
Chapter 98: Vivian and Morgan

(Titus's (Lot's) POV)

You might have heard how Piccolo split into his two good and evil sides, right? Well, the same thing was the case for Morgan/Vivian.

Here is the simple lore.

Vivian was the fairy who forged Excalibur to fend off the White Titan that almost exterminated all civilization thousands of years ago. She then lived quietly on Britain. However, when the Age of Men approached, she retreated to Avalon, the paradise part of Britain.

It was at that moment a 'wish' to make Britain prosper rose when she saw wars on these isles. She wanted to come to the surface and bring all the inhabitants under her rule. However, as a Great Mother Fairy, a part of Earth's soul, she couldn't be partial and selfish. She also had to guard Excalibur until the fated King Arthur came to claim his promised sword.

So, much like Tamamo, Vivian split into two. One side remained in Avalon, guarding Excalibur, while the 'Original' self was reincarnated into the human world. She was born as a fairy with a 'Human aspect', later named Morgan Pendragon.

Now there is a distinction with the word 'aspect'. For example, I am a human with a Dragon aspect. Similarly, Morgan is a fairy with a human aspect.

But don't mistake Morgan and Vivian as mere evil and good sides. One just wished to unite the people with a selfish request while the other is fulfilling her responsibilities as an A-Lister fairy. However, Morgan was actually the 'real self' while Vivian could be called her 'Alter self'.

That's the simplest way I could explain the origin of Morgan/Vivian.

"Here is your tea, Milord," Vivian said as she handed me a cup.

I took the cup and inhaled its scent. Surprisingly, it resembled the tea Morgan used to make for me. I decided to simply enjoy the tea.

After confronting Vivian, I asked if she wanted to do things the hard way or the soft way. She chose the latter, and now I found myself in her palace, savoring tea.

'This place really is like a paradise. So beautiful…'

I was awestruck by the beauty of Avalon. I'd seen it on the Lostbelt 6 map, but in person, it was even more stunning. No matter how far I looked, all I could see were endless plains of flowers.

Vivian sat before me, exuding elegance. She looked like a ditto copy of Morgan, except for her blond hair. She appeared quite young, like Morgan in her teens. No, she resembled Artoria more than Morgan, with her blond hair.

(AN: Morgan Caster/Aesc first ascension.)

It was then that Vivian started to speak.

"Draco, also known as the Whore of Babylonia, came to Britain and met with all the high-ranking fairies."

When I heard the name, the cup in my hand broke from sheer rage. My blood boiled, but I managed to calm myself.

"Sorry, please continue," I said, asking her to resume while I cleaned my hand.

"And then… she gave us the 'Gift' to remain on the surface as much as we want," Vivian said, materializing a purple ball on her palm before handing it to me.

[Authority Forger: A 'Authority' given to a race called 'Fairies' to dodge Counter Force. It is actually a curse.]

Not surprised, considering how I am also constantly dodging the Counter Force. If the Whore of Babylonia emerged from my system or me, it means that she also possesses abilities and skills like me.

"She also informed us about you, milord. About your possession of otherworldly knowledge, detailing how we should kill you. It was the only exchange the Beast asked us to do."

Not surprised. I knew Drago couldn't confront me directly unless I completed all the main missions. Given that she was cursed by Tamamo, I expected her to resort to these pesky tricks. That explained why fairies were still on the surface, their population extending beyond Britain.

"That's the story," Vivian finished, looking at me firmly. "Do you wish to finish me off since I am also cursed by your nemesis?"

I smiled and shook my head, "Nah, I'll pass. Killing you means killing my wife." I smirked, "Besides, you are indirectly my wife, right?"

Vivian widened her eyes, "How did you…"

"You have been calling me 'milord' even though I never addressed my name or title. Your respect and shyness in your eyes also confirmed one thing: you actually share all the senses with my wife, Morgan."

That's right, Morgan and Vivian are two sides of the same coin. Whenever I kissed or flirted with Morgan, it felt like another person was watching me. At first, I thought Morgan knew something, but after confirming her cluelessness, I realized there was another entity, unknown to Morgan, looking at the world through her eyes.

And that entity was Vivian. Upon examining her behavior, I confirmed that Vivian was sharing all her senses with Morgan. It means that whenever I kissed Morgan, Vivian felt her lips being touched, along with all the other intimate moments I shared with Morgan.

"I-I have no idea what milord is trying to imply…" Vivian blushed and looked away.

I laughed and then produced Gungnir and Draupnir from my inventory. Placing them on the table, I handed Vivian a paper, "Can you combine these two with these specifications in the paper? My spear needs an upgrade."

As Vivian read the paper, several ticks formed on her forehead.

"Explosion, multiplications…" Vivian looked at me with a smile, "Milord, care to explain what all this is about? I think you are breaching the boundaries of reality here."

I mean, if I am going for the GOW route, I might as well create the real deal spear, right? Since there wasn't any mermaid who could make me one, I decided to request Vivian since she is the fairy who forged Excalibur, Excalibur Galatine, and Rhongomyniad.

I could also make one, but I couldn't give it the quality bestowed by a high-ranking fairy.

"Sigh~, then…"

"Oh, here is another request for the sword. Since you won't be giving it to anyone, might as well reforge it," I said, handing Vivian another paper.

After breaking Kyōka Suigetsu, I wanted a new deal. And since I didn't make Gawain, I wanted Vivian to reforge the sword with another aspect than the sun.

Vivian stared at me with blank eyes.

"O esteemed Mother of the Earth, I beseech thee, fashion this weapon, I implore. For I stand as the sole hope against the Beast's might, and thus, seek thy divine aid."

"Okay, please stop speaking like this. I understand."


Can't wait to get in my full Kratos mode.

I then got up to leave. I walked towards the lake to get back to Earth when I saw Vivian with a sad look.

I sighed and walked towards Vivian, taking her in my arms.


And sealed her lips.

Vivian was surprised and wanted me to push away but attempted in failure. No, she didn't even try to apply force, as if her body wanted to savor this pleasure.

After the soft kiss, we got separated with a silver string hanging between her lips.

"As I have guessed, you taste like my fairy wife. No wonder both of you are the same." I smirked as I looked directly into her eyes.

"We… we shouldn't be doing this… I can't sin…" Vivian tried to look for excuses with rosy cheeks.

"Don't worry, I am not cheating on Morgan. After all, both of you are the same person." I smirked, "In a year, I will be deflowering your other self's Garden of Avalon. Make sure to enjoy every ounce of our intercourse."

Morgan blushed hard, with smoke fuming out of her head.

I laughed and petted her head, "Take care of yourself. I will be coming again soon to take my weapon and the feedback of your experience."

With those words, I left Avalon.

"Are you done with the pesky works?" Kama asked the downed figure of mine.

"Yeah…" I sighed with relief.

After meeting with Vivian, I had to complete the meetings with Roman and other lords to make a treaty with them. Some agreed, some didn't, but I used some manipulation spell directly on their skulls. Now they would be fighting among themselves for quite some time. Morgan won't have to worry for a few decades about invasion.

As for fairies, Vivian would be calling them to Avalon as agreed. Most of the fairies were already retreated so I didn't need to worry about them anymore.

"Hmm, is your Roman wife going to be okay with you destroying her empire?"

Kama was right; with my tactics, the Roman Empire would collapse. Nero wouldn't be happy.

But it was bound to happen sooner or later. Besides, Nero also gave me her permission before being unsummoned.

"This is alright."

As the former advisor of the Roman emperor, it was also difficult for me to accept this fate, but nothing lasts forever. Morgan's new kingdom will also face the same fate, but I wasn't worried for now.

"If this is all over, then I am canceling the contract," Kama said and wanted to unsummon, but I held her hand.

"I am thinking of going on a date." I smirked, "Wanna check out some street foods here?"

"Ara~! Is my master thinking of cheating on her wife?" Kama grinned as she transformed into her second ascension.

"Nope, just a hangout. If it is satisfactory, we can go again in the future. That time, I will book a hotel." I grinned.

Kama blushed hard but beamed a smile in the end.

"Let's go then. The old lady on the second street makes some delicious skewers." Kama exclaimed with excitement after wrapping my arm around her bosoms.

With that, we began to make some new memories. In doing so, I also found out Kama's inner wish.


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