
Part Four

After we got done go karting we all started to get hungry. So we all went to the Applebee's in the mall. We were shown to our booth and I sat next to Devon and Isa sat next to Brendan. We all ordered milkshakes as we waited for the appetizers.

After a couple of minutes the waiter brought us our drinks and a big bowl of nachos for the whole table. We dug right in. We were so hungry we ate those nachos in nearly five minutes. Those nachos were gone. When our waiter came and took the bowl we ordered our food. We all ordered a burger with a side of curly fries.

As we waited for our food Isa and I went to the bathroom and washed up. "So you like Devon huh?" Isa said and I said "what are you talking about? He's just a really good friend". "Oh really, girl I have known you for so many years that I know when your lying, you like him" she said and I just stayed there for a moment and I relized I actually did like him and I said "fine you got me. I do like him. I like Devon". She got happy and said "I knew it" and I replied "shut up".

When me and Isa were done in the bathroom, we went back to our booth and our food was already there. Devon got out of the booth and let me scoot in. We all dug into our food and ate it all and drank our milkshakes. I'm telling you we were hungry.

Once everybody finished we payed the bill and got out of the restaurant. "So what now guys" Devon said and we all said in unison "TO THE MOVIES!!!". I grabbed Devon's hand and we all ran to the mall's movie theater. "Ok guys. What are we going to watch?" I said and Isa said "let's watch Scream 4 I wanna get scared" and Brendan agreed with her.

Devon and I looked at eachother then looked at them and started to burst out laughing. "What's so funny" Isa asked and I answered with a hilarious face "Isa you know I don't like to watch scary movies because I always find the movie to be hilarious and Devon is the same way". Then Isa said "please I want to watch it. I don't care if you don't,but we want to" and I looked at her and said "fine, but we are not sitting next to you guys because then you guys start whinning everytime I start to laugh" and they both said "ok".

We all got tickets to the movie and we all went into the movie theater. Isa and Brendan decided to sit near the front and we sat in the back of the theater. The previews started to play and Devon made a decision to go get popcorn and some sodas for us.

While I was waiting for Devon I began watching the trailers until I saw my ex, Caleb walking into the movie with another girl. I quickly hid my face with my purse so he couldn't see me. He ended up sitting 2 rows in front of where we were sitting.

After a while Devon came back with the popcorn and sodas and saw me hiding behind my purse. "What are you doing?" he asked and I pointed to Caleb and as he was sitting down he then asked "okay what's wrong with him" and I said "remember Caleb, you know the one that hurt and cheated me more than once".

I looked at Devon and he looked pissed. I quickly said "Devon calm down. He's not gonna hurt me no more", but he still kept staring at Caleb with anger in his eyes.

I put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me and said "calm down. breathe. okay. breathe". He took a deep breathe and started to calm down and said "if he hurts you again I will kill him" and I said "yes I know you would". Devon and I just stared at eachother for a moment and then I relized my hand was still on his cheek and I removed my hand from his face and turned to the screen. The movie was starting.
