
Flow Of Water In Naruto

A young male otaku is brought into a meeting with god after having run in front of a truck, believing that it would allow him to reincarnate into his favorite anime. Having an unexpected meeting on his first day in the Narutoverse, he realizes that this may not be the timeline he hoped for. P.s: just because the mc does reincarnate into anime does not mean it will actually happen (insert crying emoji here). This means I am not supporting suicide! Also, I obviously don’t own Naruto (or I wouldn’t be writing a fanfic about it) however all other stuff is mine, probably, maybe, I think, who knows? Finally, this is my first fanfic and I realize I should probably finish the entire Naruto series before I do this but screw it as such expect quite a few errors, and please post some arcs for me to try and do. Hope you all enjoy and don’t hate on me I have a very fragile ego, *fake weep* *fake weep*

Novel_Creator · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Blood Of The Enemy

Walking back out of the alley, with a smile on his face. Yokoji seemed to be having some happy thoughts.

'Now that I've got his blood, I wonder what ability I will get from it. Yahiko wasn't well known for much except his water technique so maybe my connection to water will improve.'

His smile grew bigger at the thought. He would soon have an even bigger counter if he met Yahiko in the future.

'With the power I gain from his blood, his combat effectiveness will be at least a quarter less than before. Added to my already unparalleled connection to water, he may not even be as significant as a mosquito when we next meet!'

Yokoji's daydreams got caught short as he walked into his house, just to meet a worried Konan jumping up into his arms. Not saying anything, just moving her head in closer to him.

"Konan are you okay. It's alright if anything happened just tell me I'm here now..." Yokoji started to say, yet he noticed that she just started to grab onto him more. He heard a faint mutter, as if she was trying to say something, but didn't at the same time.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, can you speak up a bit please?" He tried to comfort her more. Trying to coax an answer out of her. Whatever hurt his little angel would pay the price!

Thankfully, Konan muttered something again. This time audible to his ears.

"P-please don't l-leave again. N-next time bring me with you!"

Yokoji noticed that her mental health seemed to be worse than he thought.

Before when he spent his time with her, she was a lively little girl who seemed to care for him with all her heart. Joy was brimming out of her.

Yet, for not even two hours of separation, she already became the careful and scared girl he picked up on the streets.

Yokoji left a note in his heart to try and help her be without him for longer purposes. But, he also noted that for now, to just spend as much time with her as he could.

"It's alright. Next time when I go out I'll bring you with me. However for now I have something important to do. Can you please help me." he looks at her with a hint of helplessness. Yokoji didn't know what could happen to him, as this would be the first time he would be digesting blood.

So this would be a new experience for him. He didn't know if he would be injured or paralyzed for any amount of time. Although he knew it wouldn't kill him. He wanted Konan to be there, more for comfort than anything.

Shock was obviously visible on Konan's face as she processed what he just said. Normally he was more introverted, not allowing others near him. Yet this time she could help. 'I'll do whatever I can!' She shouted in her mind. Determination obvious.

Since these thoughts took a while for her to process, Yokoji decided to play a little prank on her.

"It's fine if you don't want to. I'll be in the bathroom in case it makes a mess."

Hearing this Konan went both bright red and scared.

"No, when did I say I didn't want to help. You've done so much for me. If I can ever do anything for you just ask..." Konan let out. Blushing even more.

Even though Yokoji had an idea of what she was trying to say. He decided to play ignorant to it. After all, he was still in his eight-year-old body!

"Thank you, Konan. Can you follow me to the toilet then?" Not one to make the same mistake twice, Konan immediately followed.

Yokoji entered the bathroom with her behind him. He decided to use this place as it was the smallest room in the house. As such if the process made a mess. It wouldn't take as much effort to clean up.

Making sure to lock the door behind Konan due to not wanting anyone to interrupt. Although a small chance for someone to enter, he still didn't want to risk someone interrupting the process. Who knew how long it would take.

Konan on the other hand had different thoughts. Due to the bathroom being in this small house. The bathroom was made with minimum room. Only trying to make it practical, not comfortable. One person could already barely fit in it.

Now with both Konan and Yokoji piled up. Their bodies started to press together. He felt her chest go into his. Her waist pressed up close. And her lips, the ones he had tasted again and again. In front of his.

Her eyes stared into his own, almost as if asking a question.

Konan felt herself pressed onto him. She felt her chest go on his, and her waist fall onto his own. She felt a large lump at that part, almost as if a snake was hiding in his pants. She felt pleasure coming from it, her legs started to feel some wet liquid run down them, as they pressed on.

Although Yokoji couldn't get it up yet, it was still rather large. As such, it made them both feel comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

Deciding to end the wonderful feeling of her thighs as he rubbed his hand against them. He finally decided to get to business for his original mission.

"Sorry, Konan, i-i got a bit caught up there..."

"No, it's okay, I rather liked it..."

'God, what am I saying, he feels so good, yet I'm accepting his apology. I should be the one to apologize due to not being able to help relieve him.'

Konan still wanted to do what the other girls in the alley did to men for him. She knew it wouldn't hurt if it was him. She just wanted to make him feel glad he picked her up.

Konan knew that was a foolish notion, as she could feel his love through their bond. That was why it was an excuse. An excuse she used to distract her from the pain she felt of not having him.

The bond made it hard for her not to think of him that way. So, she decided to make it has her paying him back. That was why she was able to hold back, for what already felt like years.

'Damn, she feels so good, I can't wait until we grow up. Maybe I should do something for her later...'

Slowly trying to find some separation. they eventually ended up in a position where Yokoji was sitting on the floor, in a normal pose. But Konan was sitting on him as well. Wrapping her small, thin legs around his waist.

Yokoji felt the liquid come down from where she was sitting. But had to ignore it for now. 'I am the one who asked for her to come here. I need to get on with it.'

Looking her dead in the eyes, Yokoji slowly takes out a bottle of blood from within his pocket. Making Konan give out a slight moan, due to his knee touching her in an intimate place as he moved around.

Straining at the thought of remaining in concentration. Yokoji lifted the small vial of blood up to his lips. By his estimation, it should be about double the amount that would be needed for his power to work on a willing giver.

He slowly drank the blood inside, filling his mouth with it.

'Is that blood? Why is he drinking it?' Konan asked herself. Figuring to just make sure he was okay for now, then ask her questions later.

'It really does taste like wine, Yahiko's seems to be a type of grape one.' Yokoji didn't have much experience with wine, but he still savored the taste.

Finally gulping down the rest of the blood. He started to self-meditate within him to try and see the effects it caused. One has to know that this is a great accomplishment, as he could still feel Konan's juices coming out of her.


Anyway, the blood seemed to go down smoothly. Gradually dissipating within his throat. However, where it disappeared, a vast amount of chakra-like energy took its place.


Letting out a terrible scream as the energy started to infuse with his own blood. A pain that he has never felt before, started to come from within him. He felt his blood changing, being destroyed but then rebuilt again.

The process was extremely painful. He let out screams every second. Not even stopping as his mouth ran dry.

Yet, a warm feeling seemed to comfort him. A feeling that he enjoyed and love. This feeling let him carry on, reaching for the light instead of the dark.

Hoping, against all odds, to meet what this feeling was. To embrace it, to love it. The feeling became even more empowered as these thoughts ran through him. He reached out and grabbed that feeling, ending the process.

The process seemed to end as suddenly as it began. Yet this time, all Yokoji got to see was Konan's worried face fading in the background. Bringing another surge of emotions, as he slowly went unconscious within her hands.

(AN: hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Once again sorry if it felt short, I need to go back to revising (got another test tomorrow), either way, I hope you enjoyed. Please do leave some suggestions in the comments if you have any. I'm only making rough plans and seeing how it goes. Either way, I'll see you guys again tomorrow. Have a good week :p )

Once again revising for a math test tomorrow. Please leave a comment for better ideas on the future of the story. Any idea will be viewed by me and if I like it I will probably add it into the story. Hope you enjoyed it, and have a good night folks ;p

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