
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · ファンタジー
56 Chs

The Super Dancer

Evelyn and Liam entered La Java night club. There was a huge crowd gathered there and Liam instantly felt very uncomfortable. Evelyn took his hand and squeezed it gently. He smiled at her reassuring that he was okay. Actually his uneasiness faded away by her gentle touch. It was like a miracle to him. That meant...was her his disguised blessing?...He didn't know. However one thing was for sure. With her by his side he never felt loneliness or uncomfortableness anymore.This made him to love her even more. "Eve, I love you so much,please don't ever leave me." He pleaded. Evelyn was stunned for a moment. Then she hit him lightly on his head. "Silly, how many times do I have to tell you that I never leave you. Okay then I'll tell you again.I won't leave you even if you ask me to. Now are you satisfied Mr.Rolando?" Liam didn't reply. Instead he kissed her cheeks and side hugged her.

They entered inside and took a seat in a corner. Liam ordered wine for them. He only ordered one bottle as the both of them didn't want to get drunk.They slowly and silently sipped it as they couldn't talk with eachother because of the loud music captured the place. Evelyn felt bored. She looked at the dance floor.There were many girls and boys dancing till the world ended. "Hey I'm gonna dance." Without waiting for his reply she stood up and approached the dance floor. Liam had no choice but to follow her. He stood by her side like a statue providing her protection when she freely moved her body beautifully. Some guys were annoyed by him. "Hey dude,it's okay if you can't dance like us. But don't stay here like a dead tree.Se perdre d'ici...!" (*Get lost from here) Liam smirked sarcastically. "Don't be so proud at yourselves.Je peux danser mieux que n'importe lequel d'entre vous!" (*I can dance more better than any of you)The blonde guy snorted mockingly. "Really? Are you challenging us?Then montre ton foutu talent! You big mouth!" (*Show your freaking talent) He shouted at the DJ band. "Hé arrête la musique ! Ce type orgueilleux et bon à rien veut se mettre dans l'embarras. Jouez vos meilleurs beats pour le rendre fou de lui-même. Profitons du spectacle. Les garçons, les filles prennent du pop-corn. Faites attention sinon ça ira dans le mauvais tuyau quand vous commencerez à rire de ce gars inutile, ennuyeux, orgueilleux et arrogant juste ici.Bha ha ha haa...!!!" (*Hey stop the music! This prideful, good-for-nothing guy wants to embarrass himself. Play your best beats to make him fool out of himself. Let's enjoy the show.Boys,girls grab some popcorn. Be careful otherwise it will go to the wrong pipe when you start laughing at this useless, annoying, prideful, arrogant guy right here.Bha ha ha haa...!!!)

Liam seemed not to care about his sarcasm. Evelyn didn't know French. Thus she didn't understand what was going on. But her sixth sense told her that Liam was in a trouble.

Evelyn clinged onto his arm. "Liam,what's going on? What are they talking about?" She asked rather nervously. Liam patted her back gently. "Don't worry sweetheart. They are just testing my skills so I accepted their challenge. You wait and see how I'm gonna make them sallow their own words." Liam's overconfidence made Evelyn worry even more. So she opened her mouth to protest his decision. But suddenly a loud music from the DJ band interrupted her from uttering another word. She felt helpless. But soon after her helplessness turned to an immense shock. She was stunned on the spot so were others except Liam.Actually he was the reason behind everyone's awestruck appearance. His dance could be described with a single word. Simply- BREATHTAKING. He made girls blushed and drooled over his handsomeness and excellent talent. His talent was beyond the words. He was an amazing dancer. Anyone could see how talented he was with a single glance. The guys who mocked him earlier fell to a daze and they were speechless. They could do nothing but looking at him dancing without saying anything. They had no words. He was simply a super dancer.So they had no choice but to embarrassingly hide themselves among the crowd. Liam moved his long,slender arms rhythmically and mesmerizingly. Unexpectedly he jumped up; spun around and landed to the ground making others gasped in shock,surprise and admiration. "Oh he's so handsome and so talented." "I'm your fan from now on my dear...Please take my heart." "Hey my prince I protected my purity for you, please take me,take me..." "My hero you are so hot and cool,I love you!!!" "I can't wait anymore...take me to your place. I'll offer myself to you with no regrets." "Handsome dancer, I'm all yours!" "I love you, my new boyfriend" "Hey he's my husband,my husband" "Go away,He's mine!" "Handsome,you are mine and mine only." The girls started yelling crazily. Evelyn wanted to puke right then and there. She was so disgusted and annoyed by those clumsy fans. She never expected Liam to be this talented.She knew that he had danced well with her when they performed the waltz dance. However it was compulsory for wealthy and prosperous families to learn that kind of dancing movements as they had to attend banquets for their entire lives. It was different from those dancing types.They weren't important as ball dance at all for rich families. Evelyn was rich as well so she learned ball dance. Actually wealthy families didn't want their kids to learn casual dancing methods and Rolando family had no exceptions.As for Evelyn, she learned casual dancing methods sneakily with her best friend Maria. She did it secretly as her father didn't allow her to learn USELESS THINGS! Maria was from an ordinary family thus Evelyn could easily join with her to those dancing classes. She wondered how Liam had learned those dancing skills and improved them to that extent.Ofcaurse she was happy about his extraordinary skills but now it seemed like it was completely covered from jealousiness towards those girls. Now she got countless love rivals within a single night. She regretted dragging him with her in the first place. Shit! Why didn't she choose to accompany him to their candlelight dinner? This wouldn't happen if she did it. Now it was useless to close the stable after the horse escaped from there. Evelyn wanted to lock Liam up. She wanted to keep him all to herself.She was extremely possessive towards him after all. Evelyn couldn't take it anymore.She joined his dance. Liam happily accepted her as he took her by her hand. Some girls' faces turned dark. But many were glad to see this beautiful couple dance. One time Liam spread his long legs to both sides and pulled Evelyn forward between his legs by holding her hands using his. Evelyn came forward between his legs and stood up infront of him facing her backside to him. Liam grabbed her by her waist and picked her up horizontally. Others cheered,whistled and applauded. Not long after other couples also joined them. They all happily danced till their hearts content. But no one was aware that their happiness would be short lived that night as a huge storm of trouble was waiting to befall on them especially and mainly targeted towards Liam and Evelyn.