
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · アニメ·コミックス
213 Chs

Origin and Truth

The military honor, award system, military rank system, and military cemetery—all of these began to be promoted in the Germanic Military Region under Artorius's control.

When compared to being buried in family graveyards, soldiers indeed preferred to be reunited with their comrades, even in death, and continue the fight together.

Located on the outskirts of Mainz, the vast and solemn military cemetery was an essential part of instilling a sense of military honor and spirit.

After finishing all the official business, Bedivere quickly ran off.

Though he lacked decisive abilities, his competence in handling tasks was reliable. In the study room of Camelot, sitting on the chair that originally belonged to his mother, Artorius slowly closed his eyes.

Just a little rest, a short moment.

His physical exhaustion wasn't too significant, but unexpectedly, his mind felt uneasy.

While he contemplated this, someone reached out from behind and began gently massaging Artorius's shoulders. The technique was skillful, relieving his muscle fatigue and, more importantly, easing his spirit.

"Thank you so much, Morgan..." Artorius said, opening his eyes and turning around to express his gratitude.

Then came a sound that seemed like anger and an astonished voice of "Huh?"

Artorius turned his head to look and realized that the person who had just given him the massage was not the imagined Morgan but his mother, Artoria.

Morgan stood not far from her, looking at Artorius and Artoria with a gaze that held envy, jealousy, hatred, and incomprehensible surprise as if finding it hard to believe such a thing could happen.

On the other hand, his mother, after a slight surprise, regained a calm expression.

"You've worked hard, Artorius." Artoria calmly said to him, completely disregarding the envious and resentful gaze of her sister beside her.

Artorius couldn't help but feel a slight sense of pride and joy in his mother's tone.

"It's nothing to work hard for. It's just a matter of duty."

"Though you say that, back then, I wasn't as outstanding as you. I struggled with handling official affairs..."


"Is that so..." Artorius closed his eyes again. "I thought Father wouldn't support my future plans."

"Why not?" Artoria said to him, "As per our agreement, the Holy Grail plan has already failed. There are no more miracles or fantasies to rely on. As you said, now if we want to save Britain, we must be down-to-earth. If we want to save Britain... no the world, we must work even harder. We may even have to... sacrifice some things."

At this point, she paused.

"Two days ago, after witnessing the actions of Sir Galahad... and you... I secretly made up my mind. I will support you, support your dreams and plans, and help you without reservation, my child. I will contribute all my power to assist you in fulfilling your grand ambition of saving the world and humanity."


"Thank you, Father... really..." Artorius felt slightly comforted by her words.

"There's no need to thank me..." Artoria said while reaching out once again to massage his temples. "I'm just regretful that I didn't come earlier when that happened..."

"Please don't mention that." Artorius interrupted her. "We're still together, and we'll continue moving forward, carrying Galahad's will with us."

"Yes." Artoria nodded. "What I wanted to say is, if it were me... I could do it too... I could sacrifice myself for you."

"But I don't want that..." Artorius said. "I don't want anyone else to sacrifice anymore... no more."

As Artorius said this, he held his mother's hand, feeling the gentleness beneath his seemingly strong facade. Artoria's lips curled up, revealing a tender smile.


She leaned forward, resting against Artorius's back. The scene appeared very heartwarming.

"I know... I know, Artorius... my child. You are the best choice, the best savior..."

Artoria said gently to her beloved son.

She said what she did for a reason that Artorius knew well—it was about his origin.

On the way back to Camelot, she finally confessed this secret to Artorius.

Just as Artorius had suspected, he wasn't a child born in the normal way.

The question he had always pondered since he was reincarnated was—"Who is my mother or father?"

He was feeling confused and lost.

Was Artoria his 'father' by using magecraft to become a pseudo-male and using her 'sperm', similar to how Mordred was born?


Was Artoria his 'mother' by genuinely giving birth to him, which means he had a real father?

All the previous answers were wrong.

It wasn't Guinevere, nor Morgan, or any women and any men—it was someone who never existed from the beginning.

He, too, was 'created,' a 'manmade' savior like Artoria herself.

Many years ago, his grandfather, King Uther, created Artoria and felt deeply uneasy.

On one hand, it was about the baby's gender, and on the other, doubt. Was this savior, created in such a way, really okay? Could she truly save Britain?

His unease troubled him and led him to make a decision.

To create another being, a stronger and greater child with a different method.

That was Artorius.

Using a better and more powerful heart of the Red Dragon and factor of Dragon, while also adding new concepts to Artoria's original template.






And of course, the most essential—Justice.

After all these 'concepts' were set, what Merlin acquired were the souls from 1500 years in the future, originating from who knows where, through means almost akin to 'True Magic' and 'Miracles'.

Blending all these perfectly would create a savior even more perfect than Artoria.

In terms of bloodline, Artorius had no connection to Artoria at all. Meaning, they were not related by blood. Yet, in terms of concept, he still belonged to Pendragon.

That was Artorius Pendragon.

"That's why, Artorius, you are a more perfect savior than me!"

After revealing this secret to Artorius, Artoria became somewhat excited. Why she always said he was more perfect than herself? Now, it made sense.

She had no hint of jealousy towards Artorius at all, who was 'superior' to her. She was simply filled with excitement and happiness.

"In recent years, I've been thinking—Have I done enough? Have I done good? Can I truly save Britain?!

My conclusion is no, I haven't done enough—not good enough, not plentiful enough. In the end, I fear I won't be able to save Britain—even though I've been trying my best. But, but... Artorius, you are different!

Your talent surpasses mine!

You can accomplish things I can't do easily!

You understand human feelings, you comprehend governance, economics, and agriculture, and you can ignite the passions of everyone!"

This was one of the reasons Artoria willingly stepped down from the throne upon Artorius's request.

It wasn't just because her efforts had ultimately failed.

It was also because she deeply understood Artorius's capabilities.

The gap between 'Father' and 'Son' was now completely stopped.

The era of the King of Knights came to an end.

Now, she was simply a knight fighting wholeheartedly for her beloved son.

Artorius also enjoyed this relationship. He relished Artoria's love and care for him. It compensated for the years they had spent apart, rarely seeing each other... It would be perfect if Morgan weren't present though.

"So, what should we do next?"

On the way back to Camelot, Artorius had already explained his plan to usurp fate to Artoria. After their tender moment, it was time to discuss the matter at hand.

"I've obtained all the necessary parts."

Artorius appeared confident.

"Even though the imaginary Holy Grail was used, I obtained the power of the True Holy Grail. Now, I'm like a human-shaped miniature Holy Grail."

"Really? Can you fulfill wishes?"

"Of course..." Artorius replied. "To a certain extent, I can fulfill any wish."

He wasn't lying.

With Galahad's help before his death, Artorius absorbed some of the power of the Holy Grail, and both his body and soul were evolving.

According to Morgan's calculations, the strength of his soul and the magical energy it contained surpassed the limits of Phantasmal Species. What's more important is that even in this state, Artorius was still considered 'Human' rather than a 'Phantasmal Species' or a 'God', allowing him to continue existing in the surface world.

In other words—True Magic.

If his speculation was correct, he possessed the Third Magic, 'Heaven's Feel'—the Materialization of the Soul.

As he said this, Artorius reached out his hand, and to Artoria's astonished gaze, Sword of Selection—Caliburn appeared in his grasp.

It was a genuine, magical, A-rank Noble Phantasm capable of firing a sword beam.


Seeing this scene, Artoria couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"You can do something like this?"

"Yes..." Artorius nodded, paying no attention to Morgan, who was swallowing her saliva nearby.

"So, I now possess the immense magical energy required to activate the spell."

"I've also found four people who can assist me in completing the spell."

"After that..."

"It's time to usurp fate."

Upon saying this, Artorius stood up, glanced at Artoria, and then at Morgan.

"Tonight, I will take you both to a certain place."

Artoria: "Hmm?"

Morgan: "Huh?!"

The former had a serious expression, while the latter looked at Artorius with eyes that seemed to say:

'This pervert and scumbag...

You had promised me various things before we departed for the Holy Grail, but look at how it has turned out now!

You rascal, are you not satisfied with me alone? Do you actually lust after your own mother, Artoria?!

And you even wa-want to do me and Artoria together?!

How wicked, shameless, and degenerate!

I love it.


Morgan maintained a calm demeanor on the surface but secretly swallowed her saliva.

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