
Brand weapons

Simon, his bodyguard Desmond and the small group of artisans are returning to the village of the dwarves. After developing and testing some prototypes like the 'spider web', it was decided to move on to mass production. Simon wants to arm his company with the best weapons. With the opening of the strait in the land of monsters and the raids of bandits and foreign soldiers along the border, the men led by the boy have earned a nice nest egg and after spending a good part to raise the standard of life of Mountass, the rest it will be spent on armor, classic weapons and new weapons invented in the same village.

Knowing the group's arrival, the village chief Velda is standing in front of the huge gate of the walls. "Good morning to you commanded and a greeting to you, my son."

Simon upset "My son? Which of these dwarfs is the village chief's son? " And Igor offended " Me! Velda is my mother. " Desmond as repeating the thoughts of his childhood friend " Mother? "

Those present burst out laughing and Velda smiling "It is quite common among humans to confuse our sex. I hope you will experience it. I'm old and I do not care anymore, but some young girls might be offended. "

Simon lowering his head "I will do my best to avoid another embarrassing situation like this. Now if you want I would immediately show you the prototypes. It is from the beginning of the journey that I have not been able to use one anymore. "

A few hundred meters from the walls, in a meadow, the best craftsmen of the village witness the presentation of the innovative weapons brought by the young human. Enraptured. It was centuries since the same procedures and instructions for building weapons and devices were followed in the village. Legacy of the golden age of the dwarf clan, they had never been overtaken by new ideas. Today something had changed.

The following days the two boys, accompanied by Igor and his mother Velda, bought new armor, swords, spears, daggers, bows and arrows. The production and the purchase of the new weapons exclusively agreed. Simon also asked permission to the village chief to enlist some of the dwarves sent to Mountass for the first time.

The dwarves after a few weeks, as planned by Igor, asked to swear loyalty to Simon in exchange for other ideas that would satisfy their new yearning. Simon obviously accepted as long as Velda's permission.

Velda "I do not see the problem, every dwarf is free, besides if working with you will lead to continuous businesses like today, I would say that for us it is still an excellent investment."

Simon then receives the oath of loyalty of the small group of dwarfs. At the same time the usual feeling, a charge of energy passes through his body and all his subordinates bringing new strength, bonuses and abilities. The boy refrains from examining his status immediately.

In the evening, when Simon and Desmond return home to the chamber of the tavern that hosts them, the young commander examines his status. "The features have not increased, I think only five people do not bring major changes. But let's see the skills. Its unique 'minor runes' magic has evolved into 'runes' adding to the other two new ones. From the three blacksmiths dwarfs, the 'blacksmith' ability appeared on the list. The most amazing thing is the appearance of a new ability born from the combination of the two 'enchanted weapons'. Enchanted weapons! "

Desmond I hear his friend mumble loudly asks "Weapons what?"

Simon "Weapons enchanted! I am quite convinced that I can build enchanted weapons! But how?"

"Well you'd better find out here in the village."

The day after Desmond and Igor accompany Simon to the forge and then go to train.

Simon in the forge tries to understand the techniques of blacksmiths to find out how to merge them with the runes. Two days in a row to hammer and engrave. "What a sweat. It is the fifth weapon that mold and enchant. But like the others, after some time it loses its effectiveness like normal runes. "

The smith next to him "I heard about enchanted weapons only in legends. The runes are like this, if there is not a person who charges them with energy they do not work and once activated they work for a short time. Using Mithril you can make them last longer. But it works with small devices that need little energy to operate. "

"Yes, but I wonder why Mithril can keep the runes?"

"When I was a child, the elders told me that Mithril is a particular metal. It is not born in nature. It is generated where a dragon is dead. Probably the very magic of the dragon is infused into the metal. "

In the evening Simon returns sadly to the inn and prepares to dine with his two friends.

"A dwarf told me that Mithril was born where a dragon died."

Igor "It's true but nobody has ever seen how, it's been ages since a dragon is seen dying. I believe this metal was born thousands of years ago. "

Desmond "So it's like worms for normal corpses?"

Igor "I do not think so."

Simon "But if it were like worms, we could say it's alive. If he is alive he can activate the runes with his energy. Tomorrow I want to try something. "


In the morning the young man shows up at the forge with two goats and a rabbit. The experiment begins. Simon begins to forge the first weapon, a small dagger. During the preparation of the molten metal, Simon dipped a small amount of the rabbit's blood into the amalgam. Beating the metal, other small drops of blood are poured on the blade. Finally the incision of the runes using an instrument wet in the liquid of the animal.

The blacksmiths look at him fearful and upset.

Finished the dagger with the runes 'absorb' and 'return', Simon uses the instrument to finish the small agonizing animal. "I'm not proud of it but I think this is the right way. Today I will use these animals but I believe that magical beasts are more suitable. "

When the blade penetrates the fur of the animal, the 'absorb' rune lights up with a reddish light. At first the light is faint, followed by a flash and then the writing slowly begins to appear. Once the red light has disappeared, the 'return' light comes on with a very light blue light.

Simon takes the dagger and throws it against a wooden plank outside the forge. The dwarves around him remain open-mouthed when they see him come back alone in the hands of his shooter.

"Yay! This is a fucking enchanted weapon! "

One of the smiths "How did you do it?"

"Thanks to Desmond I realized that something not alive can not give energy to the runes, but if in some way it could give a semblance of life to the metal, then it would be possible. Mithril has the life energy of Dragons dead thousands of years ago, so it can run runes for a short time. If the vital energy is fresh, it will have more strength. Obviously a small rabbit does not have much energy. This is just an experiment. "

In the last three days, Simon forges weapons using goats and some magical beasts. Desmond catches him some sapphire hawks, a poisonous boar and a shapeshift wolf.

Simon manages to create a shield using the two goats. The metal is engraved with the 'charged' rune. Two swords infused with sapphire hawks are engraved with 'sharpened' runes. "The shield is for George, the swords for Michael, John and Igor, the dagger for Selin. For you Desmond I enchant this ax with the poisonous boar. I found it was strong enough for two runes due to its affinity. The weapon has the 'charge' rune as the shield and rune 'paralysis'. What does not crumble will be consumed by the poison. For me, however, I tried to use two animals for my halberd. The sapphire hawk for the 'sharpened' rune and the shapeshift wolf for two 'shapeshift' and 'power'. I'll have to try it but I'm quite satisfied in fact I signed it on the blade and so yours too. If you do not take offense, however, I will sleep on the wagon all the way. I'm tired dead. "

Desmond takes the ax in his hand and after having waved it a couple of times he pulls it down on a barrel by activating the 'charged' rune. The barrel explodes due to the force of the blow and the blow of air that flows from it.

"I do not know if the poison will ever serve. Enemies must survive such a blow in order to be poisoned. To exploit the 'paralysis' ability I think I'll have to find an opponent big enough to resist the first shot "

The group gathered in front of the forge observes for the first time the young warrior laugh out loud.

Velda standing near Igor whispers to his son "I bet you had not even thought that by following him you would have seen some legendary weapons used by young boys to defeat a formidable barrel!"
