
Chapter 29: Jameson

Jameson tried to enjoy himself as his men and the townspeople celebrated. The word had come this morning, the civil war had ended. The king was back on his throne and the line of session was safe. Annalise was safe. He told himself this was the reason she'd been absent. That she must have been sitting at council with her father addressing terms. But now the war was over and he would return to the crown city, after dealing with the straggling Amberyn forces in the swamp, and they could finally find a way to be together.

Loud cheering pulled him from his thoughts as the newest casks of ale and wine were broken open. It was still midwinter but being so near the desert kept Thorngate from getting too cold. And the booze and large bonfires kept the people warm enough. Children laughed as the ran through the streets and everyone was dancing but Jameson felt a heaviness in his heart that he couldn't explain. Surely he should feel optimistic, he had much to look forward to. He would return to the crown city, to his home. He would see Henry and Annalise and all of the people who cared for him throughout his boyhood. And he would become the new Duke Calian. But he really didn't look forward to that. For the only way he would have gotten that title was through Cailan's death, and he'd rather not have it m, but home and Annalise were something else entirely. Something good. But yet...

He felt the hand slap his back just as the sigh left his lips. "I thought you'd be happier, General." His new Lieutenant said smiling. The newest of his officers was a young prodigy from the Cromwell family with dark hair and the strangest red eyes Jameson had ever seen but he was an excellent soldier. The men respected him and he made Jameson laugh. Which wasn't an easy thing to do these day. Logan Cromwell was cut from the same cloth as Jameson and Henry and that helped Jameson trust him. "I mean, I like a good battle as well as the next guy but still war is bad news."

Jameson chucked. "I'm happy."

Logan stared at him with creased eyes. "Yeah, I can tell from the frown and worry lines across your forehead."

"I don't have worry lines." Jameson growled. "I'm the general, my job doesn't end just because the fighting does."

"Right." Logan sat next to him with two tankards of ale and s pitcher. "Drink this." He said shoving one towards Jameson. Jameson nodded taking a sip. "So, who's the girl?"

Jameson nearly spit out his mouthful of ale. "What? There's no girl..."

"Oh, that's why you flag down every mail carrier that comes near and glare at the men who get letters from there wives. And I won't mention the letters you keep in your pocket. The ones you've read at least a dozen times."

Jameson just glared. "You're a nosy little shit." They shared a laugh. "She is... perfect. Kind, smart, beautiful beyond comprehension, but I think she's changed her mind about me."

Logan nodded. "Woman are fickle but they all want to be with you." Logan's smile reached his red eyes as he nodded profoundly. "Damn near every girl in this village as gazed longingly at you at least once tonight."

Jameson rolled his eye taking another drink. But as he saw Helena coming towards him he slammed back the rest of tankard. "General, Lieutenant." She nodded. "Where is your wife?" Helena said with an obvious sneer.

Jameson sighed. "Don't you worry yourself over her, she's wintering with her family."

"She didn't want to spend your first winter as a couple. Arranged marriages can be so hard."

"There was nothing hard about it, Helena. We were at war and Amberyn is more likely to attack during our winter when supplies and reinforcements would be slowed. I didn't want to put Anna at risk by keeping her at the fort, we will have plenty of winters."

Helena nodded with a grin. "Of course, General."

She walked away whispering to the town busybodies and Jameson sighed. "I didn't know you were married." Logan grinned.

"I'm not." Jameson said reaching for the ale pitcher. "It was a lie to protect the princess while she was at the fort. My wife would walk freely about the town but the princess could not."

Logan nodded. "Makes sense to me. Does that have something to do with the sighing. I was at fort Calian, I saw how close the two of you are."

Jameson finished his ale and filled his tankard once more. "I don't sigh."

Logan just laughed. "More than thirty times a day, perhaps. Look, I know it's none of my business but I think the two of you are good together. But I'm sure that's all the princess. The clothes don't make the man, the woman who chooses to love him does."

Jameson blinked at him a few times, "how old are you again?"

"Nineteen." Logan smiled. "As of now I'm the youngest Morean ever named Lieutenant."

Jameson laughed, "By the Seven, what horrible thing happened to make you so mature?"

"I'm the youngest of six and the only son." Logan said refilling both of their tankards. "I am well versed in woman."

Jameson nodded. "Well versed indeed."

Jameson woke the next morning to a loud knock in his door and a splitting headache. As he crawled out of bed, while attempting to calm his stomach, he tried to remember how much he had drank the night before. He vaguely recalled taking with Logan, and drinking a few pitchers. And then perhaps dancing? Not possible. He thought. I don't dance. Unless it's with a beautiful woman. He groaned as he pulled open his door, the light that flooded in from the court yard amplifying his head ache.

And when he could once again manage to open his eyes he saw Logan standing there, looking as fresh as always. "Good morning, General. I figured you'd still be down... but the mail came, and I thought you'd want this right away."

Without a second thought Jameson snatched the letter from Logan's hand tearing open the envelope. It was short, only a few sentences, and not from Annalise.


Annalise is to marry Alion. She needs you, now. Hurry.

It took no thought, he was moving as fast as he could around his room throwing supplies into his saddle bag. There was no way that he would allow Annalise to marry Alion. Though it explained the sudden end to the war. No wonder she wasn't writing him... but why not tell him? Why not ask for help? He had no ideas. Maybe she couldn't. Henry had done it for her, could that mean she was... he didn't want to finish the thought, couldn't. Annalise needed him and there was nothing that would stop him from going to her. But even without taking a long rest it was still five days to the crown city. He only hoped that he made it in time. He had to make it in time.

He threw on his clothes and walked out his door heading straight for the stables "uh, does this mean I'm in charge?" Logan shouted after him.

Jameson froze. He had honestly forgotten that he was there. "Congratulations on your promotion."
