
First kiss...

'I've seen this picture somewhere... ah why can't I remember.' thinking to himself Lu Han reached Kim Ji Wan's House.

Just as he opened the door Kim Ji Wan ran towards him like a thunderbolt.


"Relax Sit first." Lu Han handed Kim Ji Wan a glass of water. "do you remember what happened during the accident?"

Kim Ji Wan nodded. "that accident is still very clear in my mind." saying this Kim Ji Wan's eyes become watery.

"My dad was a well known Artist but not many people knew his identity because he wanted a peaceful life. One of dad's close friend invited us to his party. Everything was going well.

On the way back I was sleeping but due to sister and brother's fight I woke.. I don't know what was going on. Dad was driving the car at that time. When he looked back at us suddenly a truck crash into our car.

I could vaguely see anyone but before dying dad hugged us and gave me his chain. "

" what about your mom?"

" I don't know. Dad never mentioned about mom. There wasn't any picture of mom as well. After the accident my dad's good friend came and took me abroad with him.

When I turned 16 I insist to come back here. This place was the place where my dad used to live before having us.

The paintings in the wall was his work as well. I opened a flower shop and nursery on the ground floor with the money dad left for me." Kim Ji Wan could not hold her tears back.

Although she was only a kid but she could understand many things at that time. When the caller mentioned about her family member she could not control her emotions because they are attached to her till now.

There wasn't a single day where she did not miss them. The chances of them coming back alive was zero percent. So, she only smile and carry on with her life.

Seeing her cry like that Lu Han felt bad he did not know even notice when he went to hug her. Feeling the warmth Kim Ji Wan cried a little more. Letting go of her all sorrows.

The picture of two hugging really could make others envy. The handsome man cried while hugging the woman in his arm. It was a perfect to make people emotional.

"It's fine.. Okay." Lu Han tried to comfort her. But listening to his words she started crying more heavily.

Finally, Lu Han could not handle crying Kim Ji Wan anymore. He wiped her tears with his fingers and captured her lips into his.
