
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · アニメ·コミックス
215 Chs

Chapter 99 - Relaxing day

The birthday party of Illya, Kuro and Miyu has done successfully without any disturbance. And Illya feel very relieved because of that even though there is some event that making her really angry at the hotel her birthday party can be considered as a good party.

Tatsuko who didn't attend the party because of her job shockingly gave a nice gift to Illya, Kuro, and Miyu in the form of three necklace that made from silver with a nice heart shaped pendant as a decorative pieces. Tatsuko gift made Mimi, Suzuka, and Nanaki feel shocked. Because they didn't think that Tatsuko can give a very nice birthday gift to Illya, Miyu and Kuro.

Illya, Kuro and Miyu also feel as shocked as their three other friend. Because Tatsuko doing something that they didn't expect. For someone who can't be said in borderline insane in mentality, Tatsuko giving the three of them something normal. Even more normal than the gift from Suzuka and Nanaki.


At the beach, after the birthday party is over, Illya and the other is liedown at the sand under the big umbrella to protect their skin from the sunburn. They already sunbathing before so this time they decide to take a nap at the beach while enjoying a nice breeze. When Mimi, Tatsuko, Suzuka, and Nanaki already fall asleep after they feel sleepy because of the breeze. Only Illya, Kuro and Miyu who still wake up because the three of them is still chatting.

Suddenly their chat is interrupted when Tatsuko mother Stella has appear in front of them to talk about something with them.

Illya, Kuro and Miyu can only nodded to the request from Stella, is impossible for them to denied the request when Stella asking them so politely.

Tatsuko mother said to them that Tatsuko use all of her savings money to buy the birthday gift. She said that Tatsuko really gratefull to Illya, Kuro and Miyu who always nice to a strange girl like her. So to thank them her best friend, she will giving them the best birthday gift that she can afford with her own money.

Illya, Kuro and Miyu always think Tatsuko as a crazy, weirdo and stupid girl who cannot thinking straight and always want to made a chaos. But turns out, Tatsuko can also think and do normal things if she wants. According to her mom, Tatsuko doing something random and disturbing because she suffer a hyper active syndrome like a little kid but her hyper active sydrome is much more worse that ordinary person, and because of that Tatsuko have a urge to move quickly and randomly until she hit other people or a things, Playing too rough to the point of hurting other children even herself, talking continuously without a rest, annoys others people, moving continously and randomly even when she sitting, difficulty to focus on something other than the thing she loved.

All the symptoms of the hyperactive syndrome on Tatsuko is double and triple that ordinary kid, and because of that is hard for Tatsuko to made a friend. Tatsuko mother Stella, feel relieved and happy that Tatsuko still had a friend like Illya, Kuro, Miyu, Suzuka, Nanaki and Mimi. Who still want to befriend her daughter even though her daughter is a weirdo...


Illya first met Tatsuko when she was in grade 3 elementary school, when they met, Illya felt a little strange seeing Tatsuko's abnormal behavior.

But after interacting for a few days with Tatsuko, Illya realized that Tatsuko wasn't a bad person to befriend. Tatsuko's cheerful nature and silliness made Illya feel happy to be around Tatsuko.

Even though sometimes Tatsuko made Illya feel really angry with her stupidness, she can't stop being her friend. Because her school life will became boring without, Tatsuko existence. And Tatsuko will feel lonely without Illya and all her friend. Because they need each other, Illya still wants to be a friends with Tatsuko until now.


When Illya, Kuro, Miyu are still chatting with Tatsuko mother. Irisviel, Kiritsugu, Sella, and Lizz came back to the hotel to take a break and enjoying the luxury facility inside the hotel.

The four of them felt very happy, being able to enjoy a luxurious vacation to rest from the busyness and work they used to do every day. Well, that only applies to Sella and Kiritsugu, because for Lizz and Irisviel who are lazy every day is a vacation for them.

In the corner of the olympic size swimming pool, Irisviel and Lizz is relaxing on the lounge chair while wearing a sexy bikini, and they even using a sunglasses to look more stylish. While Kiritsugu and Sella swimming on the pool.

After Kiritsugu finished swimming more than 10 laps in the pool, he decided to take a rest in one of the lounge chair beside his wife.

Since Kiritsugu was always busy at work, he barely had any time to rest. So a luxury vacation at a hotel like the one he's currently doing is a rare opportunity to relax and unwind that he couldn't possibly miss...


Shirou and Rin walking together at the beach enjoying the nice view around them. They both decide to go on a date, in the free time after Illya's birthday party.

"Sigh finally we both have a time to be alone," Rin said while holding Shirou arm.

"Yeah, we already became a couple for many month," Shirou said. "But I think this is a first date for us."

"With all the girl around you, who always in heat when they seeing you. Is hard for us to have a date," Rin said. "Is really a miracle that Asia and Arturia entering the eating contest, Luvia busy in the drilling project to get the eight card, and Ryuudou decide to resting in his room after have a heat stroke. While Illya and Kuro is busy chatting with Stella-san. And because of that we can have a date even though is not that romantic."

"A beggar can't be a chooser, Rin," Shirou said while embrace Rin body. "Let's just enjoy our date while we can."

"I-idiot," Rin said with a blush on her faces. "Don't say something like that when you embracing me!"

Rin tsundere reaction always made Shirou feel happy, he never feel bored seeing Rin tsundere moment.


Bazzet Fragra Mc Remitz feel really angry and frustrated right now. Because the debt she own to the Edelfelt she must do a lot of part time work. From became Luvia maid like Miyu, became a mascot in the amusement park, working as a receptionist at the hotel, a construction site worker that work at night, and right now she must became a ice pop seller at the beach.

And because she selling the ice pop far more expensive that the actual prices. Her ice pop didn't selling really well from the morning till the afternoon right she can only sell three ice pop, and that's because she forced three poor little kids to buy ice pop from her.

But inside her heart she still very spiritful, and even though her credit card has been canceled and she cannot go home to England because she didn't have a travel expense. But she doesn't want to give up, she will pay all of her debt by working as hard as she could. She even eating a grass by the roadside to save a money....

Author Note: Next will be a continuation of Shirou bad luck on the bed..

Read advanced chapter at Pa. treon.com/Raylight25