
Feelings Cause Pain

We're so stressed out these days because we believe everything

needs to happen right now.

We forget that, everything happens

in perfect time.The world is changing day by day.

People around us is changing;

When it rains , everything gets washed , but our memories don't

The souls is never washed ; they always lingered around.

Now I'm sitting in a place which was once my palace ,my foot prints are still around .

I can see myself walking around a few years ago.

Now everything is silent

I can only hear the strong wind ,

that makes the greens move'n dance

there is no more kids playing around and no more people to talk


Hi everyone Is Nikki and this is my first short novel I hope u all enjoy reading it if you find any mistakes please do tell me, and i wish you all will love my writing and support me

Thank u

Nikkz_Diaryflyerscreators' thoughts