
Fierce Red

Almora, a girl with powers her kind considers dangerous and harmful but her love is nothing but trouble to her. "I warned you about this but you wouldn't listen to me" someone said to her. "I'm not going back on my words. It's what I want and that's final" she said standing her ground. "Come with me and let me show you what will happen if you do this" the person said to her. She followed till they got to an open space and something looking like a portal appeared in front of her showing things of the future. "Nooooo!!!" she shouted. "I don't believe in all this. I trust in myself and I believe what I'm doing is right so no one can stop me" she said staring sternly at the person.

Awaleeyah · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Power of the dark forest

Almora squinted her eyes while trying to change the apple. "Stop squinting your eyes. I told you close your eyes and imagine what you want to turn it into" Emily said. "Remember this before you change it, the more you use your powers the more the power of the dark forest manifests on you" Emily said and Almora turned to look at her.

"And it's now you decide to tell me. What do you mean by power of the dark forest?" Almora asked raising her brows. "Do you think the forest just moves on its own?" Emily said. "A very strong spell was used to make it move during that particular time a very, very long time ago. Your powers are very strong and powerful and that's what it likes but even if it manifests on you, you should make it bend to your will and use it for a better use otherwise it will take control of you" Emily explained.

"But what...."

"Shhhhhhhh" Almora was cut off by Emily. "How rude. Don't shush me when I'm talking" Almora said which made her receive a glare from Emily. "What?? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What part of shhhhh don't you understand? The maze is about to change, let's go into the tent now" Emily said gesturing Almora to follow her into the tent. "Why should weeeee...."Almora couldn't complete her question as Emily already dragged her into the tent. "What's with you and not following instructions?" Emily asked.

"Why did we come into the tent?" Almora asked. "It's not only the trees that change position the ground also moves with it. You should be able to guess the rest" Emily explained. "Okay now I understand. What a really strange forest it is" Almora said. "Are there any dangerous creatures here?"

"Yes there is but we are in the safe zone so don't worry about them". "Do you have any idea as to how I got here?" Almora asked as she turned to look at Emily. "Well it was three girls who dropped you in the dark forest. One of them kicked you hard which was why you were out for a week as the injuries were a lot" Emily explained to her.

"Three girls hmmmm, can you describe how anyone of them looked like?" Almora asked. "Yh I think I can describe the one who kicked you" Emily said and then she started to describe. "Ohhhhhhh my god!! I think I know who it is. I want to start my training now and I mean it literally because I have to get out of here and teach that douchebag a lesson" Almora said. "I need to know how to transport" she continued.

"Okay then let's start".

"But if you know how to transport why...." Almora couldn't complete as Emily quickly cut her off by saying "It seems like the maze has stopped moving, let's check it out". They both went out and saw that everything was still the same. "I thought you said the maze was changing" Almora said facing Emily.

"I told you it's a powerful spell. It moves but sometimes comes back to the same way it was not changing anything at all" Emily explained. "Okay let's start with my practice. I'm ready".

Ms Carmen had already called Melanie into her office and had given the Go signal to her little accomplices. They sent a student to Julie and Becky to tell them a teacher called them to the science lab. Immediately they were in, they knocked them down making them unconscious. "Let's tie them up and then wake them up" Amy said.

Stacy poured water on Julie and Becky bringing them out of their Dreamland. "Where are we?" Becky asked looking around. Seeing that they couldn't move their hands and legs, they looked down and saw that they had been tied to the chair. "Why did you tie us to the chair? What do you want with us?" Becky asked staring sternly at Amy.

"Why don't you answer our questions first and then we will answer yours?" Amy said crossing her arms over her chest. "We have nothing to say to you" Julie said wiggling her neck. Amy and Stacy laughed at how they were behaving. "Why are you in such a rush? We are not going to hurt you. We just need some little answers" Amy said.

"Well you see, one of our friend is missing and we've tried finding this friend of ours a lot but we just can't. I was hoping you guys could help us" Stacy said as she moved her face closer to Julie's. "Why do we care?" Becky scoffed at her. "We don't know where Almora is" Julie blurted out.

"Julie!!" Becky said as she shaked her head in disappointment. "We never said it was Almora who went missing. What if it was Lucian we were talking about?" Stacy said. "Lucian is missing too, how?" Julie blurted out again. "What did you do to Almora?" Lucian shouted from their back.