
Kim Ji Min

[meet me at convenience story near your house at 3 pm.] it was send by the mysterious caller.

After receiving the message Kim Ji Wan immediately called Lu Han. "Lu Han?"

"Where he wants to meet?" Lu Han already knew that the caller wants to meet Kim Ji Wan when he heard Kim Ji Wan's voice it wasn't hard to guess that the caller contacted her.

"How do you.... He wants to meet me at convenience store at 3."

"Okay I'm almost done here I'll be back soon." with that, Lu Han hung up.

Unlike Kim Ji Wan he does not feel nervous at all. He is just a bit curious for why the Caller wants to meet Kim Ji Wan.


3 pm at convenience Store near Kim Ji Wan's House.

Song Hye Kyo wanted to have dinner with Kim Ji Wan and Lu Han She knew Lu Han mostly stays at Kim Ji Wan's House. Since today she is free it's a good time to spend with them.

Suddenly she saw (Lu Han) Kimchi entering the convenience store. As soon as he entered a man with red Hoodie approached him.

Song Hye Kyo frowned and wanted to go near but seeing Lu Han went with him without any hesitation Song Hye Kyo did not approached him immediately. Out of her instinct she followed him Secretly.


When Lu Han entered the store a Red Hooded man approached him. Without saying anything he just showed him the message to confirm his identity of Mysteries caller.

They find themselves a seat. There was only one or two customers around. So they got enough privacy to talk freely.

"I won't play around the bush... Read this." the Red Hooded Man pushed a file towards Lu Han.

There were date and pictures. With details of kim family. This guy has done through investigation on Kim Ji Wan's sister, Kim Ji Min who he claimed to be still alive.

There was a photo of 7-8 year old Kim Ji Min with a boy in the orphanage.

Next picture is about the accident which happened few months ago. During this time Kim Ji Wan was 5-6 years old.

But there were No other detail about Kim Ji Min.

"How could you say that Kim Ji Min is still alive?" Lu Han asked.

"She said that when she have enough power she'll go look for her family. Only Kim Ji Wan is still alive from her family I'm sure she'll come looking for her."

"You don't know where she is?"

"No but I believe she'll definitely come for you."

"How do you know and what do you want?"

"We both were in same orphanage but one day my real dad came and took me abroad with them. It's been 13 years now. She had something precious with her which belongs to me." after saying he pulled out a hand drawn picture of a bracelet. "she had this bracelet with her before we parted I just want You to inform me when she contacts you. Please... I know she'll definitely come..."

"okay Can I take this file with me?" Lu Han asked.


Lu Han left immediately after saying this he did not ask as for why he took ao much time to contact him as such questions because from what he had said Lu Han pretty much deduced their story.

After accident Kim Ji Min end up in Orphanage where she met this man.. When the Man was in abroad he still cannot forget about Kim Ji Min So when he was had powers he came back to look for her... Not finding her he changed his target and looked for members of her family whom she might contact.


Just as Lu Han left Song Hye Kyo came out of shelf and shouted at the man who was about to leave as well.

"Who are you?"

The man turned at looked at Song Hye Kyo in confusion.

"Why are you looking for Kim Ji Min?" She asked.

The man trembled a little before answering her.
