
Foolish Young Master

Leon was a young genius from Sect of Fire, the no.1 sect in the world. he's highly adored and all the other geniuses fell silent at his strength and his intelligence. until one day, his best friend and his master betrayed him. he thought he was dying but his soul wandered. He has a second life now. he lived as a rich, arrogant, stupid, and fat young master. Leon saw his own body "What the fuck! What's going on with my body?" And suddenly a system sound rang in his head Name : Leonard Miller Age: 14 yo Strength: 2 intelligence: 1 charisma : 0 skill: null "What the fuck!" Leon cursed again. "Why am become trash human-like this ?!"

Protonauron · 都市
11 Chs


Leon is a young genius. Everyone young knows him. He handsome and strong, but also cruel. Because of his fame, everyone tries to lick his feet.

Leon is also liked by everyone. He has so many friends and a strong master, who become his teacher. Everyone envies him.

Leon lived so happily for so many years. Until that happens, in his 20 years old birthday, he had an incident.

"What happens?" Leon muttered confused. He just drinks at his birthday party, but suddenly he felt his whole body become weak and he falls.

He didn't know what happened. His birthday party was private so he didn't invite a lot of people. Just his friends and his master. So he doubted that anyone could harm him. Until finally he heard a mocking voice beside him.

"that's a genius child can also fall like a weak person huh..."

Leon looked up at the person. "Bein" he muttered confused. Another voice followed along with laughter.

"It is your time to retire" a cold and familiar voice was heard.

"Master...." Leon said softly. He looks at his master with shock and sadness.

"We already gave you heart poison. That's divine poison. You won't get well. Slowly your cultivation will disappear. And you will die slowly."

Leon's eyes become full of hatred. But, he cants do anything now. So he felt very hopeless. Gradually his consciousness began to disappear. He will die and he knows that.

Actually, until his age five years old, Leon was an orphan. He doesn't have anyone until his master brings him to the sect. Suddenly, he became an important person when he arrived at the sect. He didn't expect that. He becomes a genius child. He has superior talent. Since then he considered his master to become most important in his life. He also meets Bein, his best friend. He felt his life so wonderful. But all of it was destroyed in instant.

Leon couldn't take it anymore. Slowly his eyes closed. Even to his death, he doesn't know why they hate him. What a pity...

I create a new one cuz my old story was blacklisted. I'm sorry...

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