
Episode 33: Nice Game

Dara gets to the control room. He looks around and spots all that the camera sees. He decides to download the data and link it to his phone. It takes a few seconds as the connection there was high. He shuts down the system. “Camera’s down,” he said and runs out of the room and out of the building avoiding the gang that keeps on rubbing their eyes trying to see.

Jackson stares at the gang in front of him and realizes he would not get anywhere with these people. They got bored trying to dance as he kept losing him. He sighs. “Do you guys have water or something? I’m thirsty” he said

“Get out of here,” one of the gang members said

Jackson nods and walks out of the building. “Well, I failed,” Jackson said as he walks off

He turns around then shakes his head looking forward. The same goes for Henry as he gets beaten up and tossed outside the building. “I failed also,” Henry said as he lays on the ground trying to catch is breath