
Young lady Grendel

Inside an office well suited with computers you would find an absent-minded Simon who was drawn into a single computer, he was the security designated to protect the owner of this mansion Mr Bethwel Okoth who was the Ministers of Internal affairs of the government of Kenya. Although he was only twenty seven years of age he had undergone top level military training both in the country and abroad. He had just got back in to the country a year ago, after having been away for eight years from his overseas training majority of his time spent in Israel and United States of America while others in many other countries.

After his return a year ago with fellow trainees who numbered to a hundred, he was among the thirty three out of the a hundred whose performance were the most outstanding from the more than eight years intensive training who were called into a secret meeting with the president of the Nation who was also the Commander in Chief of the army Mr John Karugu. The meeting was to introduce them to the top secret of the nation the protector squad of which they were asked to join although it was newly formed it was still apart of the army and had just a little over fifty members who were handpicked using the same procedure as them. Their mission was to protect top government officials and had to resign from the military because it was an independent body even though it was a part of the army.

One month after they had agreed to joining the protector squad, they were introduced to the officials they were supposed to protect and that was how he got to this place.

The computer was displaying the video of an attractive female caught by the CCTV camera outside the gate, she was dressed on black pants, white sweatshirt outfit with a black writings ' sweetheart' embossed on it and given the type of shoes she had on her, it explained why she had trouble pulling the huge suitcase behind her. Simon had asked the police who were situated almost nine hundred meters away from the mansion to restrict all vehicles apart from a few from passing the checkpoint and by the look of it she must have been brought by the a taxi and given that she was allowed to come in with such a huge suitcase she must have been cleared thus not a danger.

Although he didn't trust the security team on the checkpoint they had been satisfactory in their work for the six months he had been here, he had trained not to trust anyone during his training with this thought Simon got up to check the luggage the bimbo was carrying. To him she was a bimbo given how the minister liked to have fun with different young pretty women he had seen many of her kind over the months. If not for the luggage he would not concern himself much with her.

"Where were you, you fool!! what is your work in this house?! I had to ring the bell four times and you were not even answering!! why are you looking at me that way, I will get my father to hire a new watch man, you incompetent baboon. I said stop looking at me that way!!"

she stamped her feet angrily, Simon was not perturbed by her unceremonious behavior beauty wise she was unmatched to all the ladies he had encountered having been in the military ever since he was eighteen years of age he had only met with females blessed with wits and masculinity totally denied of beauty well you could say their beauty was internal. However the lady before him was blessed with the soft light skin, beautiful eyes, her hair was not too long nor too short and just fitted perfectly the way it was, she had that american accent when she talked and just looked like she needed someone to protect her but she acted like an uncultured lady he pitied the man who would marry such a lady a clear definition of a bimbo.

"if you are done lamenting you can now open your suitcase." he said his eyes not leaving her.

"lamenting? do I look sad to you, who the hell do you think you are to talk to me that way? you are not even qualified to look into my bag, not even those police at the check point dared to! you get me!! and you an uncivilized watchman want to check my bag..." it seemed like she was not going to stop anytime soon.

"hey you stop cutting my suitcase, do you know how expensive it is?"

Simon having known he would waste his time shit chatting with this lady he took the step forward and cut the bag with his pocket knife since she had got to this point he had to check her bag no matter what to avoid unnecessary accidents like explosives and given how she kept stalling his time he had to do this added to what she said her bag was not checked by the police at the checkpoint that itself was a red flag.

"uh! my bag! you will pay for it, you will pay!"she said while dialing on her phone.

"Dad what kind of stupid watch man is this! he has ripped the suitcase mum gifted me, sob sob..sob, you have to fire him...dad! dad! .. sob.."

she was now crying non stop while Simon who looked unconcerned kept on searching her bag having seen there was only girlish staffs, clothing and some rare stones and bones which he found unharmful, and many books having found nothing that was dangerous he was just about to allow her to pass through when she handed him her phone.

"here! for you" she bellowed.

"Yes sir" he answered and then turned to the lady who had posed crying and was wiping her eyes with a white perfumed handkerchief she was lucky she didn't use make-up or else given how she was a crybaby....

"Young lady Grendel your father awaits you." he said with a smile the serious face he had awhile ago was long gone.


she pointed her finger towards him in fury that words failed to come out of her mouth and then tried to carry her damaged suitcase but it was too heavy for her.

"Miss you can just head to the house your luggage will be taken care of" Simon said after observing her unfruitful struggles.

"Shut up!!?" she yelled, she headed into the house nonetheless. She was so angry that she didn't go to great her father she went directly into her room and shut herself in and only opened the door to the worker who brought her luggage.
