

The cold wind blew on her face as she struggled to keep warm. Darkness was closing in on her as she slowly lost feelings in her fingers and toes. She cursed at the heavens for her current wretched state. Staring out into the open area, she looked once more and though to herself. Why is love forbidden, what wrong did we do? Why must we be separated before we were together? With one last breath, she blacked out.

He stared at her at a distance, its been too long since he had last seen her. Days went by as he can only watch in silence as her body slowly broke down along with his heart. Love was forbidden, yet he wanted her and broke that rule. He persued her and captured her heart and soul. Lovers separated by a thin wall that is forbidden to pass. For if they do, their souls and skin would burn from the immoral fire from the heavens. He pained himself to get closer, she was already in pain, but he wanted to be with her and suffer together. He gazed warmly at her, for their time together was slowly ending. He rushed to her as he saw her body collapse, her time has come for her to go. He worked fast to take the potion out since he knew he did not have long as they will be coming to collect her body. He engulfed the bottle and threw it away. He stared at her for a moment, gazing at the soft pearl like skin, peach colored cheeks and cherry colored lips. He brushed away her silky black haur before lowering his lips to meet hers. The warm liquid poured into her mouth as he also had to swallow some as well for it to work. Their bodies slowly started to glow as he finished letting the liquid flow into her mouth. He lingered for a bit since it will be another century until he will meet his beloved again. He slipped a ring on her delicate finger and kissed the top. My dear, he thought, we will meet again soon.

I just put random words that popped into my head here for fun.

angeleye543creators' thoughts