
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · ファンタジー
56 Chs

I'm way too smarter than you

At the same time in the Rolando mansion

"What are you all talking about? What are those nonsense you are babbling? I just went England for a business trip and after two days... after whole two days you are finally telling me that young master is missing!"

Elder Rolando was irritating with anger.All the servants and bodyguards gathered there were trembling in fear.Elder Rolando rarely gets angry.And when he does,it will be extremly terrifying."Useless! All of you are really useless!"

At this moment the butler came forward."Master,we thought young master locked himself as the way he did in the past.He did that sometimes even more than two days. We were scared not only because of his sudden dissapearance but also miss Evelyn's"He stated timidly.Elder Rolando's eyes widened with shock.This news was new to him.He got the idea what butler was going to say."How can she kidnap young master you idiots? He's not a fucking child! He's suffering from an illness but it doesn't affect his intelligence.He has a very high IQ from our genes! He is so smart so no one can ever trick him unless..." He stopped as an idea popped up in his mind. 'He must be joined with her.But why? Now I'm thinking this...we did a full background checking before chosing Evelyn.She obviously not an enemy.Money can't buy her too as she's quite rich. So this means she uses a different method to heal him? But making him leave out of this mansion is extremly dangerous!There are so many enemies out there waiting for his death.' This thought irritated him more.

"Track down young master's phone."He ordered to one of his bodyguards.The bodyguard bowed down appologetically."S..s..sorry Big boss we can't do that.Young boss's phone can never be tracked down because of..."Elder Rolando raised his hand to make him stop talking."I already know that you fool." 'Oh big boss,why did you ask to track down his phone then? These rich people are really something else.'

At this moment a security guard approached him."Boss, miss Evelyn's brother Mr.Edward wants to meet you.He said it's urgent."Elder Rolando thought for a while before nodding his head."Take him in" He commanded.

A young man with dashing blue eyes and short blonde hair came inside more like running.He stopped right infront of the old man."Elder master,My sister texted me and she..." Elder Rolando interrupted him."Cut it down young man.I know her intentions very well.Just give me your phone." Edward was taken aback."Ma..master,what did you just say?" 'What is it there to do with my poor phone!'

"Her phone must be probably turned off.We have special system to find out from where those signals came from when she texted you.That way we can find the traces of them."Elder Rolando was a man who had a very strong confidence on himself.So he hated to explain others about his decisions the most.But this matter was about his precious grandson who he loves the most in the entire world.So doing this for him didn't matter to him at all.

"Sure...sure..master" Edward quickly pulled out his phone from his pant pocket and handed our it to the old man.Elder Rolando gave the phone to his bodyguards."Hand over this to the ICT and research department and tell them I need the report within an hour.'Oh boss! An hour! You are going to kill them!'

After exactly how he commanded the reports sent to him within an hour.It showed the signals had come near the XZ airport.He sent his men to the airport for evidence.'Hmm...Seems like they went overseas.'

"Sir they have found two phones from a trash can and we took them." The bodyguard reported while holding two phones."Give me my grandson's phone" Old man ordered."Sir we tried thoroughly.Eventhough Miss Evelyn's phone isn't locked, we can't grab any special details through her phone.Speaking of young master's phone...It's locked."Elder Rolando was so angry about his bodyguard's stupidity. Seriously his men were this stupid! He didn't know what to do with them anymore.

"You fool! Gimme the phone!" He yelled.The bodyguard didn't dare to protest anymore as he gave the phone to his boss with trembling hands.

Elder Rolando smirked."Liam,If you are smart, I'm way too smarter than you."

Then he typed a few numbers and to others surprise the passcode unlocked."I know he loved his grandma the most." The old man whispered lovingly.Then he pressed an app and soon it appeared a red dot showing a certain place of USA.As expected from his grandson!

Elder Rolando handed over the phone to his bodyguards as he instructed."Liam gave us his notifications.Get ready to go abroad to find him.But be very careful don't let Evelyn know that you are following them.My grandson has his own reasons.Create a special team for their safety for 24/7.You guys have to be with them for every single second while hiding.I hope you all know whom you are going to take care." Bodyguards who gathered there nodded their heads firmly and confidently.This young man they are mentioning is their future big boss!Future CEO of the Rolando corparation! Ofcaurse they clearly know what kind of a huge duty and responsibility that fell on them.Without wasting a single second thirty bodyguards got ready to leave for America.