
The Sword of Rupture

Just like the original plan that Luo Wei, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu made in that room.

Gather and divide the gods in the sky.

At this moment, the god who stopped Anu, the king of the gods, was one of the gods whom they had drawn to their side.

Shamash, the sun god.

He is the star projection of the sun setting in Mesopotamia and is the god in charge of light.

But apart from these various divine identities, he is actually the great-great-grandfather of Gilgamesh by blood.

He was one of the few among the gods who, even as a god, could stand from a human perspective – that's why he accepted Gilgamesh's "wooing" and appeared at this moment.

He appeared in the high sky of the heavens, riding a golden chariot, looking at the hall of the gods.

Shamash's appearance was a towering shadow, covered in golden scales, with radiant golden hair, appearing as a man, wearing a crown like the sun, sitting on the divine throne of the golden chariot.

The twin eyes under that crown gleam in red and gold.

"Anu, the god of heaven, the father of all of us - you who have long since left the world behind when you came out of the highest hall, should have known that the end of the age of the gods is inevitable," the sun god looked at the god-king.

Anu, the god of heaven, said nothing, he just sat on his throne, clutching the scepter that ruled the heavens.

As Shamash said, long before the present, he had already retreated into the highest temple of the heavens, leaving the responsibility of managing the heavens and the earth to his grandson, Marduk.

"Marduk is already dead, brother Shamash, you must know,"

God Anu did not speak, but Ishtar's real body beside him spoke: "He fought with us against Tiamat, the primordial goddess of chaos, and died in battle..."

"I am well aware," Shamash looked at his 'sister.'

Ishtar's real body, appearing as 'Venus' and 'Sun' Shamash, both were born to the old man of the moon, 'Nanna.'

"But, Ishtar - since you have recognized the god Anu as your biological father, you are no longer of the same origin as me." Shamash said: "I am not your brother."

The Father of All Gods was just a title.

But biological father, on the other hand, was a whole different concept.

Ishtar recognized Anu as her biological father, so obviously, he has nothing to do with her..

"You..." Ishtar was stunned for a moment and then became a little angry: "What's wrong with me doing this?

Neither you nor Father wanted to claim this title.

So I considered the Father of All Gods as my true father and strive to preserve the honor I should have. What's wrong with that?"

"That's right, but it's also terribly wrong." Shamash stopped looking at his former sister.

In this timeline, various stories from the original myth never happened, and the Sun God maintained a distant attitude towards his 'sister.'

He didn't want to talk to her anymore, he just looked at the god Anu: "Anu, I know what you are thinking -"

The Sun God raised his eyes and looked upwards.

Above the dome of the heavenly realm, at this moment, countless stars were appearing.

These were the gods summoned by the Sky God Anu.

Anu did not speak, not because he had nothing to say but because he had already done what he wanted to do.

In his opinion, the sun god Shamash was completely powerless to stop it.

"But do you know what that wise man from the human world told me?" Shamash looked at the starry sky and suddenly smiled. "He told me that the gods of the present world will eventually fade away, but the traces of the gods will endure in a different form."

"At least several centuries from now, someone will write a code in the name of light and justice."

As he spoke, light radiated from Shamash's body.

It was no longer the light of the sun.

Instead, it was—

"I am the Sun God, the god of radiant daylight, and I will also be... the god of justice!" Shamash stood up from his sun chariot.

Gods inherently transcend this earthly dimension.

So, if they could look into the future, they could gather their future selves.

Five hundred years later,

Hammurabi, the king of Babylon, will promulgate laws in the name of 'Shamash.'

At this very moment, Shamash drew radiance and power from the future.

The authority belongs to him!

The invisible legal net, in an instant, enveloped all directions, completely obscuring the starlight that filled the sky!

So that it could no longer help Anu support the heaven and prevent it from falling.

"Brother, you..." Ishtar was shocked.

The King of Gods finally changed his color for the third time.

Shamash just laughed heartily.

"The next step - it's up to you, Sage Luo Wei!"

All he had to do was done.



In front of the city of Uruk, standing at the royal palace, Luo Wei heard the words from the sun god Shamash, and he couldn't help but smile.

Step by step, to this moment...

His grand plan for seeking a thorough death has finally reached its end.

At this moment, everyone raised their eyes.

They felt some kind of vibration in their hearts and sensed some inexplicable oppression.

At this moment, the sky fell.

Then the heaven floating above the dimension slowly approached the real world, and finally fell into the human world.

First the pale rolling clouds broke.

Then, an abyss-like darkness appeared, countless stars floated within it, and the Milky Way spread like a tapestry.

A massive hall rose in the center, countless shadows of mortals standing upon it, too dreadful to gaze directly at.

"Has it finally come..." Gilgamesh on the Starship of Stars had a serious expression, Enkidu's robe billowed, Ishtar unconsciously shrank her body to avoid the angry gaze of her true form, and Ereshkigal gently clenched her fist.

The gods in heaven shone with their radiance.

The hearts of all the people in the world boiled.

Everyone knew that the great battle had only just begun."

To bring the gods down from the heavens was merely the beginning.

Originally, they resided in the high realms, transcending the mortal world, powerful and untouchable.

But now, they have been dragged into the human realm and yet remain powerful.

Even if this power was no longer unattainable.


"Blaspheme our divine authority and wisdom, Luo Wei!" Anu, the god of the heavens, shattered his restraint. "We shall impose divine punishment upon you!"

"Kill them, just kill them... Even in this world, ruling the world here doesn't matter!" Ishtar's real body shouted, with anger in her words.

"I am the god of thunder and storms."

"I am the god of earthquakes."

"I am the god of plague."

"I am the god of war."

"In the name of us, the gods, we shall perform miracles here."

"This world... be destroyed!"

Magnificent sounds echoed one after another, and in the sky high in the sky, the gods all used their authority and strength

Fierce winds stirred, the earth quaked and roared, meteors fell from the heavens...

Endless natural disasters flooded the human civilization enclosed by the magnificent wall of Uruk at the same time.

This was truly an apocalyptic disaster.

A cataclysm that threatened the world.

A world ending disaster..

However, this was not the way Luo Wei wanted to die.

This kind of death would only lead to the underworld.

So he raised his hand, and in his eyes, the shadow of the "Key of the Heavens" intermingled and appeared before him—

Transformed into a shining, white, and adult-sized key.

...The manifestation of the Key of the Heavens.

Luo Wei ookes at the 'key' before him.

Amidst the rolling natural disasters, it struck.

But he suddenly spoke, and his voice followed, "Is this the key of the heavens...really the key of the heavens?"

The gods, who were still aloof despite falling into the world, heard this voice and couldn't help but be stunned.

But Luo Wei ignored Anu's reaction and went on to say:

"The Heaven's wedge, Heaven's Key, and Heaven's Lock are objects of the same specifications.

They are created jointly by the gods and are divine objects embedded in the human world.

The key is the core that connects the lock of heaven and the wedge of heaven."

"This was the explanation you gave me, gods."

"But why are the Heaven's Wedge and the Heaven's Lock both 'human,' while only the Heaven's Key is a 'thing'?"

If it weren't shattered or devoured.

The Key of Heaven, from beginning to end, has always been just an object, not Luo Wei himself.

This has been his ongoing question.

And... why is it 'Key of Heaven' and not 'Heavenly Key'?

Just like the name of a god.

The names of divine objects were never arbitrarily set.

But now, all these questions have been answered.

"The Key of Heaven, from beginning to end, has not been just a so-called 'key.'"

Luo Wei reached out and grasped the top of the 'key' in front of him, as if he were slowly peeling off its outer layer.

As the five fingers of his palm closed, the paleness of the outer layer of the 'Key to Heaven' quickly faded away.

What finally emerged was a special 'sword'.

The top was a golden hilt, and the body of the sword was intricately engraved with complex circuits, forming three connected cylindrical sections.

The Key of Heaven was a 'key,' but it wasn't just a simple key; it was also the 'key' that was used to stir up the chaotic world at the beginning of the formation of the star environment.

And it is also—

"The Sword of Rupture · EA!"

The most powerful Noble Phantasm that Gilgamesh should have possessed, the one he kept asking him about, known as the primordial force that created the world itself.

This was also the reason why Gilgamesh didn't get it.

The key of heaven is the Sword of separation.

Luo Wei is the Sword.

It was not the gods who bestowed it upon Luo Wei but the Key of the Sky that chose him, and the gods could not prevent this choice.

So, they had to disguise it as a 'key' in the hope that he would not be able to use this power.

Unfortunately, he saw through this disguise, and at this moment, he grasped it tightly, lifting it up—

Representing "heaven," "earth," and "man," when combined, it became a three-section spiral 'sword body' of the universe, rotating in an instant!

The red storm roared and rippled, bursting into the sky.

A golden thread rose up like it was about to split the world.

It was very similar to the previous scene where the three of them gathered together to exterminate thousands of monsters.

Because that was Luo Wei's power all along.

It was the might of the deviation Sword, revealed after he gained the magical support of Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

That time and that moment, and this moment as well.

Luo Wei looked up at the gods and smiled: "Gods...witness the beginning of the creation of the world.."

"From the high heavens."

"Fall completely!"

——God Anu, finally couldn't suppress his emotions...his color changed for the fourth time!
