
Training Arc.... I guess?

A/N: A little Slice of life(?) Anyway, I could've updated yesterday but I was with the Gang and decided to hit the studio, and record some tracks ya know? cooking beats and songs.

Now, I didn't proof read this, so they may be some grammar, sentences that feel outa place & stuff

Now, should I make Icarus like my previous Fic? you know, his constitution?


𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞.


I turned and twisted on my bed, completely ignoring the voice that called me.

I can faintly hear the voice sigh.

"Don't make me call Master."

My still form on the bed twitched. But I still refused to wake up.

"I'm definitely calling Circe."

I groaned under the covers.

"The fuck is wrong with you, woman?" I complained as I shot the owner of the voice a glare.

Medea, The princess of Colchis, Apprentice Of Hecate and one of the Future Grand Casters.

Standing at the foot of my bed, wearing the typical uniform of Hecate disciples. A golden cloak with a large cowl and big sleeves that came to her knees. The cloak has golden and white accents. Underneath is a white chiton(?)/dress That came to her ankles with a golden white belt. She's wearing a few golden bracelets and necklaces of magic origins that seem to be Mystic Codes.

(𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞)

She has purple hair and royal purple eyes.

And she's looking wroth with me.


'O mother Earth. Haven't I suffered enough?

"Nothing's wrong with me now, get up." Her annoyed tone only aggravated me.

Useless woman.

"I'm up. Now stop yelling, woman. By Hecate's magic, I'll blast you through the walls if you continue." I threatened.

Medea only smirked, "Like you can. Now get up, we have Potion Making classes."

I groaned again. Potion making.

In order to do Potion Making, you'll have to know magic herbs, magic beasts and all that includes throwing eyeballs in a cauldron and cooking them. Yuck.

Regardless, I've covered basic knowledge and spells of Magecraft. That includes Divine Words— complete, I had the incomplete version— and other package deals.

I grumble as I throw on the uniform similar to Medea but for males. Which…. Isn't that different aside from wearing a dress. I swear I'll never wear a chiton again— That shit is technically a skirt!— The uniform made me look like those Catholic Pastors. And I love every second of it!

"Urgh." For Hecate's sake, just let tomorrow be a free day. I haven't finished reading the scroll from Athena. I'm close to finishing it but certainly not yet.

There's some thing's the scroll revealed that I'm sure got distorted in the modern century or something.

Of them being Medusa and her sister's children of Athena. Shocking right? I know.

I mean, certainly they're not her's biologically. She only created a miracle and created them. I suppose….

This is of the things that got distorted by history or mankind or even the Gods.

They're many more but this one made him fall into stupor.

Apparently, mankind took one look at the current goddess and found them lacking. So they wished for perfect goddesses.

And thus, Athena took the wishes of mankind and crystalized them, and boom, Medusa and her sister's were born.

Kinda a fascinating tale to be honest. One that didn't hide, blur or censor its truth.

Regardless, life in the Underworld is stale aside from learning Magecraft. There's nothing to do besides reading and interacting with the souls here. Hearing their life story and grievance is interesting too. It's like getting an opportunity to watch a movie live.

—Icarus ignored the implications that he's slowly turning into the Mentality of the Gods—


Year Two.

The Underworld is silent. Everything in it is stale, still and serene. And thus the silence.

At first the silence bothered me. Hearing the silence pound my ears and brain almost made me go Insane— well, more insane than I already am.

The silence made me ponder things I'm not ready to. It didn't help with my identity crisis thrown in the mix.

I did like serenity and silence in my previous. But I guess that disappeared?

The silence in my previous life was of loneliness. Of no one understanding him or able to share and find common ground with his interests.

Regardless, I adapted. The silence no longer bother me now. It's even preferable over the moaning of the souls and Medea never ending chatter— such a deary place I live in—

And I got fellow simple like minded fellows who enjoys the silence with me.

Truly, If the mortals were to know that every three months I go on 'dates' with two incredibly beautiful Goddesses will froth at the mouth. They'll die by heartattack.

"Icarus?" I suppressed my instincts to turn the person who snuck up on me to a pig. Then probably eat them. Yes, I'm that distorted.

I camly regard the person behind me.

".... Hecate." I said, with my monotone voice. I found out that the longer I continue to use the Necronomicon and use Athena's scrolls to find the truth, my voice becomes dead. And my eyes too.

Hecate, wearing clothes similar to us but holding a metal staff, or can it be called a scepter? Nevertheless, she has platinum white hair and dark starry eyes.

Hecate thinly smiled warmly at me. Yes, Hecate smiles warmly at me. Hecate the Goddess of Moon, Witchcraft and other stuff.

It had been a strange turn off events. Something that we didn't discover until Medea pointed it out.

"Getting your usual quota of brooding?" Hecate snarked.

I reached up and wiped the stray of tears leaving my eyes. "... I've taught you well."

Hecate rolled her eyes. "I'll always be the best teacher between the two of us."

Modern terms are what I 'taught' Hecate and Medea. I find myself quite bored of the 'God, why hast thou forsaken me.' ancient Greek language.

"....Ooof. My own student denies me. Oh, what did I do in my previous life to have this much bad luck?" Dramatically, I clutched my heart and went to my knees.

The dry look that Hecate shot me can make a rainforest into a desert.

I chuckled and bumped my shoulders into her's. A gesture of affection.

Hecate smiled and shook her head in amusement. Nonetheless, she nudged her head to a room on my right and said, "There's something I want to show you."

My long sleeves whooshing silently as I followed her behind. Our previous action and mirth bleeding away from our expressions.

This is a dance that Hecate and I danced for numerous times. It has a certain familiarity in it that comforts me. That warms my heart and lit fire in my belly.

I refocus on the room we just entered.

The room is Hecate's library. A massive room with high ceilings and a long ass shelve that hits on the ceiling. Books, tomes, grimoires and scrolls. All types of information shelved neatly on the shelves.

The books or tomes, grimoires or scrolls held all knowledge ranging from mundane topics to Magical. Spells, Rituals, Concepts, Aspects of the universe and all that Hecate researched over the Aeons.

Not that all of them are available to us. Concepts and Aspects are unavailable to us. Because that's 'big' stuff, according to her. One small, insignificant mess up and a whole nation is gone. Or even worse, you can intrude on a Gods domain. Anyone with a brain can guess where that will end up.

So, yhea.

As we walked to the small table on the left corner, we found a scroll with an Owl stamp on it.

Hecate picked it up from the table and held it towards me. "From Athena." She airly said.

"..... Thanks." I nod towards her and open the scroll down for a few centimetres and nod. A golden magic circle appeared before him. I put the scroll on the circle and watched as it vanished. Gone, to my personal space dimension.

My almost dead fish eyes regarded her in askance.

She sighed exasperatly, knowing what I wanted to ask. It's something I continued to ask her for a year yet she continues to refuse me.

I expected the answer to remain the same. 'No, Icarus. I won't let you discover your own Ego— Origin.'

I want her to 'Unlock' my Origin, or as it's known here— Ego and my Element.


I nodded. Already expecting the answ.. re


"What?!" I exclaimed loudly. My calm and serene expression gone.

Hecate raised an eyebrow to me.

I winced. One thing I came to know is that Hecate hates noise. She absolutely despites it. I mean I related to her. I'm starting to dislike noise in general too.

— It's one of the reasons I continued to train with Her—

I clamped my mouth shut. Yet I still whispered, "Y-ou agree?" I can almost detect the disbelief in my own voice.

"Yes. And everything that will happen to you is not my fault." Her voice stiffened.

My demeanor returning to me. I agreed calmly. ".... Agreed."

"Such a little monsterous terror you will be."

I heard Hecate mummur and turned to face her. I almost regretted it instantly.

The overly fondess in her eyes and her soft smile that graced her face made me cringe.

I shooked my head and sighed.


Year Three

"Hello, Athena." I greet.

"Greetings, Icarus, Hecate. How's you?"

I smiled slightly. "... I'm fine. Flipside?"

A pulse of affection hit me as the muscles around Athena's mouth twitched into a smile. "I's fine."

The pride that surge within me every time Hecate, Medea and Athena talk with a slang near me is suffocating. The good kind of suffocating.

It's the pride you get when you corrupt innocent people. Either sexually or otherwise.

I sat down near Athena and let my legs dangle in the air as I kicked them slightly.

I let my head fall on Athena's shoulder as I hum. ".... Anything happening or—?"

Athena nodded. "The Trojan War has kickstarted."

I hum in affirmation. "....Are you going to interfere?" Every time I interact with Hecate or Athena, I always put them through psychological testing and stuff.

I'm currently the only mortal in existence that can influence their way of thinking besides Medea for Hecate due to me being their 'likeable' mortal. I think they're just being tsundere's, they fucking love me.

Athena quites for a moment. Likely running calculations, predictions and precognitions in her brain right now.

Well. Her precognitions are nothing but calculations. So they're predictions as she can't exactly see the future. Only use current variables, history of them and try to predict the future.

"67% of interfering. May increase as years go by." Athena intoned.

".... That much huh?" My dead, silent voice murmured.

"... Why don't you just kill her? Helen I mean."

Athena flinched in surprise. My reaction to her previous claim out of her predictions.

Call me callous or indifferent— I am— to human life but if a war that will murder almost hundreds of thousands of people, then to save them. You'll have to kill the cause of the war— Helen. Kill her and the war will end, divine Interference notwithstanding.

After a certain amount of time, Athena just shrugged.

"Gods and their entertainment. I, reluctantly included. If I do that then I'll be punished by Father." She then shifted uncomfortably. Probably thought I'll judge her— I will. I'll judge because for all my indifference and cold facade, I'm human at the end of the day. Seeing human life be treated as mere entertainment is galling. Seeing as my life is not much different from them, they too will push tragedy and annoyance down my throat just to be entertained.

I want to argue with her, saying she can change but I'm not naive. Gods rarely do change and when they do? It isn't good for anyone involved. So, I won't. I won't argue against cold, hard facts. I'm not a naive fool thinking he can change the world through words. If I want to change the world, then I'll have to make humanity go extinct and slaughter all that is divine. Magical beast's included. Unfortunately, I'm on the fence about that.

Regardless, I decided to broach a topic I was thinking about. ".... I want to build Mystic Codes." My voice deader than dead. Not betraying what I'm thinking.

Hecate, who's been silent since arriving here and had chosen to delve in her mind, reacted. "Plural… and why?

I can see Athena ask the same question too.

"....Assurance if nothing else." They're smart, they know what I mean.

"What type?" Hecate asked.

"Sword and a scrying mirror. Mystery, Apollo's main Domain and the concept of 'death' will be needed." I comment lightly. As if I didn't just request knowledge of one of the strongest concepts there is in the world.

Hecate shook her head, amused.

Athena smiled.

It's almost funny how Athena and Hecate humanise themselves when talking to me. To the point of being doormats before me, they're like a wet blanket. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought they're manipulating me through exposure therapy(?) —A/N: I don't know psychology that much. And I'm lazy at researching. Sue me—

I don't know why they do that but I think it's a subconscious effort. Something that they themselves don't know they do. But I do.

It's like they have thrown their God egos and came to me as a mortal.

Who would've thought that I'll have a civilised conversation with gods? Truly, the hold I have on them can make one arrogant. Make them believe they already have the world at their palms. I can admit that I've grown arrogant, no, prideful.

Oh, rest assured. It didn't take my anger at the gods or blunt it. It still burns stronger and stronger each day I hear the soul's sob story.

And for all my cosiness with them, I don't trust them. Not fully. No, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Cause I know, I know, it'll drop. Soon.


Year Four

It's been four years since I've been here. I don't know when I'll go to the surface world again but Hecate reassures me that it'll be soon.

Right now, I'm in Olympus. In Athena's library. Searching for clues of my Mystic Eyes. I mean they definitely know what they are, they've lived long enough to truly say 'Now, I've seen anything.' so it goes without saying that they know my unique type of Mystic Eyes but just to be on the safer side, Athena is searching for her scroll that she once compiled all Mystic Eyes in existence.

Worthy or useless, powerful or weak. All of them.

"So let me get this straight. My eyes can see through dimensions and literally anywhere as long as I generally know where I want to set my eyes on?"

Athena nodded.

"And I can.. potential dimension hop, see the forces of Fate and Destiny, Travel through time, see emotions and, the spirit and mind of the living?" There were a powerful Mystic Eyes then. I think there's no Mystic Eye in existence that can Trumph over this eyes of mine.

"Be grateful Father haven't found out. Otherwise… it'd be a shame to kill you." Athena commented slightly hurt. I can see the hurt and pain in her eyes.

I smothered the smile that was trying to grace my face. "...Good to see you care, 'thena." Just for this once, I tried to force emotions in my monotone voice. Try to force the affection in my tone cause I know if I didn't, it'll be like a brick trying to have a conversation. Something it'll fail at.

But it does raise concern in me that Athena and Hecate are already emotionally attached to me. This can be a curse or a blessing, anyone know what will happen when a god becomes Emotionally attached to something. Their 'love' is borderline obsessive to the point of harming you if things go side ways. Just look at Apollo.

I just knew that my personal power would skyrocket with these eyes. My magical capabilities will be compared to the likes of Scathach, Merlin, Medea, Circe and Solomon. The Grand Casters of the world.

Well. It seems I'll go Uchiha route then.


Year Five.

And then, the other shoe did drop.

