
Fgo Craft Essense System

A young boy in the world of My Hero Academia gains a weird system one day he mistakes as his quirk.

DinoWaffles2 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

What's a Craft Essence System? Is it a quirk?

Ethan Walker was born and raised in the bustling city of Chicago, where he grew up surrounded by the towering skyscrapers and labyrinthine alleyways of urban life. From a young age, Ethan was captivated by heroes like many kids his age. Currently, he was counting down the days to his fourth birthday excited to finally get his quirk.

The other kids in preschool already had their quirks except for him and some others. His friend Lily got her quirk Technopathy, which let her control technology with her mind, a week before preschool started. The other kids had cool quirks too like Mark's Stretchy Arms, but Ethan thought Aj's Fire Body was cooler. His birthday was three days aways and he couldn't be more excited. Just three more days and he would get an even cooler quirk than everyone in his class, he just knew it would be the coolest most awesome quirk to ever exist. 


November 12th, Quirk Doctor's Office, Chicago 


"It appears that Ethan does not possess a quirk"

As Ethan listens to the conversation between the Quirk Doctor and his parents, a mix of emotions swirls within him. Initially, there's a pang of disappointment and frustration at the realization that he doesn't possess a quirk like so many of his peers. He's spent countless hours dreaming of becoming a hero, idolizing their bravery and strength, and now that dream feels further out of reach.

However, amidst the disappointment, Ethan also feels a sense of determination welling up inside him. Even though he didn't have a quirk that didn't mean he couldn't still become a hero. There were many heroes whose quirks didn't give them an edge in combat such as Recovery Girl's Heal quirk. All Might's former sidekick Sir Nighteye's quirk Foresight didn't make him stronger, but he still could take down villains like any other hero. From this day Ethan resolved himself to get strong enough to become a hero one day despite being quirkless. No matter how many times he would be told to give up his dream he vowed to one day become the first quirkless hero.


10 years later, Musutafu, Japan


In the decade following the conversation with the Quirk Doctor, Ethan and his parents moved to Japan for a fresh start. Learning a new language was a daunting task for Ethan at first but he soon got a handle on the language. Another thing that brought him trouble was something he couldn't fix, being a foreigner living in Japan. He stood at a respectable 5'10" (178cm) with messy chestnut brown hair that fell into his bright green eyes. Compared to most people in Japan he looked rather normal. Though no matter how normal he looked he couldn't escape his American looks making him stand out. 

Ethan enrolled in Aldera Junior High where he quickly realized his quirkless status would make him stand out even more. While he wasn't directly bullied like other quirkless kids he did experience bullying in the form of isolation. The other kids didn't see him as worth their time, so they ignored him. The teachers didn't do anything to stop the students from isolating him as since Ethan was quirkless he wasn't worth anything to them. So, they focused on the students with quirks especially those with flashy quirks that would suit heroism well. They believed if they gave those students enough attention now once they became pro heroes, they would get famous for being the ones to teach those students.

One such student was Katsuki Bakugo whose quirk Explosion allowed him to use the nitroglycerin he sweated to create explosions from his palms. Since Ethan was in a different class than Bakugo, he never interacted with him, but he'd seen the way the teachers treated Bakugo. It was obvious that all this attention got to Bakugo's head seeing how he acted like he was the top dog of the school. Bakugo in the eyes of the school could do nothing wrong and was a shoo-in for UA high. Bakugo understood that being the school's prized student and knowing they wouldn't do anything ruin his chances of attending UA, ran roughshod over anyone who he deemed below him. 

 Ethan found out Bakugo called everyone "extras that would peak as some d list heroes' sidekick" well everyone but a green haired boy he called "Deku" which apparently meant useless. He later found out the boy's name was Izuku Midoriya, who turned out to be quirkless just like him. Ethan did think of approaching Midoriya and befriending him seeing as they were both quirkless but he decided against it. He also heard Midoriya wanted to be a quirkless hero just like he did which brought the boy more torment from his class with the worst of it coming from Bakugo. However, despite all this Midoriya was still determined to become a hero. Ethan hoped he would see Midoriya in UA when it started next year.


Ethan was returning home from a part-time job when he decided to take a shortcut through a shopping center. Suddenly, a series of loud crashes and screams could be heard as a monstrous looking villain began destroying everything around him. The villain was around 6'5" and had spikey dark blue hair and wore a tight, dark bodysuit with a trench coat. Ethan remembered seeing this villain on the news around a week ago. His name was Blitz and his quirk let him shoot powerful bursts of kinetic energy capable of causing mass destruction. Blitz was laughing as he destroyed buildings sending debris flying and causing mass panic. 

Despite the chaos around him Ethan knew he had to help the people around him since no hero had arrived yet. He quickly ran towards two people he saw trapped under debris. Thankfully he was able to lift the debris allowing the two to run away to hopefully call for help. Ethan looked around and saw a group of kids around his age hiding behind what was left of food stand. Unfortunately, Blitz saw them as well. Blitz raised his hand towards the group powering up a blast guaranteed to kill them. Before he could even think about what he was doing Ethan picked up a chunk of concrete by his feet and threw it at Blitz's head.

As Ethan threw the chunk of concrete at Blitz, the villain effortlessly dodged, moving with a speed that belied his size. Blitz's eyes locked onto Ethan, a predatory grin spreading across his face. The air seemed to hum with kinetic energy as Blitz prepared to unleash his quirk. Blitz sneered, his voice dripping with disdain and amusement. "A chunk of concrete? Really? You're going to need more than that, kid." Taking a step forward, Blitz's tone turned colder, more menacing. "You think you can play hero? Pathetic. Let me show you what real power looks like." With that, Blitz raised his hand, kinetic energy crackling around it, and launched a devastating attack at Ethan. Ethan, unable to dodge in time, was struck by the force of the blast. The impact sent him crashing into a wall, severely injuring him.

As Ethan lay there going in and out of consciousness, he heard a voice speak in his head.

[Sufficient trauma detected, activating Craft Essence System]

[System starting 30%...50%...100%]

[Welcome host to the Craft Essence System!]

[Would you like to use the beginner summon?]




[No host confirmation detected manually starting summoning]

[Congratulations host you have received the following Craft Essences]

3* Parted Sea

1* Tenacity

3* Anchors Aweigh

3* Fate GUDAGUDA Order

5* Kaleidoscope

3* Magic Crystal

4* Iron-Willed Training

3* The Green Black Keys

3* Storch Ritter

3* Motored Cuirassier

Before Ethan passed out, he thought to himself, 'Is this my quirk?'