
Forbidden Flame

Nixie, grew up with only her dad for her entire life. She also grew up with her father's group of friends who has been there for him since high school. She was abandoned by her mother and was dropped off at her father's family's home two months after she was born. She was raised in a household that loved and cared for her very much. Even her dad's group of friends. And the one guy she knew she shouldn't feel extremely attracted to. Twenty one years later, she graduates from college and she decides to go home. She decided to stay for the summer but her summer was going to be a lot more complicated when she sees her dad's best friend again after 4 years. Ashton, he remembers when he first found out his best friend became a father. during their freshman year of high school. Quite the surprise. He loved his daughter dearly. Watched her grow up. But now... twenty one years later, seeing her again brought feelings... an attraction he knew he had to get rid of. She's changed so much to a point where he stopped seeing her as his best friend's daughter. As the little girl he watched grow up. Things this summer are about to be more complicated than he ever thought. They knew they shouldn't feel it. They knew they should have stayed away. But as their attraction grows... they couldn't stop. Like a moth drawn to a flame. They are both going to get burned.

Kewessa_Auba · 若者
5 Chs


We had finally arrived in my home city. San Jose, California. My dad came from a pretty wealthy family. They weren't amazingly rich and mansions. Just wealthy enough that they were comfortable.

I wasn't completely spoiled but I think it's safe to say that I was a daddy's girl and he did give me almost everything I asked. But not everything. Like when I was 7 I asked if I could get a phone he said no. I got my first phone freshman year of high school.

Which I was pissed about for a little while but hey that was years ago. If I ever have kids I'll most likely do the same thing. I had my own room and my own things. I grew up drawing and painting. And as my dad puts it, "amazingly extravagantly beautiful at it."

Well I mean he's not wrong. It's just a small hobby. He bought me my first easel and paint brushes when I was 13. It was the best birthday present I ever had.

Then got me a more adult-like easel when I turned 16. And got me my first car. My childhood was great. And I'd never ask for anything more. The love me and my dad has for one another is more powerful than anything. He's my world and I'm his.

Always and forever.

After the flight, we arrived at the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport and went to pick up our car. Thankfully it didn't take a week. We put our things into my car and then headed off to my family home. Or my dad's home really.

As I drove, Lourdes put in her massive hoops. "I'll never understand your obsession with those things," I stated. She rolls her eyes at me. "They show attitude. And I definitely have that. And plus you should be the last one talking, miss-i-love-industrial-piercings," she laughs. I laugh with her.

Well, she's not wrong. I have a couple of piercings. Let me not lie, a lot. I have a stud nose piercing on the right side of my nose. Three regular earlobe piercings on each ear. A cartilage piercing on my right ear and an industrial bar on my left.

And don't get me started on the tattoos I got for my 21st birthday. Which my dad hasn't seen yet. Well at least the big ones.

My first tattoos were small and I got them when I was 17. My dad and I got matching tattoos on our right wrist. A double infinity to show how powerful our family is.

Then I got his birthday on the side of my right ring finger in roman numerals. And he has my birthday on the side of his right ring finger.

That's all he knows. Even at graduation he didn't see my new tattoos because it was covered by my dress.

The first big tattoo I got is on my right forearm. It's birds flying away and under it is a quote from one of the most touching songs I have ever listened to.

It says, "I got broken wings, I keep dyin' keep tryin', No I won't give up, Oh I'm flyin' I'm flyin'."

Then my second big tattoo was a lion tattoo on my left forearm. Which represents my zodiac sign, a leo.

Then the last and final big tattoo was the biggest one. And it was in a place that I'm pretty sure my dad doesn't approve of. It's a flower tattoo that is on the left side of my hip and goes down to the upper side of my thigh. A very sexy and grown tattoo.

And I definitely can't avoid him finding out because he has a pool and we're most likely going to the beach a bunch of times this summer. But anyway I was finally almost there and I felt nervous.

Which was weird. I mean it could be because my dad doesn't actually know that I'm coming home. It's a surprise. I know his schedule. It's friday and 1:27. Which means he won't be home alone. All my uncles will be there since today is video gaming day for them. And also a competitive home championship where they play pool.

My uncles aren't my blood uncles. They're my dad's childhood best friends. But they are my family. They were always there for my dad and also there for me.

There's River, Caden, Spencer, and of course Ashton. Spencer and Ashton were real brothers.

God! I'm so nervous.

That's because you're nervous seeing Ashton again after 4 years, dumbass.

Shut the fuck up.

We had arrived at the home I grew up in. My dad moved out of his parents house when he turned 17 and I was 3 or 4.

It was a 4 bedroom home with 5 bathrooms and a massive front yard and backyard.

I loved living there. It was always fun and loving. I parked into the driveway and turned my car off. "Are you ready for the most fun summer ever with your family?" Lourdes says cheerfully.

I nod in the same energy as her. "Hell yeah."

We open the trunk to my tesla and grab our suitcases. We walked up the stairs of the house and onto the porch and then opened the front door.

The first thing I heard, "How the fuck did you do that?!" Spencer yells. "It wasn't that hard. I was using The Flash!" my dad yells back. And… they're playing Injustice 2.

Call of Duty, Injustice, and Madden Football are usually when they are in their most competitive. Lourdes and I both giggle at Spencer frustration. We entered the family room they were in. Not the living room of course.

My dad and Spencer were playing the video games while Caden was watching and cheering my dad on. River and Ashton were playing pool.

"I can't believe you beat me with fucking flash!" Spencer says in frustration.

"And I can't believe you guys haven't noticed I'm here!" I told them. Everyone turned and stopped what they were doing. Spencer dropped his controller. Caden had his hands up in a cheering position but was just frozen with his jaw on the floor. River froze standing and Ashton froze, leaning about to use his pool stick to throw a ball but like I said in a frozen state. And my dad's jaw was on the floor.

They were practically in a freeze frame. "Maybe we should give them a moment," Lourdes mutters.

"PHOENIX!" my dad practically screeches and drops his controller on the floor. His 6 foot 4 massive body sprints towards me and I let go of my stroller of my suitcase with a huge smile on my face. He hugs me and lifts me up and spins me like I was 5 again.

The best feeling in the world.

"My baby girl is here!" He laughs. I laugh with him as his woodsy home smell inflates my nose. Man, I missed him.

The rest of the guys laugh as they see me. "Jesus! You scared me kid!" River says after my dad puts me back on the ground. He came to hug me and so did everyone else.

My fucking heart stopped when I saw Ashton. He looked….

Hotter than all hell and Satan. He was always attractive but not this attractive. It made my heart skip a beat. "Shit! I haven't seen you since you graduated high school. You look amazing," he said as we hugged tightly.

"So do you," I laughed. Okay so my voice didn't shake and I sound completely chill. Except the rest of my body felt like it was shaking and there was a throb between my legs.

Oh, lord. I need to get laid fast. Guess, I was wrong? I think? I really hope not.

When he backed up I got a good look at his eyes and realized something. Yep. I was wrong. Goddammit! His eyes were the same bright crystal blue that I stared into when I was younger.

His eyes were not something you could forget. They were such a bright blue that they looked icy or like they were glowing.

"When did you get here?" Dad had asked as Caden took me and Lourdes's things. "Our flight landed about an hour ago. I wanted it to be a surprise," I said to him.

"One hell of a surprise there, Nixie" River said with a slight smirk. "How long are you staying? Please say forever," Dad almost begged. "Um, Dad, I'm 21. I need my own place eventually. Just for the summer. Well technically I'm staying here until my realtor finds a place for me," I said dropping myself onto the couch. I put my legs on top of Spencer's lap after he sits beside me.

"Aww, man. Really? Where are you going to live?" Caden asked. "Here, in San Jose. I'm working at the hospital as a resident," I said. "O'Connor Hospital?" Ashton asked. I nod.

"Ohh, I'm so proud of you, Nix" Dad says and hugs me from behind the couch. "Well, I'm going to unpack. Is my room still intact?" I asked. All the guys nod. "I don't let anyone in it," Dad says.

"Good. Thanks. I'll cook dinner in a couple of hours," I said grabbing my suitcase. "I'll be in the guess bedroom on this floor," Lourdes says walking down the hallway. My dad goes to help Lourdes.

"Here," Ashton says and grabs my suitcase and carries it. "Thanks," I mutter. We both head up the stairs and into my old bedroom. As I entered the room, I realized it still looked the same.

"My dad really wasn't kidding when he said he didn't let anyone in here," I said dropping my bookbag onto my king sized bed. Ashton slightly chuckles. I removed my leather jacket and dropped it onto my bed.

"Woah," I heard him gasp. Since I was wearing a black normal crop top that was short sleeved, he definitely saw my new tattoos. "Those are new, right?" he said pointing to my new forearm tattoos.

"Yeah. Don't tell Dad yet. I rather him see it and completely lose his shit," I said. "Still the wild one, huh?" he says. "Always and forever," I said walking towards him.

He smirks. "You look different." I raised a brow. "That better be a good different," I said. "Of course it is, Phoenix. You look…" he stops trying to find the words.

"Like a woman instead of a little girl in pigtails" I finished for him. His smirk makes its way back to his handsome face. "Exactly," he whispers. I look up into his bright eyes as he looks back to my dark eyes.

We were like that for what seemed a long while. He suddenly glanced at my lips for a split second then back to my eyes, then licked his lips and looked down at the floor.

The throb was still there. Damn it! Go away cursed thoughts. He clears his throat. "When are you making dinner?" He asked, backing away a little. "Um, at 2. Are you still going to be here?" I asked, avoiding his eyes.

"Yeah. It's been awhile since you cooked for all of us. I really missed your cooking," he chuckles lightly. I chuckle lightly too. "Well, I'm making a surprise dinner and dessert. Be prepared."

He smirks. "See you later, Red." Then he walks out.

Holy shit! He called me Red. He used to call me that while I was growing up because I used to wear a lot of red. And my old room was all red. It's my favorite color.


Why does he have to have Greek Godlike features? And this throb has to go.

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