
[44] Step Forward and Face Your Death

Even if exposed, what did it matter?

Merlin remained unmoved.

When he employed his cunning tactics, he was mentally prepared to be exposed one day. Illusions, by their nature, left no traces. As a master of illusions, Merlin was adept at leaving no evidence behind. So, Merlin was highly confident that Alvin had no proof. Moreover, this fellow had a fatal weakness...

A misty vapor emanated from the incubus's deep purple eyes. He had long confirmed with Clairvoyance that the forces of the Vile King had not laid an ambush nearby, and even Vortigern himself did not come.

However, Morgan, also a great magus, was not as easily detected as Merlin. But at least incubus could judge whether she was nearby or not.

Merlin, upon receiving the results, couldn't help but be somewhat surprised.

"I originally thought you had some incredible reliance..."

"But, to my amazement, Alvin... you actually dared to appear here alone."

"Could it be that the madwoman followed you here? Is she your trump card? However, she definitely isn't within a twenty-mile radius, and it will take some time for her to arrive if she intends to come."

"If you leave now, return the chosen sword, I can pretend you never appeared, Alvin."

The situation gradually fell into Merlin's control. Consequently, his words began to soften accordingly.

On Incubus's face, that disdainful smile appeared, making Alvin feel disgusted.

"Otherwise, if I expose your identity here and now, do you think, within this circle of thousands of knights, you can walk out?"

"Merlin... don't..."

Artoria's anxious voice interrupted.

The girl's gaze moved back and forth between the two, feeling as if her brain had turned into a twisted mess.

Lies, truths...

It was impossible to distinguish.

Not to mention, both sides were people of great importance to her, and she was unwilling to doubt either party's honesty.

How could she make a choice?

Even if she made a choice, how could she be certain that her choice was right?

Her thin lips trembled, her palms clenched into fists, nails deeply embedded in the flesh. Her breathing became rapid and oppressive, as if something heavy was pressing on her chest.

Artoria didn't know what to do or how to proceed.

In her entire life, she had never faced such a perplexing and helpless situation.

Hesitation, uncertainty, dilemma...


The Knights of the Round Table were silent and stagnant.

Kay sighed faintly.

Gawain even crunched the hilt of his sword until his knuckles made cracking sounds.

He couldn't understand the relationship between Artoria and the guy in front of him, which could cause her such great distress.

In the midst of this complicated brewing, Merlin's mood became increasingly gloomy.

Ah... the state of everyone's hearts, everyone's tension, emitted a fragrant, rich aroma.

Merlin felt that he already had the victory in his hands.

Yes, the identity of the Son of the White Dragon was Alvin's fatal weakness.

As the son of the Vile King, he played such a despised and hated role. Even if Lily was willing to believe him, would his words have any credibility in the eyes of others?

On one side was the sage of Britain, and on the other side was the son of Vortigern.

Whose words were more believable, whom people were willing to believe, was self-evident.

There were so many knights here, Merlin certainly didn't want to conflict with Morgan. That would only result in a mutually destructive outcome.

"I'll give you ten minutes to consider, Alvin. If you don't leave, I will immediately lift the barrier and announce your identity..."

"Have you finished your nonsense?"

There was no imagined hesitation or anxiety.

Merlin's words were suddenly interrupted by the indifferent silver-haired youth.

Alvin lowered his eyelids, and in the iron-gray pupils, a profound sense of desolation seemed to permeate.

Staring at Merlin.

He seemed to be looking at... a dead man.

Gazing into the silver-haired youth's pupils.

Such palpitations, such unease, seemed to surge out of Merlin's chest again.

He suddenly shivered.

"You got one thing wrong, Merlin."

"Completely wrong..."

"That is, why I dared to come alone."

"Whether Lily believes me or not, I don't care. I just want to tell her the truth."

"As for my identity, there's no need for you to announce it; I will showcase my reputation myself."

The silver-haired youth lifted his gaze.

In those profound pupils, it seemed as if a dark flame was burning.

"Just, before that..."

"There's a debt to settle between you and me."

"You carefully planned the ritual to choose the king, right?"

"If I hadn't appeared alone here, how would you, this trash, dare to appear in front of me!"

"In enemy territory within arm's reach, what's behind you is the entire Knight of the Round Table, so what!"

"Today, I'll use your blood to open the way for this Sword of Selection!"

The tip of the sword trembled.

Held effortlessly in Alvin's palm, controlled by the acknowledged king.

The Sword of Selection now acknowledged, emitted a bloodthirsty clang.

A sword is a weapon.

The enemy of the king is the enemy of the sword.


Wielding the sword of selection, Alvin completely ignored the figure of Merlin in front of him. Alvin abruptly swung the sword, slashing into the empty sky. The dim sword light, for a moment, erupted like a solar eclipse, as if even the brilliance of the sun dimmed.


In an instant.

Merlin's expression changed dramatically.

As a master of illusions, Merlin would never reveal his true self. This virtual and real body, he had long used it as an instinctive technique, almost reaching the level of perfection.


Clearly, no magical energy was cast.

Clearly, no reconnaissance was done.

Yet, Alvin locked onto his true self in an instant and unleashed a full-force, brutal slash.

No time to dodge.

The body couldn't move in time.

It's more like even the nerves were trembling.


The word suddenly appeared in his mind.

As if witnessing a black rose, a symbol of decay, blooming inch by inch in front of his eyes.

No matter how he observed, no matter how he foresaw, no matter how he activated the Clairvoyance to the extreme!

Nothing could be found, any blind spot to evade...

Merlin was not adept at killing, especially when his expertise in illusions was shattered. He became like a fish out of water, flopping helplessly.

He could only take it head-on...

Merlin thought with a bitter smile. Relying on incubus's body to withstand it... He wouldn't die, but he would undoubtedly be severely injured.

In enemy territory within arm's reach...

Having experienced it, Merlin gritted his teeth and held onto his staff, preparing to cast a spell to escape after the severe injury.

At this moment...


A dazzling beam of light soared into the sky. Gawain suddenly wielded his holy sword!


It was high noon!

Under the sunlight, the Knight of the Sun received an endless blessing from the sun!

With such a level, he was absolutely confident. If facing a human, not a monster like Vortigern, he was undoubtedly invincible!


In an instant collision of shadow and radiance, they intertwined and began to annihilate each other.


In Gawain's shocked expression.

The radiance emitted by his holy sword was actually suppressed and devoured by that shadow!

This, damn it, what is this?!

Gawain recognized that Alvin possessed the power of devouring light, and his light attribute should clearly counter the shadow attribute!

His holy sword's radiance was completely swallowed, but fortunately, the opponent's attack was also deflected by the holy sword, grazing the magus's cheek, piercing through the soundproof barrier.


With the property of devouring light attached, Merlin's half face was instantly corroded into a bloody and fleshy mess, looking incredibly horrifying. His figure also rapidly dissipated into the wind.

"Ah, the guy who runs away when things get tough."

Watching Merlin fleeing, Alvin raised his eyes slightly.

He hadn't expected this strike to kill Merlin, but just making him show his true self was not enough to settle the debt.

"Gawain, well done... You did well!"

Alvin's gaze suddenly lowered.

Gawain's forehead was slightly sweaty, quietly taking a step back.

Except for the Knights of the Round Table.

The onlookers in front of Alvin spontaneously opened up a broad path, as if afraid of being seen by his gaze.


They couldn't hear the sound, but they could see that horrifying slash!

Clearly, Sir Gawain raised his holy sword to stop the violence, but this guy's strike directly disfigured the great sage Merlin.

If it weren't for Gawain's holy sword, then... couldn't it be...

"My sword... does not cut down those without names. I have never seen or heard of your name. Who are you..."

No more angry questioning.

Gawain's voice sounded low and solemn.

The light attribute of his holy sword should counter the shadow attribute of Alvin, and this guy's sudden appearance with silver hair and a strong sense of déjà vu...

Wait a minute, devouring light, a monster?!

Looking at the black knight with that intense feeling of déjà vu.

Gawain's heart overturned with a monstrous wave.

"Sir Gawain, there is one thing you said correctly."

The silver-haired youth twisted his neck, producing a crisp sound.

He smiled.

"That is 'Not Worthy.'"

Alvin suddenly waved his hand.


The chosen sword was once again inserted into a new gap in the stone in the square!

Not a pin drop could be heard.

Silence fell over the crowd of knights. He actually reinserted the sword back into the stone in the square!

The sword buzzed and vibrated, sobbing.

As if abandoned by the acknowledged master, it emitted a mournful clang.

"It's not that I'm unworthy of this chosen sword."

"It's that it's not worthy of me, this ridiculous toy is not worthy to confer honors upon me."


"I am the son of the White Dragon, Alvin Pendragon."


Chill spread under the sunlight.

Though it was a bright and sunny day, it felt as if the coldness of winter had penetrated to the bone.

Kay sighed, supporting his forehead.

The Knights of the Round Table faced an imminent threat.

Artoria closed her eyes with a bitter smile.

"Whether it's a duel or a group battle, whether it's an ambush or an interception, from this moment on, I give you all a chance to kill me..."

"I, Alvin Pendragon, alone, will face the two thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven knights present."

Alvin lifted his palm.

The sunlight was absorbed by him, shadows were torn away by him, and the two thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven shadows silently converged into the pitch-black sword in his hand.

Clearly it was noon.

But the town was covered in shadows.

The pitch-black knight stood in the center of the square.

Like a hole opened in the world.

He spoke calmly, indifferently, with no fluctuations in his voice.


"If anyone considers me guilty, step forward and face your death."

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