

In an ancient world where supernatural powers shape the fate of kingdoms, Steven, the despised son of a duke, struggles with haunting dreams and his inability to harness the common power, Dale. After failing the Knight Academy entrance test, Steven is abandoned by his family and encounters Martin, a mysterious and ancient warrior. Martin reveals the existence of Dest, a unique power system passed down through generations, and trains Steven to prepare him for the impending rise of the demon lords, the Villes.

Nagra01 · War
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21 Chs

The Chains of Fate

The vast lands of Eldoria, with their lush valleys and imposing mountains, stretched out beneath the gaze of Duke Robert, lord of these lands. His estate, Castle Eldoria, stood proudly atop a hill, its gray stone walls bearing the weight of centuries of history. Tall, narrow windows overlooked the village below, where cobblestone streets wove through fields of golden wheat and cottages with thatched roofs.

Steven awoke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest. The remnants of his nightmare clung to him like a suffocating shroud. He could still see the dark, twisted trees and hear the whispers of unseen figures. It was always the same dream, recurring night after night, leaving him drenched in sweat and gasping for breath.

Unlike the villagers, his room was large and adorned with tapestries depicting the history of his lineage. A grand four-poster bed with heavy velvet drapes dominated one side, while a carved wooden wardrobe and a mahogany desk filled the other. The early morning light filtered through the thick drapes, casting a soft glow on the polished wooden floors and the ornately decorated walls.

Steven sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, trying to shake off the lingering images from his dream. The chill of the stone floor seeped through his bare feet, grounding him in the present. He could hear the faint sounds of the castle waking up—the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen, the soft murmur of servants beginning their daily tasks.

A soft knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Enter," Steven called, his voice still thick with sleep.

The door opened to reveal Mr. Hudson, the family butler. With his immaculate suit, silver hair, and dignified demeanour, Mr. Hudson was the epitome of propriety and efficiency. "Good morning, Master Steven," he said with a slight bow. "Breakfast is ready. Your parents and Master Adrian are already at the table."

Steven sighed inwardly, dreading the encounter. "Thank you, Mr. Hudson. I'll be down shortly."

Mr. Hudson nodded, his expression neutral but his eyes observant. "Very good, sir. If I may, you look a bit pale. Is everything all right?"

Steven forced a smile. "Just a restless night. Nothing to worry about."

The butler inclined his head. "If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask."

As Mr. Hudson left the room, Steven took a moment to compose himself. He dressed quickly, donning a finely woven tunic and trousers, and fastening a leather belt around his waist. He pulled on his boots, made of soft, supple leather, and draped a cloak over his shoulders. With a final glance in the mirror, he left his room and made his way through the castle's winding corridors.

As he descended the grand staircase, the scent of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon wafted up to meet him. He entered the dining hall, where his parents and younger brother, Adrian, were already seated at the long wooden table. The table was laden with an array of foods—fresh bread, cheese, fruits, and a selection of meats. The aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air.

"Good morning, Father. Mother," Steven greeted, taking his seat.

Duke Robert barely acknowledged him, focusing instead on his meal. Lady Eliza cast a cold glance in his direction, her expression one of barely concealed disdain.

"You're late," she said sharply. "Again."

"Apologies, Mother," Steven replied quietly, reaching for a piece of bread.

Adrian, ever the bright spot in Steven's life, tried to lighten the mood. "Good morning, Steven! Did you sleep well?"

Steven managed a small smile for his brother. "Good morning, Adrian. I slept... as well as could be expected."

"Adrian, eat your breakfast and stop chattering," Duke Robert ordered, his tone brooking no argument.

The meal continued in strained silence, broken only by the occasional clink of cutlery. Steven's mind wandered back to his dream, the dark, twisted trees and the whispers that seemed to call out to him. He wanted to share his fears with someone, but he knew his parents would dismiss him, as they always did.

Adrian, sensing his brother's unease, glanced at him with concern. "Steven, are you all right? You seem distracted."

Steven shook his head slightly. "I'm fine, Adrian. Just tired."

Lady Eliza's eyes narrowed. "If you're too tired to fulfill your duties, perhaps you should take more care with your time. There's no room for idleness in this household."

Steven bit back a retort, knowing it would only make things worse. He forced himself to focus on his meal, determined to get through breakfast without further incident.

After breakfast, Duke Robert addressed his sons. "Today, we will be overseeing the training of the recruits. I expect both of you to be present and attentive. Understood?"

"Yes, Father," Steven and Adrian replied in unison.

As they left the dining hall, Adrian turned to Steven, his eyes wide with excitement. "Do you think I'll get to practice with the real swords today?"

Steven chuckled, ruffling his brother's hair affectionately. "Maybe. Just be sure to listen to the instructors and be careful."

Adrian nodded eagerly, his youthful enthusiasm a stark contrast to Steven's weary demeanour. Despite everything, Steven couldn't help feeling a swell of pride for his younger brother.

The training grounds were bustling with activity. The castle's courtyard was a hive of energy, with soldiers sparring and practicing their drills. The clang of metal on metal and the shouts of commands filled the air. Steven watched as Adrian eagerly joined the recruits, his excitement palpable.

Steven tried to focus on his responsibilities, offering guidance to the recruits and ensuring they followed the correct techniques. Yet, his thoughts kept drifting back to his nightmare. The sense of foreboding lingered, gnawing at the edges of his mind.

"Steven!" Adrian called, breaking through his reverie. "Can you show me that move again? The one with the sword?"

Steven nodded, forcing himself to concentrate. "Of course, Adrian. Watch closely."

He demonstrated the move, his actions precise and fluid. Adrian watched intently, mimicking his brother's movements with surprising accuracy. Despite everything, Steven couldn't help feeling a swell of pride for his younger brother.

As the day wore on, Steven's exhaustion began to take its toll. By the time the training session ended, he was drained, both physically and mentally. He longed for a moment of respite, but he knew there would be no such relief. There were always more duties, and more expectations to meet.

Returning to his room, Steven collapsed onto his bed, the weight of the day pressing down on him. He stared at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts of his dream and the challenges that lay ahead. He knew he couldn't face it alone, but there was no one he could turn to.

As he drifted into an uneasy sleep, the twisted trees and whispers returned, haunting his dreams again.

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