf.
The same animal that chased jake sully on his first outing on pandora.
In one of my favorite movie franchises of all time, Avatar.
Then it all hit me like a truck and for the first time since waking up I spoke aloud. "I'm on fucking pandora!"
(Mc pov)
After about 10 minutes the thing gave up and continued on its way. I breathed a sigh of relief at that. I needed a day or two to get my bearings. Hell, I shouldn't even be breathing the air here! Yet I'm just fine. It had to be that thing that warned me of the impending attack and allowed me to get away from it. But what the hell was it?
I sit down and began breathing in and out. My entire being focused solely on the steady in and out of my breathe mixed with the slight thump thump of my slowing heartbeat.
I don't know how long I sat there letting the situation wash over me. A little while ago I felt myself moving. But there was no way that was possible. I was sitting cross-legged and if I'd fallen off the branch it would be painfully obvious. Slowly opening my eyes I'm again shocked. I'm 2ft above the branch hovering like I have a low powered jet pack on, yet there is no such thing attached to me.
That's when it all hits me. An obvious realization that I should've known was the case from the beginning, the force. A fundamental part of the galaxy in starwars. Another of my favorite movies. Like gravity, it was impossible to stop or contain. You just had to hope you didn't end up on the wrong side of it.
But that begs the question. How am I, a person from 21st century earth stuck on a fictional planet with a connection to a fictional fundamental force (no pun intended). Not only that. But the two are mutually exclusive, in other words, one is and should exist without the other. Trying to feel others within the force provided little success. I was running through a mine field blind in the dark on the dark side of the moon. I had no clue what I was doing or why I was in this situation.
Deciding to find my peace again I slip back into meditation, hoping that when I come to I'm better prepared for the shit storm I know is likely coming my way.
AN: just wanted to get another one of my ideas out there. If you like comment and lmk ideas you have. I won't continue to write if people don't lyk they enjoy it. Will definitely continue this book if I see the concept being well received. I love this idea and the way it could link to the story of avatar. LMK what you think!