
Life Alone

A life with the pack was nice until my life came back to bite me in the ass. My father came back to find me, but I wasn't at the pack. So he attacked them and slaughtered all of them. They were all hung up around the houses and trees with a message written on them. It said, "Give me the one I want or all shall die for her."

I started to walk backwards to get away from what I felt in that moment. I slipped on something hard and slimy. When I looked to see what is was is saw Wilma's face stuck in horror. I wanted to cry and kill myself again, but Wilma told me that "Life is precious and holds value, so deal with what you got and live on till the end."

So I declared that on today I will grow up to be strong enough to take my own life and not live for my father.


Every September 13, I look back to see how far I made it. I took all that I ever had in my heart and let it burst free to join the rest of the world. Now I live for me and my new pack. I have to be strong to protect it, and be able to fight for all of them. But I also have to trust they will do the same for me.

To be continued.
