
For Our Tomorrow (hopefully, we'll survive it)

A waiter, an office worker, a writer, and a sailor. These individuals are simply normal people, living a normal life, with a normal family, normal friends, and otherwise normal jobs. So, why and how are they involved with one another? How come these completely different occupations are put in the same sentence, especially the last one? And just how can there be only one definition of 'normal' when other people already have their own lifestyle, and therefore their 'normals' differ as well. These individuals, different as they are, have one thing in common. All of them are aware of what would take place 'tomorrow', or to clarify, they have knowledge of many upcoming major events that would soon take place in the land they call home. How? Well, they can't tell you that now, can they? Oh, but don't get it wrong. They didn't have this knowledge because they want to, rather they had no choice. What, curious? Apologies, it's not me here who has the knowledge of what comes next, right? I'm merely a summary, not a whole story. Why don't you find out yourself?

Nerd_Bunklist_5192 · ゲーム
1 Chs

Author's Note & Introduction

Greetings everyone, I am the Author of this soon to be fully written fanfiction. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope that all of you would enjoy yourselves with reading this creation of mine. Though I am most lacking, I hope that at the very least all of you who came across this fanfiction of mine would find this book to be acceptable, and if you'd be so kind, please do leave a comment.....

...oh, WHO AM I KIDDING!!!??? (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I CAN'T DO THIS! Why am I acting all fancy-mancy when writing my introduction in such a cringy way when I'm just some fantasy nerd trying to prove something to myself!?

I'm not even a proper writer! And yet I call myself an "Author"!? *soooooobbbb*


Why am I even here? Now every one of you have to bear this barely-even-an-amateur writer mope around in self pessimism...

My deepest apologies...(⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)

Well, that was all for my mini moping moment, now back to business.

Alrighty everyone, once again, hello. Apologies if all of you are confused with my...uhh.. unique way of opening an introduction for myself. The reason I do this was to simply give you a bit more of a clear picture to the kind of person (or well, writer) I am, and just as a way to sprinkle a little bit of humor and "Me" into this. Now, I don't know about the rules of introducing one's self in their own writing, but hopefully I didn't broke any (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)

Anyways, as you all know, I am entirely new to whole concept of writing fiction for all to read, much less for myself. I challenged myself to write this book as a way for me to fulfill a long time goal of mine, a bucket list of some sort, you could say.

As English is also not my first language, I will have more grammar mistakes than I could possibly count. As such, I will be very slow with my writing as I will take a lot of time contemplating on whats and how's, so please, feel free to leave any comments of your advice for how I write.

Alrighty then moving on. Now I'll tell you about the basis of this story.

This is a Genshin Impact transmigrassion/reincarnation fanfic circling the life anecdotes of my OCs as apposed to the in-game Travelers. There will be multiple OCs taking part of leading the story because Author had the great idea to give these poor children of theirs others who can understand where they're coming from (figuratively and literally). These OCs are all very different from one another, with the one (or probably more) thing they have in common is their souls being "not from this world". From age, to past life, to current life, and ideals, these individuals have learned to live their lives in the world they are born in all the while carrying the lingering feeling of being an "outsider" to practically everything and everyone in Teyvat. Well, almost everyone.

When memories not their own but not quite "unfamiliar" start to swarm their dreams every single night since they reached the budding age of five, their lives become a bit more complex than they would've ever desire. Now bringing the burden of a lifetime different than the one they currently lead, could these individuals eventually have the life they so desire as their "current" selves, or would they forever be haunted with the constant reminder that they are outsiders carrying information more valuable than the world could ever compare to?

So yeah, that's the gist of it.

Keep in mind that my OCs and their lores will ignore most canon events because I'm still in the process of building them, but I will do my best so that I won't alter too much of the elements from canon so everyone can still keep up with the story, it will be greatly appreciated to leave some comments and point out some details that may be unclear later on, I'll give some more explanations to make sure every bits can be as understandable as possible.

Now, the story will still follow the Traveler's journey but will mostly be told from the perspective of my OCs, and perhaps other in-game characters as well if I can manage.

After this introduction, I will publish a tryout (or pilot) chapter as a warm up for building the whole book. It may be re-written multiple times as this one is quite prone to changing their mind at any given moment, so do be prepared (be prepared for your patience to be tested, I mean). Now the pilot chapter will most likely come a bit later as this one is still in the process of building it, this one sadly have no editor much less a beta reader. So really, be ready for your patience to be tested.

Well, that will be all for now. Author really aught to get back to working on that pilot chapter so all of you won't come here in vain, so Author will end this all here.

Thank you in advance for stopping by, even though Author is very ambiguous (as this whole introduction was) you all still make the time to read through this whole introduction of mine. Best not keep you waiting for any longer.

Now without further ado, I bit you all adieu~