
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Good news. We found her!

Liam gently placed the diamond ring lovingly on her ring finger. "Wait a minute." Evelyn took out her purse and startes searching. "What are you doing?" Liam asked curiously. "Ha found it." Evelyn took out a solid gold ring from her purse and put the finger on his ring finger. She explained about the ring before he asked anything."This ring is my father's. I forgot to bring their photos with me so I brought the items they used. This pearl neclace belongs to mother and this watch is my bother's.She showed them to Liam.

Liam suddenly felt guilty. She was far away from her family thanks to him. He lowered his head to look into her eyes."You sacrificed so much for me,thank you Eve!" Evelyn fell to a daze drowning deeper and deeper because of the eyes that gazed towards her with so much love,care and tenderness. The overwhelming feeling was killing her. Lots of complicated emotions appeared in her mind. But she managed to stay calm.

Evelyn quickly shook her head."What are you talking about Liam? You are the one who sacrificed your time for me to accompany with me to fulfill my travelling dream. So I have to thank you not you." Liam sighed inside his mind. He knew she was lying. She came up with this world trip...because of him. He was the reason for her to do such a thing without caring about the time. She didn't care about how many months or even years would take to heal him. But still she took that risk willingly. His girlfriend...Oh no! now his fiancée...She was trully amazing!

Liam didn't say anything and just hugged her. He felt upset because he kept lots of secrets about his dark side away from her. He didn't want her to know any of those things about him because...he was afraid of losing her.What if she doesn't accept his true self? He couldn't take that risk... never ever.

Just as Evelyn was about to hug him back, Liam's phone started ringing startling both of them who stayed in a silent,peaceful atmosphere without any noises for a quite a while."Wait for me" Liam said releasing her from his embrace before leaving to answer the call. He narrowed his eyes at the unknown number but after he answered it, a very familiar and energetic voice came from the other side. "Hi Liam,it's Jacob. You are so cruel. You changed your number without even caring to share your new number with me." Liam chuckled."I don't want to waste my time bothering about sharing my number with you. You can find anything about me because it's a piece of cake to you,right?"Jacob pouted unhappily."But we are best friends,okay?"

Liam: "Who said we are best friends?"

Jacob: "..." 'Okay I'll endure the pain.'

Liam: "Get straight to the point. Don't be a third wheel for too long."

Jacob: "I called you after a whole year and you want to quickly use me and toss me to aside after getting what you...what you wan...Hey hey...wait a freaking minute! What did you said? Third wheel? Are you with your girlfriend?"

Liam: "Nope, She's my fiancée now."

Jacob: "..." 'Somebody pinch me please! My icy cold friend is now engaged. But still I'm single...sob...sob...'

"Oh my god,really? Never in my wildest dreams I thought you will be able to fall in love and get engaged."

Liam: "Am I not a normal human being?"

Jacob: "Oh broh I didn't mean that. After all you are cur..."

Liam: "Stop it. You don't have to remind me."

Jacob: "Okay,okay...Liam, Good news. We found her!"

Liam couldn't believe his ears. After whole these years, they finally found her! His heart started beating so fast with delightment.Finally...finally they found her! But he still couldn't believe it."What did you say?" Jacob said word by word this time. " We found Matilda.She lives in Romania. Do you want to come? I'm already here in a hotel of this beautiful but thrilling country." Liam glanced at Evelyn who stood not very far away from him." I can't come...I mean not yet. I have plans with Evelyn."

Jacob: "Oh Liam you have changed so much. All these years you were desperate to meet Matilda. But now you choose Evelyn before her?"

Liam: "Don't make it sound weird. Ofcaurse my Evelyn is my everything."

Jacob: (Rolling his eyes) "..." 'What a lovesick puppy!'

Evelyn sneezed twice all of a sudden. 'Who's cursing me?'

Liam: "You should stay there and keep an eye on her. I will soon come after the tour. Untill then you have to stay by her side but secretly otherwise...she will try to escape again.I can't lose her no matter what."

Jacob: "Sigh...Okay,okay. Don't worry. I will do anything for you.You are the only one who trully loves and cares for me without expecting anything."

Liam: "Watch your mouth.Others might misunderstand our relationship because of your cheesy words."

Jacob: "..." 'Broo I got emotional,okay?I forgot you are only sensitive towards your fiancée's words. Sigh!'

Evelyn sneezed again. 'Nope,I think I must be sick!'

Liam: "And I expect you to watch over Matilda. That means I do expect you to do things for me."

Jacob: "..." 'Dude you are so cruel.Why did you mention it that way? You made me speechless for a few times today. Now it's my chance to counterattack.'

"So what if they misunderstand us? I have got used to be called as a gay. So you are."

Liam: "It's different now. I have to think about my fiancée's feelings."

Jacob: "..." 'Okay dude,you won.I'm giving up.'

After talking for another few minutes Liam hung up the phone and walked towards Evelyn.