
Finding Camellia

Her life was nothing but lies. Camellia was just 12 when she was taken away from her mother in the slums and forced to live as the son of an aristocratic family. But under the layers of secrets and lies, she never forgets. She continues to struggle to be her true self again, to reclaim the life of Camellia. ⓒ 2020 Jin Soye Original Korean edition published by Younsong, Republic of Korea. English edition copyright ⓒ 2021 Ridi Corporation, Inc.

Jin Soye · 一般的
128 Chs

Chapter 5

"I was told the child was a girl," the marquis said.

Anastasia's hands froze while taking his coat. She dismissed the servants from the room. The crackling of the lantern was all that could be heard as the heavy bedroom door closed.

"We have no need for a daughter," Anastasia replied.

"But she is indeed a girl. How do you expect her to act like a boy?"

The marquis changed into a robe and sat on the bed. He was exhausted and didn't seem to have the energy to wash up.

"It wouldn't be permanent. Only until Kieran's health improves. Think of her as a temporary substitute to bolster our House's standing."

"You'd have a girl live as a boy to improve our stature? You are one heartless woman."

Anastasia sat straight in her chair and looked down at her husband who was leaning against the bed. A look of hatred flashed in her eyes.

"You are the one without a heart, my lord. After all, it was you who saw fit to share the warmth of your bed with a mere servant."


"It would not have hurt this much if you had rather pursued a widowed highborn instead. But a maid? How dare you give your heart to a woman who should not even be allowed to look you in the eyes?!"

It had been over ten years, but Anastasia's shock still hadn't subsided.

Camellia's mother was a maid who was responsible for the produce in the kitchens at Bale Manor. She was a woman who was loved but hated at the same time for her exceptional beauty that bewitched all on the estate.

And Lord Bale was no exception. Anastasia had known this but never stopped him because she thought he would grow tired of the girl—a temporary amusement. She was sure of it.

But then, just as Kieran was beginning to take his first steps, the woman's belly began to swell.

The servants began to fear her, currying favor just in case she birthed a son. They kept a close eye on everything, from her complexion to her eating habits. The woman, thinking she had won the marquis's affection, began taking advantage of her situation as if she had been bestowed with power.

Then one winter day with especially biting winds, Kieran disappeared. Anastasia felt the heavens come crashing down. She frantically searched the estate and eventually found him abandoned stark naked by the frozen lake. But by the grace of the gods, he managed to survive.

Furious, the marquis questioned all of the servants to find the culprit, and they all named the pregnant woman. The woman, who was almost due, was thrown out of the manor that night. She cried of her innocence in the matter, but the marquis—livid he had almost lost his only son—ignored her pleas. Anastasia cursed her, vowing to follow her to the ends of the earth and kill her if she bore a son.

After some time, she heard that the woman had gone into hiding in Louver, the slums of the capital. It was only after receiving news about the woman having a daughter that Anastasia was able to feel relief.

However, Kieran fell ill after that day. He became significantly weaker and developed a chronic condition where he would cough up blood. They searched all throughout the empire to find the best medicine that money could buy, but it was no use. Kieran was dying.

"What became of the child's mother?" asked the marquis.

Anastasia clenched her fist as she pushed down all her emotions and let out a chuckle.

"Who knows? She could be dead, or perhaps she went insane. Despite being a woman on the streets, I was told she greatly treasured her daughter."

"You make it sound as if you want her dead."

She smirked at the marquis's sarcastic remark. "Of course."

The marquis sighed deeply as he took a sip of his drink. He reached out to his wife, who eased the ferocious look on her face and reluctantly went into his arms.

"Kieran may be a frail boy, but no one would dare look down on House Bale for that. He is my son. I will not stand aside and watch idly. You let too many things worry you."

"I can't forgive her. She's responsible for Kieran's worsening state… Don't forget what she did, Gilliard."

The marquis comforted his wife, who began crying in his arms.

Anatasia's reaction wasn't unreasonable; it was true that Kieran's health began deteriorating after he had been found by the frozen lake. The marquis also felt outraged whenever he thought about that night. Even if he gave his heart to that woman, he could never forgive her for hurting his only son.

Gilliard hugged Anastasia tightly.

"I swear on the name of House Bale that I will never forgive her. Never."


Each breath was visible in the freezing air. The season of plenty had given way to the snow queen.

Lennon, the gardener, lit the portable heater inside the glasshouse. His invention was the pride of the Bale Manor. It was smokeless, odorless, and contained the flame.

"Lady Bale, your garden is always so lovely," said Lady Selby as she laughed.

"It's nothing in comparison to the gardens at House Ihar," responded Lady Bale.

"Ah, yes. You're right. I heard the duchess likes embellishing the gardens more than socializing."

"Well, the world is a noisy place. I would want to keep my ears covered as well."

"I couldn't agree more."

The two women conversed and laughed while the other ladies, bystanders to the conversation, were busy trying to laugh with them at the right time.

After savoring a sip of her tea, Lady Selby glanced at her daughter running around in the glasshouse. In any other situation, she would not have tolerated such behavior, but all she could do was give a look of disapproval. Her daughter's playdate happened to be Princess Rosina. While it wasn't proper decorum for a lady, none would dare scold the princess.

Anastasia couldn't help but smile at Lady Selby's sigh and turned her gaze to the garden.

"Look! It's snowing!" the princess exclaimed, and all the ladies turned to look.

It was indeed snowing.

"Let's go outside, Marilyn!"

"It's too cold, Your Highness. Isn't it better to watch the snow from indoors? I don't think I can run anymore."

Rosina studied Marilyn, who didn't look tired at all, and narrowed her eyes.

"What if I told you Lord Claude will be leaving his study soon?"

Marilyn blushed at his name.

Rosina placed her hands on her waist triumphantly.

"I asked my brother to drag Lord Claude out of the study today. Since it just started snowing, they will probably go hunting."

Marilyn called for her maids in response to Rosina's tempting words.

The ladies laughed uncomfortably at their conversation. They secretly hoped to marry their daughters into House Bale.

Everyone knew that Marilyn Selby, the daughter of Marquis Selby, fell in love with Lord Claude at first sight. She was likely to become the future duchess since House Bale didn't have a daughter.

"Wait… Who is that? What is he doing?" asked Rosina as she put on her furs and pointed outside. Standing there was a small boy without a coat, looking up at the sky. He shivered every time a cold snowflake landed on his tongue and even stuck out his hands to lick the snow that fell on it.

"I think he's… tasting the snow," Marilyn said as she glanced at her mother for confirmation.

While the ladies watched with interest, Lady Bale rang the bell with a stiff look on her face. The maid immediately came running to her side.

"Take Camellius back to his room," she ordered.

The maid bowed deeply and left.

The ladies exchanged looks with each other at the shift in mood. One of them asked, "Is that your son, my lady? The one who has been recovering in seclusion?"

Everyone at the table already knew the answer. Nonetheless, Lady Bale put on an elegant smile and nodded.

"They say he's still quite ill. That is why he is smaller than his peers."

"How old is he?" asked Princess Rosina.

"He is twelve, Your Highness. Three years younger than Kieran."

"Oh, I see. They sure look alike. But is he really a boy? He's very pretty."

"What an amusing question, Your Highness," said Lady Bale as she laughed.

Rosina's sparkling brown eyes focused on Lia.

As the maid approached Lia to take her inside, Kieran seemingly appeared out of nowhere and motioned her away. He placed a fur coat over Lia and hugged her tightly. Lord Claude followed behind him with a group of boys.

Princess Rosina's ears turned red at the sight.

"If I didn't know he was a boy," said Marilyn flatly, "I'd say his beauty would make any girl jealous. Wouldn't you agree?"


Camellia was shocked by the sudden appearance of Kieran, Lord Claude, and their group. Moreover, because Kieran wasn't shy about showing affection, his hugs often threw her off guard, and she never knew how to react. After all, she was still a girl underneath the disguise.

"What are you doing out here alone, Lius? Come with us."

Kieran dragged a confused-looking Lia along. She felt the glares of disapproval from Lord Torin and the other young lords in the group. However, Lord Claude seemed not to notice her at all as he continued walking along the path. Lia was glad when he passed her by. For some reason, he made her nervous.

"Kieran, I have a lesson to attend!"

Lia tried to come up with an excuse, but Kieran had no intention of falling for it.

"No, you're mistaken. Master Theodore is coming tomorrow morning."

Thinking that there was no point in trying to fool him any longer, Lia reluctantly followed Kieran. They walked toward a table upon which a row of pistols and rifles had been laid out along a velvet runner. Lia could feel her body beginning to tremble; it was time for the hunt.

"There's no fun in shooting targets that don't move." Claude took a seat on the black sofa and reached for the bowl of grapes that had been prepared for them.

Lia could feel his piercing blue eyes staring at her, but she didn't dare lift her head.

"You promised to teach my brother how to shoot, Claude," said Kieran.

"Of course," replied Claude after swallowing the grape in his mouth. "I know I promised."

The other boys let out a laugh as they seated themselves next to him.

Lia was busy avoiding Lord Torin's gaze; the young lord had been glaring at her with an odd look on his face. She stood still with her eyes fixed on the hunting rifles, only to suddenly realize Claude was standing right behind her. Nervous, she clenched her tiny hands into a fist.

Claude picked up a pistol fitting of her size and furrowed his brow. "Why on earth were you tasting the snow?"

Lia blinked quickly, dazed at the unexpected question, and answered with whatever came to mind. "I was curious."

"Curious? About how it would taste?"

"Yes…" she said, nodding anxiously.

"Only street urchins would be curious about something like that," Claude whispered mockingly into her ear. "Funnily enough, they wonder if the snow tastes like sherbet."