
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · ファンタジー
56 Chs


As soon as they released eachother an energetic and cheerful boy who seemed to be in his early twenties reached them and put his shoulder around Liam's shoulders in a playful manner.Evelyn was scared because of his action.But Liam didnt seem to be cared as he was in a good mood."Now you confessed to my cousin that means you will be my bro-in-law in the future...So dear brother in law...lets celebrate this moment with a beer glass."He gave him a glass filled with beer.Liam had never drunk before! So Evelyn was afraid that he couldn't keep his consiousness even after only drinking one glass.

So she hit Daniel lightly on his shoulder."You drunkard! Don't make him practise your bad habbits."She blamed softly.Daniel pouted like a little girl."Hayyoh sis...One glass won't kill him okay?" During their argument Liam had already finished the beer glass and handed over it to Daniel.

Daniel grinned widely and happily took the glass from him.Then he waved the empty glass at Evelyn and winked at her.Evelyn stuck out her tongue at him and rolled her eyes.Then she clinged onto Liam's arm. "Hey why did you drink the beer that brat gave to you?" Liam shruggled his shoulders."After so many years today's the happiest day in my life.So I have to celebrate it till my heart contents." Evelyn sighed helplessly.

Somehow she became happy as she expected he got along very well with others...ehem...although it's only for the drinking deed.

Evelyn dragged Liam out of the banquet hall with a huge difficulty when it almost reached midnight.As expected he got drunk so easily after only five glasses.Evelyn called for a cab and with the help of the driver she put him into the bed.After the driver left she removed his shoes and his coat. She loosened his shirt by unbottoning the first four bottons.It made his chest a bit exposed.Evelyn unknowingly drooled as she kept glancing at his fair and manly chest and collarbone.She hit her own forehead a few times to snap out of her thoughts.Then after taking a quick shower she changed into her pajamas.She didn't forget to wipe Liam with a wet towel.When she was doing that deed,Liam suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.Evelyn dropped the towel to the floor and the next second she laid down on the top of him.

She wanted to escape from him but she couldn't do that as he tightened his hands around her waist."Wifey..." Liam mumbled in a daze.As soon as she heard him saying that,Evelyn completely stopped struggling.She smiled warmly and like a kid she sweetly pinched his cheek lovingly.She put her head on his chest.She could hear his steady heart beat.It felt like a good night music to her. While listening to that melodious rhythm she quickly fell to a deep and comfortable sleep.