
chapter 33

Mary could hear a loud commotion coming from the village. She decides to see what was going on and not wait until the mayor and the rest of village came to help in the search for Tenlong. As the young mother got closer she begin to hear louder and louder the screams become.

She hears,"Kill the monster! Let us kill it now. It must not be allowed to live any longer!"

Mary walks into the village and hears hate speech.

One hunter speaks,"Those Gigantos will rape and pillage all those that are around them. The Butcher himself was one as well. They are prone to violence and crimes! You can not trust them!"

Mary begins to cries because she knows that they are talking about Tenlong. The boy had done nothing wrong to anybody.

Grimwald yells over the six hunters," Stop with all this hate mongering, hunters! It is not our village's way! It is not God's way!"

The hunters jump unto the stage and encircle the old man.

Mary begins to cry as she sees all the hatred towards just a young boy. They were blaming Tenlong for the sins of those who passed before him. That is what the hate was all about and nothing more. The Gigantos were said to be very violent and were always entrapped in war. They cared little for the results of their actions beside winning the battle.

Any potential victim of the original Gigantos was long since dead but that could not change all the wrath that remained with the people of Lowroda. Tenlong was different that the rest of the village and that only caused all the commotions.

Mary wipes all the tears out of her weary eyes and marches forward through the angry crowd. She is getting bumped and hit all over by enrage villagers.

Mary knocked to the ground by a large man who is not paying any heed to his fellow person.

But she was too determined to give up now and she gets up. She does all she can to remain on her feet. She was almost right in front of the stage where Grimwald was standing with the hunters at.


Grimwald looks down to his horror while the hunters grabbed him to try to silence him and sees that Mary is among the crowd. The mayor can tell that the young mother is very upset by all her tears and the anger upon her tender face.


Tenlong knew that the massive monster of a man had taken him for a reason beyond the boy's meager understanding. He did not know where he was at or why he was taken here away from his new family. People often feared the unknown especially those like the very young Tenlong. It was a safety mechanism in children to not like things that are foreign to them so that they would remain safe from dangerous things. The large man's attentions with the boy was still very much unknown to him. The boy grew afraid that this old man might be predator with ill ideas towards him, but prayed that was not the case here.

Tenlong started to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. The dwelling place of this stranger was very labyrinth like and seemed to have no rhyme or reason to it's layout. It was most likely made by the old man to be very confusing to anyone beside himself. He had to know the meaning behind all the madness and it was probably made that way on purpose.


Tenlong thought,"Why such a strong looking man need such a hiding place in this stony prison? It does not make any bloody sense to me!"

He looked for over one hour for an exit but could not find any way out.

The lad yelled,"Did he just walked through a wall while carrying me? Is that what happen to me?"

A man's voice spoke,"We did not walk through a wall, it opened through a secret entrance that is not readily apparent to you. Things are not as they seem to the naked eye!"

Tenlong gasped as he felt the large man's hand on his shoulder as he turned completely around to see no one.

The boy demanded,"How could such a large man be so quick? Where did he go?"

The large man spoke,"Centuries of training my young one has make me very fleet footed!"

Tenlong looked in a complete circle around himself but could not find the big man nowhere in

the stony hallway.

The old man spoke,"What is the problem, youngin? You can not find me even though I am right

next to you! What is the issue with you? Are you weak eyed?"

The boy started to grow angry as the large man kept patting the young boy on his head from all different sorts of angles without being even visible to the lad.

Tenlong bellowed,"Why did I do to you for you to kidnap me? What is the deal behind all of this?"

The man spoke,"I did it for your own good since you were about to bring harm upon yourself!

You are too green for your own good."

Tenlong yelled,"What are you talking about? What lies are you spewing out of your mouth?"

The old man spoke,"It is beyond your understanding and you do not feed steak to a new born baby! That much you should know to be fact! I hope you are not that dumb."

The lad was steaming out in sheer disdain for this giant and Tenlong was letting him know about.

The large man spoke,"I am one of your kind and I am a Gigantos as well as you are!"

The lad spoke,"What! You are surely big enough to be a Gigantos but why should I trust you just based upon your words? I do not know you or can even see you for that matter!"

The old man spoke,"I am just standing in a blind spot where your eyes fail to see, yet here I am before you."

The old man appeared as of out thin air and put his arms to his sides in an attempt to show no ill intent.

Tenlong still remained cautious of the crafty old man.

The old man spoke,"You see me before you with my hands out in the open. Could you at least hear out my explanation?"

The old giant was given a nod by the young man and he nodded in return.

The old man spoke,"You were trying to transform again after a very sort break between transformations. It is not good for you to do so and it could had caused you to grow weak minded."

Tenlong interrupted,"But I only changed when my mother..."

He paused in silence as he remembered the haunted image of his mother's dead body that was seared into his brain. It was something that he did not like to think about.
