
found a habitats island

"three day of using my gamer map, I finally found island that have people"carl look at far away island smiling suddenly carl twist his brow as think ,if I just go there with my they really will scared, carl look to his boat and decide to let it fly 1000 meter above and go to the island

when the boat about reach the island carl jump to the sea then swim to the island,

"ha ha ah I finally here"and thought its really uncoportable when your strength is seal just jump 1000 meter its already cause damage to me it's took half of my HP carl look at his hp

hp: 2860/5680 mp: 3860 /3860

carl sit in nearby rock and took some pill to eat that heal him

hp: 5390/5680 mp: 3860 /3860

when carl about continue his walk to the village base on the map, he heard a crying girl in the corner he walk over when he about to top the shoulder the little girl suddenly said "I'm really monster, is this why my mother leave me

carl suddenly said " that not true young lady

the little girl shock when he heard a voice in her back said in hurry " wh,,,,who ar,,, are you ?

carl smile and said "that's rude of me young lady I'm carl d francy may I know your name

the little girl started and said in hurry "I'm Nico Robin"

carl ask " why are you crying "

after all although carl is only 6 years old his hight already 156 cm

robin said "your not afraid of me?? other call me monster??

carl though 'if I'm not wrong this little girl is part of luffy Pirate group in the future and reply "why would I be afraid of cute little girl by the way robin how old are you

robin doubt but said" 6 year old why do you ask

carl "nothing " then Though six ah this mean there still two years before navy attack here after all orihara destroy when she was eight year old then 24 year for her to join straw hat pirate group

Robin look at carl and said "bother bother!

carl started and said "what is it?

Robin smile happily and said " you really not afraid of me? then will you became my bother

carl smile said "of course I can

Carl and Robin talk for 12 hours Robin said "bother already a noon so I have to go back

carl though time really fast I regret that I create solomon and other as an adult if I create them as a children no no I'm not lolicon!!!

carl look at the sky " I should help her or not? but I don't want her to suffer

next morning

carl decide to train Robin when robin came him he said to robin things such as how navy will destroy the orihara

"Robin I want to train you so when it come you have your own self protection

Robin reply seriously said "brother plss train me I will work Hard to stop it and save my mother

carl look at Robin firm determination said " then hold me" Robin hold carl body as rope fall from sky,carl hold it tightly so he will not fall

after an hout or so they arrived in the ship Robin shock from what she saw a ship fly in the sky who would believe it not only that she also saw hundred or so giant stone

Robin scared ask "what's are they!?"

carl reply "they are golem that I create they will be your opponent for 2 years "

Robin shock and "how can I possibly win to them ??!!"

carl reply "that why you going to train right if can't not win them how are you going to stop the Navy for now we should increase your stamina strength and agility first push up 100x sit up 100x run for around the ship 10x practice your devil fruit I will back one week later

Robin ask immediately "where are you going ?!!"

carl reply "I'm going to watch the how new era will come"carl pat Robin head and said "it's ok there two hundred golem here your Safety here just practice so you became strong to go out to the sea"

Robin face red when carl pat her head and she lower her head and said lowly "it's unfair

carl left waving his hand and pick the small floating motorcycle fly to the louge Town

two days later louge town

carl finally arrived but there still two days before execution so he walk to the Roger bar to drink

carl "boss one bottle of wine"

boss reply "what type of wine"

carl "anything as long as not too strong

boss pick up one bottle and throw it to carl as carl catch it and said "why are there many navy here boss"

boss look low and said"after two days here is where one piece will execute that there many navy preparing to it "

carl sigh and said "we'll I think it will not that simple I'm sure that guy surely will open new era after he was about to die he leave his regret to the younger"carl pick the bottle and drink it

the boss shock to what carl said will open new era "can I ask your name

carl look up and said "me I'm simple trouble maker heavenly carl the king of heaven I hope you watch what will happened next 2 day " after that carl left

carl decide 2 days later he will announce his name and create the name in history

"for I should create golem as much as I can to fight those navy I also need haki i should practice it but two day is not enap so I think I should unlock some seal skill

carl decide to unseal his stealing skill and try it to the lizard under the tree

"ting, you gain trait regen lvl1 -speed up your regen for 50% add 50% per lvl

then on the tree

"ting you gain trait heat absorb lvl1 -absorb heat to regen stamina, energy and HP currently heat that can absorb :1000 degrees

carl walk to the forest find another lizard he use steal again

"ting your regen has lvl up by one

"ting your heat absorb has lvl up by one

after one hour

regen lvl 100 max-speed up regen 50x

heat absorb -can absorb heat :100.000

carl try it to the ants

"ting you gain trait ants strength lvl1 -your strength multiply to 10 add 10x per lvl

try to the lion

"ting you gain trait conquer haki lvl 1 -produce an aura that pressure the opponent the opponent that have lower strength and spirit to user will fall asleep

carl shock how can the lion have conquer haki but though of it lion is the king of the jungle so it's have haki

carl focus in stealing after whole day


name :Carl d francy. lvl:9 0/100

title: the gamer. gender: male

job: chaos age:7 Race : heavenly god seal

status :100 seal(note :1 seal = to his 1% power

hp: 23530/23530 mp: 7562/7562

stamina :36580/36580 haki:36580/36580

current world : one piece west sea

world power currently :divine master 5 stage seal

strength:100(1000)=1100( note:the skill only strength up his strength ,so hp will not go up)






stat point :45

no of golem:1053

skill seal

currently available skill

golem creation lvl20-create a 20 meter golem 1 meter add per lvl cost:10 cd:30 second

sword mastery lvl 60 - attack power +600% hit +600% def +600% using sword add 10% all per lvl

crafting skill lvl20 -+200% durabilty +200% ability +100% chance to gain special ability

regen lvl 100 -speed up regen by 5000%

heat absorb lvl 100 -can absorb heat to regen stamina hp mp ect

jump lvl 100 -speed up and strength up by 5000%

ant strength lvl 100 -strength x1000

arm haki lvl 100 - damage +10000% +100000% damage to devil fruit user

conquer haki lvl 100 - +10000% mental damage can kill opponent that conscious or spirit weaker than host

see haki lvl10 - can see the 10 second of future can see around 1000 meter

sharp claw lvl100 - a sharp claw damage 10,000