
vol 1, chap 3, mystic world (2)

Waking up inside his van. Jo rolled over and grabbing his phone to check the time, and it seemed only an hour and a half had past. he was still unable to decide if the mystic world was nothing more then a vivid dream or actually real.

the only way he could find out was to see if he went back when he slept. If the scholar told the truth then he would need to consider many things especially his bloodline.

but he knew to little. So he should find out some basic information. But work was important so he needed sleep.

laying back down. Jo feel asleep and soon arrived beside the scholar.

"welcome back young Majesty now we should start with some basics." the scoular stood up "Please open the Settlement status menu. You need to know about the basic info the core gives to the settlement."

Jo was surprised but could mostly say that this was not a dream. "okay... open settlement status screen."




Size: Hamlet (settlement)

Core Grade: Mythic

Population: 5

residents spawn: 3 per day


local morale: 100%

population loyalty: 100%

Core bonus: Crop growth 150%, Crop yield 200%, Recovery speed 150%, cultivation speed 150%, disease resistance 200%, public morale increase 100%,


after going through the information he saw something interesting. "What is residents spawn Mr. scholar can you please explain."

"That isn't my name young Majesty so please call me by my name." the scholar wasn't too happy. "okay aa jobon, no Joben, yes Joben please explain Joben."

"thank you.. hmmmm from what I got from the goddess. spawning is basically a soul from the past that's yet to reincarnate sent here to pretty much be free manpower."

shocked by this Jo couldn't understand but after thinking he understands why such a mechanic existed. 'So we pretty much take souls and make people.' sense Jo was basically building a city he needed people and unless there were Settlements everywhere were would people come from. "So this is we're we get most of our population and man power from." although Jo was concerned about over population and the spread of disease he would fix it when it when he needed to.

"Do you know anything else about the spawning mechanic. For example does it stop after a certain point."

"That I am unaware however like I said I was only informed on some things but not everything so will need to experiment a bit." after Joben said that Jo felt sweet on his forehead. 'So there are things he doesn't know' Jo then thought of something important.

"what technology do we have." This world be vital because if they had access to metal working or agriculture he could start on simple projects from the start.

"oh yes good question we actually have no technology young Majesty we're pretty much starting off in what you know as the Stone age." Joben responded

Jo's face cringed "do we have agriculture or at least metalworking"

the scholars face became pitiful "No young Majesty maybe if one of us had adequate skills in farming or blacksmithing we would but unfortunately that would need to be researched."

"How do I do research then." Jo wanted to get some basic technology because he remembered the scholar saying that there were monsters and they would need things like weapons to fend them off.

"okay so you open up the settlement status window and say profession tab there you'll see the professions that can be assigned just assigned someone without a profession with the profession you want. If it's research you want you should look for scholar there good for research and philosophy development." Joben seemed to start remembering something and spacing out.

"okay thanks, open settlement status window.{Ding} professions tab {Ding} okay we're are you." Jo looked at the new window but only saw a handful of professions.


Professions Tab

Hunter: 0

gatherer: 0

tool maker: 0 (stone tools)

leather worker: 0

builder: 0

scholar: 0 (requires building)

Exotic Profession Tab

general: 1

medicine master (herbalist): 1

royal advisor: 1

building overseer: 1


Most of these professions are found in a hunter, gatherer societies all except the scholar and exotic professions.

"Okay Joben so do I need to assign professions or are they automatic also can you work without having the profession." Jo wanted to know if micromanagement needed to be a thing.

"Let me see. hmmm if you assign the professions they'll get a bonus and some abilities but they don't necessarily need to have that profession to perform the task they just won't have the bonus. You can have citizens choose whatever profession they want once the population gets big enough." Joben was rubbing his chin thinking."You can also enforce laws that prevent this since it is technically your own civilization and as long as you have loyalty they will do whatever you say."

In the end Jo couldn't do much so he left it alone since he can't do much with it right now with out citizens. "So when will the core spawn residence"

"once in the morning usually when Dawn breaks at least that's what I've been told." Joben stood up padded off some dirt.

' so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to start on agriculture, wait a sec.' Jo remembered something important "I heard that the world has cultivation can you tell me everything."

"Okay hmm but first let's meet with the others it's been sometime so we should check on there progress." Joben walked towards the core Jo following behind.

The core was floating and around it we're simple huts some were still unfinished.

" O young Majesty I'm almost done. Finding building materials was rough but I made some simple shelters I promise to begin construction of his majesties palace soon."

"it's okay satake Shinto was it. Don't worry will need better building materials for that." satake seemed to be a bit of a fanatic.

"just continue your work soon we'll have more people to help."

"yes young Majesty but these simple shelters are a disgrace for young majesty to live in. I'll Ensure his majesty lives in a comforting palace one day." satake bowed and left to finish his work.

"For now these shelters will work. But we will need better accommodations. We'll need to eat soon as sunset is approaching and we can't sleep with empty stomachs" Joben walked around the camp inspecting. "your building capabilities are still incredible for simple shelters there very well made good for a week or two at Least until we have proper accommodation."

"that might take time as proper building materials need to be collected and to even collect that we need at least metalworking for axes, saws, chisels, ect. stone tools can only get us so far." Jo wanted to live in a nice home as much as the next person but without tools there hands were tied.

Jo wasn't dumb he knew enough of early civilization that entail agriculture and metalworking were widespread no early civilization could emerge as they offered specialization which encourage trade and trade was fundamental.

"your right young Majesty we're going to need proper tools at least to build a palace. but stone tools are what we need to build simple housing." Joben walked to a fire pit.

"the general should be back soon." Joben sat down and soon general Ohba arrived but had no food "sorry for not bringing back food I made some traps so tomorrow we will have something to eat."

Joben looked disappointed but said nothing satake finished building and was sitting near the core staring at it in amazement. The takabe the medicine master had yet to arrived and the sun was setting.

A fire was lit and Jo's mind began to wonder asleep but takabe arrived and had some plants in hand "I found these plants near the water not to far. They are edible and have a slime coding on the inside that has miner healing properties." Jo became wide awake "oh those are cattails they grow in wetlands and there recognizable by the little brown Bush bulbs on top of the plant but I didn't know they were edible or they could be used for medical uses." he was surprised.

"yes my profession gives me the ability to see the properties of plants so I can tell if something can be used for medical purpose or is edible." takabe puffed out her chest while looking at Joben, Jo felt like he was missing something but was to tired to care after eating Jo picked one of the shelters and went to sleep.

morning came and Jo was awakened by the system {Ding} {residences spawned} Jo forced himself up ' Man I thought I was going to wake up in my van seems I have to leave manually but let's see what the who we got ' yawning he walked over to the core and saw a man woman and a child.

they bowed when seeing Jo "Okay so your the new residents that spawned. Are you a family." the woman grabbed her son "me and my son are together" the man next to he spoke "I'm by myself and would like to start working your majesty."

Jo wanted to see there status but didn't know how but fortunately Joben was awake "Young Majesty I recommend using your identify ability to see the stats of these residence."

"how do I do that exactly" Jo could use logic but Joben has been helpful and his job was to help him. "This one is different from the others as you can say in externally and internally, just say status and you will see there status screen."

following his instructions Jo saw the three's status window.


Name: Fukuyo Taroemon

Age: 22

Grade: F+

intelligence: 10

strength: 15

wisdom: 10

endurance: 16

dexterity: 14





equipment: basic Japanese robe, basic Japanese shoes, basic Japanese pants




Name: Naya Emiko

Age: 26

Grade: F

intelligence: 11

strength: 12

wisdom: 15

endurance: 11

dexterity: 13

willpower: 20

charisma: 12


titles: none

equipment: basic Japanese robe, basic Japanese shoes, basic Japanese pants

rank: none



Name: Naya Mareo

Age: 7

Grade: S+






willpower: 14

charisma: 13

cultivation: 0-0

titles: none

equipment: basic Japanese robe, basic Japanese shoes, basic Japanese pants

rank: none


Jo looked over the stats and saw something "Joben what is Grade I haven't seen it before what does it do."

"Ah yes that is important. Basically it's the grade of there soul and it determines how powerful there abilities are. F Grade is the lowest while SSS is the highest of course one can increase their grade through cultivation as each cultivation stage will increase it by one grade, example being an F grade becomes E grade, and E to D and so on but if you have luck and get someone with B grade or higher we should recruit them at all costs."

"um Joben the boy is S Grade, so what should we do with the him he is to young to do any training." If the boy was at least 15 Jo wouldn't mind making him a philosopher and getting some tec.

"pfff cough. Are you serious S Grade on the first run well this is wonderful news no matter we're we put him he'll accelerate at any task, but if I may my Lord I recommend putting him with general Ohba as he would become an excellent Commander in the future." Joben wasn't wrong but Jo wanted to get a philosopher as quickly as possible.

"Let's ask the boy as he is young and like you said he will Excel no matter where he goes." Jo thought it was right because he was only a child.

"I see wise to listen to the people first." Joben stepped back letting Jo have the floor. so Jo bent down and looked at the child

"young man what do you want to be when you grow up." Jo could see hatred and regret in the young man's eyes but not towards him or Joben.

"I want to be like my father. I want to be a soldier and protect momy so that the mean men can't come and hurt me and mommy again." the boys fist clenched.

Both Jo and Joben were shocked. what had happened to this boy and his mother.


Author's Note: hi sorry for not updating it's hard to be disciplined and write every day but I make sure to write 100 words as often as I can but motivation is low. show support to help motivate for more chapters.
